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Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:02 am
by LiAnn Simpson
The election was nearly a year away and alot could happen in between. Kennedy was pulling the advisors and troops out of Vietnam beginning in December 1963. Your point is well taken, however, and if you look at that issue seriously then you have to conclude that it was a revenge killing first and foremost, i.e., mafia boss Carlos Marcello's revenge for being deported and Jimmy Hoffa revenge for the Attorney General's heat. But the mafia did not have the power or prestige to make anything look legitimate, they were just in the killing end of it. It would take high level people to pull the whole thing off and keep the public and media at bay. By killing Kennedy, the election, was in effect, "fixed". Ironically the CIA was in the "election fixing" business and got away with it wholesale overseas. It is a little more difficult however to get away with it here, too much media, and 50 states to have to contend with. Also, blacks had barely gotten the vote by then and they would have blown the whistle immediately.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:20 am
by Ian Irving
"If the goverment wantd kenndy out of office so bad then why wouldnt they wait a few months till the election then fix it so he lost soo much easier".

As usual, Ricky poses a good question. My take on that is that LBJ could not wait that long. Bobby Baker and Billy Sol Estes were going down the tubes and they were going to take LBJ with them. In fact some estimates suggest that RFK's Justice Department would have been arranging for LBJ to be arrested perhaps as early as December 1963 for his role in all of the corruption and murder that could be linked to Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker, Billy Sol Estes.

LBJ had no time to spare, even with his big pal J Edgar around to protect him. So while Hoover might well have made sure that LBJ was not convicted (i.e. just deliberately foul up the investigation) LBJ could not take that risk.

Besides, it is pretty reasonable to assume that JFK would have won the election in '64. It would have taken a lot to unseat him (though maybe the sex scandal stuff that Hoover held could have done the job).

Which takes us on to another point; why didn't Hoover/LBJ just destroy JFK politically by releasing all the sex scandal info? Because they hated his guts and they actually preferred to shoot his head off; it was the Texan way of doing things then.

1964 Election

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:03 pm
by LiAnn Simpson
As far as exposing Kennedy's "escapades", well, it was 1963 and you have to look at what the media could and could not talk about due to censorship. Our Judeo Christian Puritan ethic was still "somewhat" in effect, Americans have always been somewhat skittish about discussing sex. Ah, the good old days. Lucy and Ricky were still sleeping in separate beds. Ironically the media back then preferred decorum over truth. They wouldn't speak the truth of sex scandals but they would lie about who killed the President.
Ian speaks the truth about LBJ. The man was a maniac literally. He had been diagnosed at one time as a manic depressive prone to fits of rage and out of control behavior.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:29 pm
by Ian Irving
Characteristics of a psychopath. LBJ meets every single criteria!!!!!!!!!

• superficial charm
• self-centred & self-important
• need for stimulation & prone to boredom
• deceptive behaviour & lying
• conning & manipulative
• little remorse or guilt
• shallow emotional response
• callous with a lack of empathy
• living off others or predatory attitude
• poor self-control
• promiscuous sexual behaviour
• early behavioural problems
• lack of realistic long term goals
• impulsive lifestyle
• irresponsible behaviour
• blaming others for their actions
• short term relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• varied criminal activity

The other thing that LBJ got away with was the rape of numerous White House secretaries. He would just routinely turn up in their bedrooms whenever he was away from home and say, "Move over honey, it's your President" Creep, as well as a murderer.


Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:38 am
by LiAnn Simpson
As it is often said, the strongest motive for murder is self-defense. Between the Mafia and LBJ, Kennedy never had a chance.
Also believe it or not, Kennedy was more popular in Texas than LBJ and it really made him seethe.
Last but not least, J Edgar was under constant threat of exposure as a homosexual, but again, our media was always reluctant to talk of such things, everyone was totally in the closet back then.

Re: Who would've wanted Kennedy alive?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:21 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.14.2007 - Mr. John Hines Posted this interesting Headline that started me thinking back then even more deeply.Since then I have developed and toyed with two (2) lists ?1. Who would have wanted JFK alive, and why ? - What are today's logical extensions of this thought process ?2. Who would have wanted JFK dead, and why ? - What are today's logical extensions of this thought process ?It's an interesting exercise.What are your thoughts ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.