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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:55 am
by dankbaar
francois bertrand wrote:10 shots... too much... most people heard 3 or 4 shots...

Never heard of silencers?


Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:55 am
by Giovanni
Yeah, I have. It makes no sense when some shooters have silencers and others don't.

And, why did some of the shooters leave their guns behind?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:57 am
by dankbaar
That assumes a precoordinated plan, with all shooters knowing about each other's part.


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:49 am
by Andre Murel
Is there a visual overview to go with the shooters?
I mean something like a map where the shooters were located?


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:26 am
by dankbaar
Andre Murel wrote:Is there a visual overview to go with the shooters? I mean something like a map where the shooters were located?Andre

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:58 am
by Andre Murel
dankbaar wrote:Andre Murel wrote:Is there a visual overview to go with the shooters? I mean something like a map where the shooters were located?Andre

Thank you

Throat Wound

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:45 pm
by LiAnn Simpson
OK, guys my theory is that there had to be a shooter on the freeway overpass as well. Kennedy's throat wound that went right through his tie knot was designated as a wound of entry (quite small unlike the autopsy photo). Could it also have been the bullet that went thru the windshield first that hit him? Has anyone checked the trajectory of that? I don't know exactly where the bullet went in on the front windshield.
When I look at the trajectory on Google Earth, it seems that for a bullet to go straight thru either the windshield or hit kennedy square on in the throat it would have to have been fired from the freeway overpass.
Check out Dealey Plaza on Google Earth! It is a free download.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:11 pm
by Ian Irving
LiAnn, I would like to back you up on that theory. My idea is that the throat wound entry shot came through the windshield from a location in front of the car, at a relatively low angle. I also think that this may be why ear-witnesses reported a sound like a firecracker - a windshield splintering as a bullet passed through could well sound like a firecracker (though having never fired a bullet through a windshield what would I know??).

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:51 pm
by LiAnn Simpson
Ian, you are exactly right! I just remembered a kid shot a pellet gun thru our garage window one time and it made the same sound! Like a whip cracking or a firecracker. Is it any wonder the limo was gotten out of town so quickly? They are still in denial that there was ever a bullet hole in it, ok, then where's the proof that it wasn't there?? Gotten rid of quickly, just like the President's brain, Oswald, the curbstone damage from the bullet that hit James Tague, and many of the eyewitnesses. Mr. Bugliosi, are you listening??? I have nowhere close to the intelligence it takes to solve crimes like this but even I can figure this one out!!!!

Response To Ms. LiAnn Simpson and Mr. Ian Irving:

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:29 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Ms. LiAnn Simpson and Mr. Ian Irving, and Fellow JFK Members,

There was no bullet hole through the front window of JFK'S automobile. The exit wounds from JFK'S head and face merely cracked the front windshield. I have seen the pictures of the windshield. There is no bullet hole. The car was cleaned to remove JFK'S blood and brains that proved that he was hit from the Grassy Knoll. These pictures have also been previously posted on the JFK Forum.

JFK was not shot in the throat.

The hole in JFK'S throat was an exit wound from Jimmy's Mercury Tipped
Hollow Point fired from his Remington Fireball, along with the other exit wounds through JFK'S face that had to be filled in with wax. I previously also posted this over 4 - 5 years ago on the JFK Forum after a lunch meeting with Jimmy.

This was all previously discussed on the JFK Forum by myself, and Wim Dankbaar. Wim originally disagreed with Jimmy and myself about the exit wound. However, Wim has changed his position on this issue. You will see that Wim disagreed with me when the book Files on JFK was originally published. But then, changed his position.

A bullet could not go through the front widshield, because of the angle, and the temprament of the glass.

Even if the bullet went through the windshield it would have been flattened, and could not have made a small entry wound. It would have made a very large entry wound.

And if a bullet went through the window, and JFK'S throat, where is the exit wound from the throat ? Throat wounds are to one of the softest, smallest area of the body, and can not stop bullets from complete penetration.

This is all on the JFK Forum.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.