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Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:45 pm
by dankbaar
Tom, Are you buying into the Zapruder alteration crap? If you are, I am telling you, they have you exactly where they want you. Wim

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:33 am
by tom jeffers
Wim,I guess they got me. Can you explain the harm in going down that path?namasteTom

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:15 am
by dankbaar
Well, it's chasing ghosts. Something that doesn't exist. Like "Badgeman". hence it is spending time and energy ineffectively. Tell me, what is the purpose of putting Mary Moorman and Jean Hill on the grass, if they were actually on the sidewalk? What is the purpose of making Mrs. Franzen dissapear and replacing her by another woman? What is the purpose of concealing the limousine coming to a full stop? Did they alter the Nix, Muchmore and Hughes film too? Those films do not show a stopping car either, you know. (they also show Moorman and Hill on the grass by the way) Mind you , these are all claims of the "Zapruder alterationists", Jack White (also the discoverer of Badgeman) being the main promoter. I can (and have) demolish them one by one. But the question that really should awaken you, is this one: Why did the fakers go through all the alleged trouble to fake things in the background, but neglected to alter the only significant part, namely that JFK is hit with two simultaneous headshots, one from behind and then from the front causing his head go BACK and to LEFT? Why did they not take the trouble to alter that, instead concentrated on trivial things? Why? If their only goal of fakery was to drive home the point of Oswald being the lone assassin from behind?

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:02 pm
by Bob
The most important thing about the Zapruder film, besides the evidence that a shot came from the grassy knoll, was the man who took the film...Abraham Zapruder. Billy posted some GREAT information about him that explains why he filmed the assassination. Things like...Abraham Zapruder-White Russian affiliation, 32nd degree Mason, active MEMBER of 2 CIA Proprietary Organizations: The Dallas Council On World Affairs and The Crusade For A Free Europe;These two organizations were CIA (backed) Domestic Operations in Dallas whose membership included:Abraham Zapruder, Clint Murchison (owner of the Dallas Cowboys at that time) , Mr. Byrd, (owner of the Texas School Book Depository), Sarah Hughes, who swore LBJ in as the 36th President while Air Force One was still on the ground in Dallas, George DeMohrenschildt, (CIA contract agent AND best friend of LHO), George Bush (also close friend of George DeMohrenschildt), Neil Mallon, (mentor that Bush named his son, Neil, after), H.L. Hunt, & Demitri Von Mohrenschildt (George D's brother).In 1953 and 1954 a woman named, Jeanne LeGon worked SIDE by SIDE with Abraham Zapruder at a high end clothing design firm called, Nardis of Dallas. Jeanne LeGon designed the clothing and Abraham Zapruder cut the patterns and the material for her.Incidentally, Abraham Zapruder's obituary mis-states the date/year that he departed Nardis of Dallas, incorrectly citing 1949. The correct year was 1959, [the same year that his "partner in design" Jeanne LeGon became known as, Jean LeGon DeMohrenschildt... She had married Lee Oswald's BEST FRIEND (to be), CIA Contract Agent, George DeMohrenschildt!] Also consider this...And DO NOT forget that Zapruder gave his film to Time-Life. Time-Life kept this film under wraps for years so the American public could not view it. But WHO owned Time-Life then? Henry Luce. A Bonesman from 1920. Good friends of Prescott Bu$h.Zapruder was there to film the assassination, hoping to prove that the shots came from behind, to help implicate Oswald and prove his guilt. But somebody named Jimmy Files ruined all of that.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:06 am
by dankbaar
Those connections are pure coincidence, don't mean anything. It's jumping to conclusions no one is allowed to make. At leats not in a responsible way. It's absurd that Zapruder knew up front that the assassination was going to happen. Moreover, it was his secretary (Sitzman) who told him to get his camera. Wim

