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Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:36 am
by Dangerous Dan
This entire situation of disinformation and subterfuge regarding the assassination of JFK could be put to rest with the truth on the tombstone if our Congress would have the courage - before we are too old - to call Dennis David, Jimmy Files, Judyth Baker and me before Congress to tell what we know from personal experience (direct knowledge) of the killing of JFK and the cover-up activities. I trust Wim Dankbaar and Judyth Baker to be citizens of the world who live for truth.Dangerous Dan

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:47 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Dangerous Dan wrote:This entire situation of disinformation and subterfuge regarding the assassination of JFK could be put to rest with the truth on the tombstone if our Congress would have the courage - before we are too old - to call Dennis David, Jimmy Files, Judyth Baker and me before Congress to tell what we know from personal experience (direct knowledge) of the killing of JFK and the cover-up activities. I trust Wim Dankbaar and Judyth Baker to be citizens of the world who live for truth.Dangerous DanThis might sound like a silly question, but what is Congress and Justice Department waiting for? The only answer I can come up with is that the real perpeTRAITORS are still in power. That really makes me angry because we TAXPAYERS pay their salary. They're supposed to be working for us.

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:09 pm
by Bob
Dangerous Dan wrote:This entire situation of disinformation and subterfuge regarding the assassination of JFK could be put to rest with the truth on the tombstone if our Congress would have the courage - before we are too old - to call Dennis David, Jimmy Files, Judyth Baker and me before Congress to tell what we know from personal experience (direct knowledge) of the killing of JFK and the cover-up activities. I trust Wim Dankbaar and Judyth Baker to be citizens of the world who live for truth.Dangerous DanI also trust Dangerous Dan to be a citizen of the world who lives for truth. Dan is a REAL American patriot, unlike a LOT of these fake heroes that talk a big game, but they NEVER walk a big game (like not fighting in combat like AWOL Dumbya and 5 Deferment Dick Cheney) and they only walking they do is stomping on the U.S. constitution.

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:32 pm
by ChristophMessner
Somehow it would be a shame if the Netherlands have to tell the American, what really happened on Nov 22nd 1963 and after, but in the end generally it should play no role, from where the truth process comes. Recently I mailed to Arlen Specter, whether it is not high noon, to tell people the truth about this magic bullet tale! We world citizens have the means to mail to any member of parliament at once in serial mails and convince them, that it would make the US only stronger, if they would bring back the country to integrity. Of course mails are only a minor tool, we have mouths to speak and fingers to dial and hearts to fight, too.

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:24 pm
by John Beckham
"Most Americans are not tought to think for themselves. Instead they are - like a herd of sheep - being brainwashed to adhere to authoritive messages, cranked out by corporate owned media."i guess you'd know being Dutch!

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:34 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
John Beckham wrote:"Most Americans are not tought to think for themselves. Instead they are - like a herd of sheep - being brainwashed to adhere to authoritive messages, cranked out by corporate owned media."i guess you'd know being Dutch!Don't worry, John. Wim wasn't singling Americans out. He wrote at the end this: Oh, and by the way, it's the same here in Europe Fletcher Prouty described being overseas when he saw the first news of the JFK assassination and of Oswald's arrest. I believe he was in Sweden if memory serves. He's interviewed in TMWKK. Anyway, given the time differences, he figured that there was NO WAY they could have gathered as much information about Oswald to present in the newspaper he was reading unless they had written the story BEFORE the assassination. They even had a picture of Oswald in a coat and tie. Anyway, it certainly does happen in Europe too, and Wim agreed.

