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Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:56 pm
by Bob
Interesting stuff RC! I am for Edwards with the Dems because of his message, but I am concerned about the CFR stuff. plus I also hear he was the Bilderbergers choice in 2004. Hmm. Other than that, I agree with Billy that Ron Paul is our best choice. He's made a pretty good splash in the Republican caucases and primaries, and has a lot of money. However, The Repubs will never let him get close to the nomination, no matter how the voters turn out for him. His best option is as a 3rd party candidate. I think he could get votes from Dems, Repubs and Independents. Plus, he is already having to deal with the Rove type smear tactics about him being a racist. I think that MSM and Corporate America want Hillary vs. McCain or Giuliani. The thought of any of them make me ill.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:11 pm
by tom jeffers
what happened to john mccain? any man that went through what he did has to have some character. but look at his views. when did he turn and what is his motivation?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:38 pm
by Bob
McCain will drag the Iraq war with him wherever he goes while running for President. I don't care what his strategy was at the beginning of the war, it WAS an illegal war bottom line. McCain is always talked about as a POW, and he certainly was one, but nobody talks about his piloting skills that were not real good. McCain had 5 accidents with jets (he also had one when he was captured), including the one on the USS Forrestal which caused 134 men to die. I don't believe McCain was at fault there, but his dad, an Admiral in the Navy, sure swept the incident under the carpet. I think his POW time, along with the incident on the USS Forrestal have made him slowly to lose his marbles. He STILL has a VERY violent temper and he DEFINITELY a war hawk. He will be the Military Industrial Complex's candidate for sure. Also do you remember his cute ditty about Iran? Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran. He is another idiot (like Hillary) that voted for the Kyl/LIEberman bill about Iran. That was ongoing as Dumbya was mentioning WWIII and Iran at press conferences, trying to lie his way into war again. Then the truth came out about Iran with the NIE report. Assholes like Bu$h, Cheney, McCain, Giuliani, LIEberman and Hillary want to keep the MIC alive and well. When I see Republican debates with McCain, Giuliani, Huckabee, Thompson and Paul, I honestly think that Paul is the only sane one in the group. Or at least the one who HASN'T been bought off.

Voting Fraud

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:10 pm
by Ray Mitcham
Those interested in the possibilities, might be interested in the following documentary. It is quite long but worth the time

Code: Select all

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:07 pm
by tom jeffers
this link is not good..could you re-post. thanks

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:29 pm
by Bob
Here it is Tom...

Thanks for the link Ray.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:04 pm
by Ray Mitcham
Bob, Don't know how to provide a proper link but if you copy the address and then paste it into your address bar, it should work fine.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:07 pm
by Ray Mitcham
Sorry, Tom. If you copy the address and then paste it into your address bar it should work fine.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:21 pm
by tom jeffers
thank you. i went to that website and clicked till i found it. i already saw that video. it is compelling and makes you wonder what voting autrocities have already occurred...(besides the 2000 & 2004 presidential elections)

McCain Info

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:00 pm
by Dan
including the one on the USS Forrestal which caused 134 men to die. I don't believe McCain was at fault there, but his dad, an Admiral in the Navy, sure swept the incident under the carpet. I think his POW time, along with the incident on the USS Forrestal have made him slowly to lose his marbles.


You wrote that McCain was a cause of the Forrestal fire back in the 60's, or at least you hint that he was at fault when you say his father covered it up.
As a former squid I am familiar with the Forrestal incident - we all went through that training in boot camp. I have heard over the years that it was MCCain's plane that let loose the rocket. Do you have any hard core proof of that? I would like to know for sure if he was aboard the "Forrestfire" back in 67, and what part he played in the loss. I thought he was in the plane that was hit by the rocket - so why would his father sweep that under the carpet?
