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Does this look like oswald?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:45 pm
by tom jeffers

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:04 am
by Ricky Clow
I've seen these photos before, and I think that it doesn't seem to look like Oswald, just the one of his face during the autopsy looks like him, but the rest, I don't think they do.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:22 pm
by Danny Gilbert
The first pic, head with sheet over body, appears to be post embalming and that face appears to be consistant with the autopsy pix...the same man that Ruby shot...IMO. It also appears that the embalming was a rush job and the embalmer laid on a lot of facial make-up and let it go at that.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:27 pm
by Danny Gilbert
tom jeffers wrote:If he thought he was fucked then he would be singing like a bird. He asked for John Abt to come forward to be his attorney. Abt was an ACLU lawyer who had defended communists before. To me this was a signal to his handler that his communist cover was still inactHwas asking for help from the boys in suits.I'm guessing that's one reason there's no interrogation transcripts or notes...Oswald DID sing his head off! Only problem was his audience was only a few choice people at Dallas PD.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:14 pm
by Brian White
He probably couldn't believe the bastards
could be so evil as to set him up and throw him
away like that.Remember,he thought he was
infiltrating the plot.David A. Phillips was one evil

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:13 pm
by tom jeffers
Don't forget that he told his girlfriend judith baker the week before that he had suspicions that if the president was shot, they might try and blame him for it. He was a smart guy and probably knew things may not work out like they told him.

Re: It wasn't Oswald, you can tell by his face.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:25 pm
by saracarter766
oh my god yeah i have always noticed that for all the times i have seen that scene he had the biggest what the fuck look like i have never seen aw man you really gotta feel so sorry for oswald i'd probably have that same action to and at any rate is'nt the cops supposed to tell a criminal when he is charged with a crime? you could just see the color drain out of his face.

Re: It wasn't Oswald, you can tell by his face.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:35 pm
by Jsnow915
You can clearly see its Oswald in the coffin...look at the topright of his head where the make-up is heavy from where the officers ring scratched his head...they made his hair thicker(probably by washing it) and colored it and they combed it,his head would look a little different from when they cut the cap of the skull open almost a little swollen...I think it is Oswald there .

Re: It wasn't Oswald, you can tell by his face.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:42 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
I did see something interesting on, I believe either National Geographic or Discovery Channel. It was a documentary about lie detecter tests and such. At one part, they showed a voice stress analysis test...but it was a voice-stress analysis test that was connected to a computer program.Anyway, they analyzed Oswald when he was talking to the press after he was arrested, and the only part they could find where he was lying was one sentence in the middle of his answer when he was answering a question from a reporter when he said "I know nothing more than that." They couldn't show that he was lying at any other point. Of course, it wasn't a JFK Assassination documentary, but they STILL tried to twist the words of the woman doing the test to make it look like Oswald was lying about everything. I'll try and find the name of the documentary I was watching.

Re: It wasn't Oswald, you can tell by his face.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:54 pm
by Bob
Has anyone here ever been double crossed or betrayed? Either personally or in business. That's how Oswald must have felt. That's how he looked in front of the press. Partly in shock...but overall pretty composed. I'm not sure I would have been that composed in front of the press. But then again, there is NO record or video of Oswald's interrogation. I am sure he told the FBI and Hosty what was going on. He probably told the other authorities as well. VEHEMENTLY. That's why there is no record of his interview. Just like when Hosty destroyed the note from LHO after Oswald was killed. If the note was a threat, it would have been exposed, to fit in with the lone nut scenario. But it was another warning about the assassination in my opinion. This after Oswald had previously warned the FBI just a few days earlier in the teletype message that came across the FBI wires. A FBI agent from New Orleans told the HSCA that he saw that teletype a week or so before the assassination. That came from LHO in my opinion. LHO also gave Hosty a note about the assassination again...the one Hosty destoyed. That is why LHO got so upset when he saw Hosty during his interrogation. I think Oswald came clean during the interrogation. That's why there is no record of that interview. And that's why Oswald had to die.