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:32 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
It looks like Thomas Jefferson knew about manipulation of the press and its effect on public opinion and therefore on what opinions we form. "Printing presses shall be subject to no other restraint than liableness to legal prosecution for false facts printed and published." --Thomas Jefferson: Draft of Virginia Constitution, 1783. ME 2:298, Papers 6:304 "The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." --Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823. ME 15:491 Is it really the fault of the people when information is manipulated? The disinformation, or deception as I'll call it here, goes beyond false statements. As an investigator, I was taught a little about how deception works. Deception is a bigger set that includes within it such things as false statements (lying), and omitting material facts to paint a different picture of things, or distraction. Most people (and presumably people like Posner and Mack) will be very careful not to be caught in an outright lie because then they're stuck making those statements. They will take the easiest route first. What is the easiest way? Distraction is the easiest way. Omission of facts is the next easiest because it's telling the story like it happened but leaving out crucial facts. Making outright false statements is the most difficult because then the person is nailed down. So, a person or entity that wishes to deceive will most likely try and distract or change the subject of the discussion to avoid the issue. If pressed further, they will just leave out crucial facts. That way, if they're cornered on the issue, they can say, "Woops!" Lying is the most difficult and last resort because then they're stuck. For example, Posner can actually say that he didn't lie when he said what he said about Ferrie not being in the LCAP with Oswald. Posner said in that clip posted by Bob that he (Posner) had looked at "documents" that said that David Ferrie was not in the LCAP with Oswald. We all know this to be false just based on photographic evidence alone not to mention at least two members of the same LCAP who knew both Ferrie and Oswald were in the LCAP together. Technically, Posner didn't lie. He used the word "documents." What "documents" is he talking about? "Documents" could mean anything. Maybe some schmuck wrote him a letter saying that he was in the LCAP with Oswald and that Ferrie was never there. Who knows? He can, therefore, make a follow-up public statement saying that he didn't lie and had actually looked at documents. All the public will see is that he DIDN'T lie. Now...did he deceive? Absolutely!It's the same with Gary Mack. His phrase that he uses for wiggle room in his argument with Wim is "hard evidence," such as saying that there is no "hard evidence" of a shooter from the grassy knoll. I still would like to know what he defines as "hard evidence," because it's obviously not the same type of evidence that is required in a criminal or civil court. You have the Zapruder film showing the head being thrown back (a fact that any forensic investigator will say most likely indicates a shot from the front), you have acoustic tests placing a shot on the knoll, scores of witnesses saying that they saw or heard shooting from the knoll, James Files' story corroborated by evidence like a shell casings found, Chauncey Holt's and Tosh Plumley's statements, and yet Gary Mack apparently doesn't consider any of these pieces of evidence to be "hard facts." None the less, Gary Mack can make that statement and not be technically lying because he can still claim that none of those pieces of evidence meet his definition of "hard facts." Is he guilty of deception? ABSOLUTELY! With regard to newspapers, they can print false statements or facts, and if they make a mistake, it's often not as public, and the effect on most people is the same. They might print a retraction or correction, but it won't be in big letters on the front page of the newspaper. Time Magazine (It might be Life Magazine), for example, printed frames from the Zapruder Film and they reversed two of the head-shot frames, which made it look like JFK's head went forward. They printed this well before the public ever saw the Zapruder film. (There was no internet or YouTube back then.) When that magazine was put to task for this error, they admitted that they made a mistake and called it a "printing error." The effect on most of the people who read the original magazine article is the same. Most of them didn't even know that a "printing error" was made. They saw the pictures or frames from the film and mistakenly saw JFK's head going FORWARD at the head-shot. It's the same with Dan Rather. He went on TV and said that he saw the Zapruder film and that JFK's head was thrown violently FORWARD. He could claim that he was excited and not thinking straight after saying that, but the effect is the same. Most people remember him saying that, and they TRUST him to tell the truth. Given all this, can the people be blamed? Who's really to blame for dumbing down the masses? Who owns these main-stream-media sources? I think that might be a rhetorical question.


Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:56 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.19.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.18.2007 Wim Dankbaar Posted this Accurate, Provocative Headline. Today, I think it is even more relevant, and probative, and certainly more so as time goes on. Where will America be in 5 - 10 - 20 years and more ?Think about it.But even more than that, I detect that educated, and well read foreigners like Wim Dankbaar, Christoph Hans Messner, Adries, and others seem to possess a better perspective and understanding of Americans, American Society, American Culture and lack thereof, and American Politics and War today, and looking forward.Some of the Very Best JFKMS Forum Members have provided some powerful points of information and insight.Read this discussion in light of 12.19.2009 America.As always I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinons and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter /Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:16 pm
by dankbaar
Those who control the channels to "let the public know", have unlimited power, just like those who control the money supply. These powers go hand in hand. You will never see the mainstream media educate the public on the fraudulent scam the FED really is. And even if you think you know something, it does not have to be the truth. That's is what these people also realise, With their tools of the media they prey on the flexibility of the human mind, they can make a lie the truth in the minds of millions. David Phillips understood this and made it his trade. Take the CIA for example. The majority of America thinks they exist to protect us from outside danger and terrorists. They have no clue that Pablo Escobar looks like a pale rookie next to the CIA. How do we know anything? Knowing is always an interpretation of the facts, or what we perceive to be the facts. All we can do to reach the knowing phase is learn the facts, or seize the opportunity to be exposed to the facts. We are both members of advanced civilisations, which have discovered centuries ago that the earth is round, a planet of the solar system that turns around the sun. That is because we were thaught these facts. So we "know" this, we don't doubt these to be facts, we accept them as factual knowledge. However, in remote locations of the globe, like the Indonesian or Amazon jungles, you may find people who do not know this, maybe they still believe the earth is flat, like we did 600 years ago. They have been isolated and haven't learned the facts. America is one big jungle concerning the JFK assassination ........

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:51 pm
by Bob
dankbaar wrote:Those who control the channels to "let the public know", have unlimited power, just like those who control the money supply. These powers go hand in hand. You will never see the mainstream media educate the public on the fraudulent scam the FED really is. And even if you think you know something, it does not have to be the truth. That's is what these people also realise, With their tools of the media they prey on the flexibility of the human mind, they can make a lie the truth in the minds of millions. David Phillips understood this and made it his trade. Take the CIA for example. The majority of America thinks they exist to protect us from outside danger and terrorists. They have no clue that Pablo Escobar looks like a pale rookie next to the CIA. How do we know anything? Knowing is always an interpretation of the facts, or what we perceive to be the facts. All we can do to reach the knowing phase is learn the facts, or seize the opportunity to be exposed to the facts. We are both members of advanced civilisations, which have discovered centuries ago that the earth is round, a planet of the solar system that turns around the sun. That is because we were thaught these facts. So we "know" this, we don't doubt these to be facts, we accept them as factual knowledge. However, in remote locations of the globe, like the Indonesian or Amazon jungles, you may find people who do not know this, maybe they still believe the earth is flat, like we did 600 years ago. They have been isolated and haven't learned the facts. America is one big jungle concerning the JFK assassination ........Indeed Wim. The CIA created al queda. They also create false flags, whether it is the the JFK assassination, 9/11 or the Gulf of Tonkin incident. I think they are trying to create another situation with Iran "supposedly" taking control of an Iraqi oil well. All you need to watch is Fox News every day, to find out how the dumbing down of America really works. But other MSM outlets, even the left leaning MSNBC for instance, are almost as bad.