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:02 pm
by Bob
Wim, I think these coincidences can not be discounted. Yes, Zapruder might just be who he said he was, and maybe he just happened to be there, but if there is anything I learned about this mystery, it's ALWAYS be skeptical. Bottom line, Zapruder was connected to lots of people that WERE tied to the conspiracy and he did give his film to Henry Luce, who was good friends with Prescott Bu$h, dating back to their Skull & Bones days at Yale.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:13 pm
by tom jeffers
dankbaar wrote:Well, it's chasing ghosts. Something that doesn't exist. Like "Badgeman". hence it is spending time and energy ineffectively. Tell me, what is the purpose of putting Mary Moorman and Jean Hill on the grass, if they were actually on the sidewalk? What is the purpose of making Mrs. Franzen dissapear and replacing her by another woman? What is the purpose of concealing the limousine coming to a full stop? Did they alter the Nix, Muchmore and Hughes film too? Those films do not show a stopping car either, you know. (they also show Moorman and Hill on the grass by the way) Mind you , these are all claims of the "Zapruder alterationists", Jack White (also the discoverer of Badgeman) being the main promoter. I can (and have) demolish them one by one. But the question that really should awaken you, is this one: Why did the fakers go through all the alleged trouble to fake things in the background, but neglected to alter the only significant part, namely that JFK is hit with two simultaneous headshots, one from behind and then from the front causing his head go BACK and to LEFT? Why did they not take the trouble to alter that, instead concentrated on trivial things? Why? If their only goal of fakery was to drive home the point of Oswald being the lone assassin from behind?,I respect your opinion but believe the following:1. the muchmore film looks as if the father and son are in the street by the curb. the angle is not clear but it does not clearly show moorman and hills feet on the grass.2. in the muchmore film you will notice just as the limo passes them, the red coat spreads to the right as if a gust of wind catches her coat. the z film clearly shows her coat closed and steady.3. in the nix film, the babuska lady brifly appears with moorman in the picture and the babushka lady's shadow appears close to moorman while in the z film her shadow is clearly 20 feet away.4. in the nix film, moorman looks 4 ft tall compared to babushka lady because she is below the curb, I have been to dealey plaza and know there is a slight incline but nothing close that would distort the picture.5. neither the nix film or the muchmore film really shows the sequence of events of the limo from the corner as the z film does.6. orville nix reported to mark lane that his film was lost at the film studio for some time and he believes there are missing frames in the film he got.7. while i do not believe the car came to a full stop, i believe that the z film would have shown that the limo was traveling at a certain speed and the brakes were applied causing the connelys and the kennedys to jerk forward from the brakes and that both connelys hit the window in front of them because of pressing the brakes. the z film would have shown that the driver purposely slowed down the car significantly after the president had been first hit, allowing for the assassins to finish their job.8. i believe that the z film was doctored by applying red in the film to make the appearance of an exit wound in the front.these are a few of my thoughts.namastetom

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:24 am
by dankbaar,I respect your opinion but believe the following:1. the muchmore film looks as if the father and son are in the street by the curb. the angle is not clear but it does not clearly show moorman and hills feet on the grass.Moorman and Hill are on the grass: also these pictures: film is unfaked and correct. 2. in the muchmore film you will notice just as the limo passes them, the red coat spreads to the right as if a gust of wind catches her coat. the z film clearly shows her coat closed and steady.Not true: Also, Zapruder was looking at Moorman and Hill more frontally. Their coats blow forward more than sideways. That's why you don't see as much on Zapruder, compared to Muchmore who had a more sideways position from the back. 3. in the nix film, the babuska lady brifly appears with moorman in the picture and the babushka lady's shadow appears close to moorman while in the z film her shadow is clearly 20 feet away.That is because of the different angles/positions of cameramen of the two films. 4. in the nix film, moorman looks 4 ft tall compared to babushka lady because she is below the curb, I have been to dealey plaza and know there is a slight incline but nothing close that would distort the picture.Logical, the incline is rather steep towards the curb. That's why Moorman appears to be smaller. Look at this picture: neither the nix film or the muchmore film really shows the sequence of events of the limo from the corner as the z film does.I say they match perfectly, but you're tricked by the angles, that make you see differences that are not there really. 6. orville nix reported to mark lane that his film was lost at the film studio for some time and he believes there are missing frames in the film he got.So? Which frames did he believe were missing? (By the way, Nix is dead) 7. while i do not believe the car came to a full stop, i believe that the z film would have shown that the limo was traveling at a certain speed and the brakes were applied causing the connelys and the kennedys to jerk forward from the brakes and that both connelys hit the window in front of them because of pressing the brakes. the z film would have shown that the driver purposely slowed down the car significantly after the president had been first hit, allowing for the assassins to finish their job.Kellerman and Conally duck forward for cover. Not because of braking. Keep you're eyes on Jackie, you will see that she doesn't go forward at all, when the others duck forward. 8. i believe that the z film was doctored by applying red in the film to make the appearance of an exit wound in the front.That's because you have a misunderstanding about the debris of a gunshot behaves. The widest cone of spray is at the ENTRANCE point of the bullet, NOT the exit. I too have alway thought the opposite. So what you see is perfectly consistent with a shot in the right fron temple from the grassy knoll.See: ... y.jpgthese are a few of my thoughts.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:35 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
They kill how many witness,end they give us a film with all the on,they had i think it whas 11 year too FEAK the film,and that is what we got,a FEAK film.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:47 pm
by Rob Waters
and this is not the tramp... ... ic1.jpgits a coincidence...