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Re: Another JFK Related Post

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:46 pm
by Bob

That's all you need to know about Dan. He just loves the Joseph Goebells News News Network. Fox News, that's where all the sheeple watch their news, especially those over 60 years old. If you look at the younger demographics like from 18-35, then Keith Olbermann and Anderson Cooper have much bigger numbers. Same with Comedy Central with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. The same people that watch Fox News are also in this category... ... index.html

There are still 31% of the people that still approve of the job George "Dumbya" Bu$h is doing. The most inept and incompetent man to ever be President. They tend to forget about this...

- 9/11 happened on his watch - testified about 9/11 with Cheney and NOT under oath- Larry Silverstein said on tape that WTC Building 7 was taken down by demolition - had cabinet meeting on the VERY first day of his administration talking about invading Iraq - Cheney's secret energy meetings (BEFORE 9/11) had ALL the heads of BIG Oil looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields - lied about going to war with Iraq- almost 4,000 troops have died in Iraq- countless thousands more are severely wounded because of Iraq- some estimates say that over 1,000,000 Iraqis have died in this war- the war in Iraq is going to cost American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars - tried to lie about going to war with Iran - the U.S. reputation has NEVER been worse in the world then it is now - took a huge surplus and turned it into a staggering deficit - has put the U.S. into a recession with a high rate of foreclosures, massive healthcare costs and huge energy costs - Bu$h bailed out Bear Stearns, but WON'T help with the millions of foreclosures that are occuring- the Stock Market could be heading towards another 1929 moment- has given us torture - has given us no habeas corpus - has given us illegal wiretapping - has given us Plamegate - has given us the Justice Department scandal - has given us MASSIVE war profiteerers like Halliburton & Blackwater - gave us the federal government response to Hurricane Katrina - has given tax cuts to the VERY rich - has added right wing zealots to the Supreme Court

Those are some of the things Dan and some of the Fox News viewers are proud of. Dan is part of a group called We the Sheeple.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:36 pm
by Bob
bob franklin wrote:quote]Maybe - just maybe if you stopped pasting links and others' opinions here - and you had some original thought about the assassination - just maybe there could actually be an intelligent discussion and a growing forum.I've brought up a significant discovery (that the assasin shown in Bothun #4 is actually Mr. Zapruder) and so has Allan Eaglesham (he discovered that the Rademacher shell cartridges were manufactured post 1970) - did these two gigantic discoveries result in anything here - NO!What gets posted here are links to some leftist rant about how bad the USA is...over and over and over and over...who reads that crap besides Bob anyhow?Did you ever wonder why people flee from this forum? Do you think it could be the same two or three people that post hundreds of links to non-JFK anti-USA sites that drive visitors away? It even looks like two mental midgets like tweedledee and tweedledumb have had it with the nonsense here - somehow those two nitwits realized that it is the same old crap again and again ... Dan:1). I've gone back over your posts & found them to be more than well answered. You haven't been ignored by any means. everything that should've resulted from those posts has resulted. I remain less than convinced as to your Zapruder/bothun 4 claim. I honestly don't see it. As to Eaglesham's "discovery", he just seems hell-bent on disinfo. I also wouldn't put much stock in any info provided by Remington Arms. Seems an obvious conflict of interest to me.2). The cutting and pasting is not the problem, imho. Those links have (at least for me) provided a wealth of data. I've yet to see any "leftist rants" linked here. Indeed, the media represented has seemed rather moderate. The only rants found here are your own jingoistic Colonel Flagg/Frank Burnsian diatribes. I can see where those might drive members away.3). As to the US being bad, we have the potential for greatness. We're just being led by greedy criminal pricks who only see dollar signs. We as a nation have much to atone for.

Good points Bob. I have been told by MANY to just ignore Dan, and move on. But I have always tried to counter his posts with ammunition of my own, as have others like yourself just now. Speaking of ammunition, guess who was widely connected to Remington at one time? Samuel Bu$h. One of the Merchants of Death from WWI. Just in case Dan doesn't remember...

The nightmare for the world began in 1915, with the establishment of an unholy partnership between the U.S. Government and the ‘War Industries Board', for-runner of America's present day 'military-industrial complex'. Some of those seated on the board of directors were Samuel P. Bu$h, great grandfather of George "Dumbya" Bu$h, and so-called chief of Ordnance for the Small Arms and Ammunition Section, Wall Street banker Clarence Dillon, Samuel Pryor, executive committee chairman of Remington Arms, and Bernard Baruch, who, as head of the War Industries Board profited in excess of $200,000,000. The members of the Board aptly came to be known as the "Merchants of Death." Using the facade of government to legitimize their operations, the War Industries Board represented the big munitions makers of the day who dispatched agents around the globe to sell the weapons and materials of war to both sides of any conflict. They bribed government officials and used their corporate influence and capitol to increase international tensions, which in turn generated demand and maximized profit.It was during the First World War that Samuel P. Bu$h and the other board members amassed fortunes selling the weapons and materials of war not only to America but also to Germany. Most of the records and correspondence pertaining to Samuel P. Bu$h's activities on the War Industries Board were later burned mysteriously, "to save space" in the National Archives. When their business venture officially ended on November 11, 1918, some 37,508,686 human beings had been killed. It set a dangerous precedent for the destiny of America and the destiny of civilization itself. A small group of corporate manufactures, bankers, and industrialists had formulated a devilishly effective method by which profit is extracted from human suffering, war, and death, and their dark technique would be repeated and refined.

Again, all you need to know about Dan is that he considers the Bu$h family to be patriotic.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:23 pm
by R Croxford
Dan, Your the reason people don't post anymore. I stopped posting in here because I am tired of seeing your idiotic resposnses and rhetoric.
Dan gives no support to this forum, Just hate and right sided slander. Any body in here that is a democrat. Every post you write contains the word demonrats. Yet you are permitted to continue your slander. Review of your post confirm that the majority of them contain no useful information and are mostly hate filled, name calling, pissing and moaning. B4 you get going again on one of your useless babbles. I am not a democrat. Nor republican. That means I sit in the middle and watch both side act like bozo's instead of listening and seeing the true problem and the evil behind the murder of JFK. You are being played like a harp and loving it. The fence you sit on is the fence they put you on. You did not sit there on your own. Get off that fence and come down to the feild where the battle is. Pennyworth screams everything there is to knwo about truth. Copy paste away Penny because he knows what is going on and the fact he can copy paste means he is not the only one who knows. He is just spreading the word.
You said that one day you wish that we could meet. I also long for that meeting. I would love the oppurtinity. You think you are the answer to the worlds problems...You are the worlds problems.


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:27 am
by Dan
Allan Eaglesham proved that the Rademacher cartridges are post 1970. Please prove that they were manufactured prior to 1970.

It took them almost one year to find, but a few months ago (before I moved back to my beloved Texas) the Rockville, MD library filled my request for "American Centerfire Cartridges, 1892-1963" by Bearse 1966 - that book also shows the Remington .222 headstamp as different than the ones found by Rademacher. What more do you want? What research have you done to show the Rademacher cartridges are legit?

If you can't see Zapruder in Bothun 4 then you haven't examined the Wiegman and Bell films closely enough. If you need help just ask - the films are available on You Tube. Also read the Sitzman and Zapruder interviews and testimony on how they each independently left the Bryan Pergola (do you need me to provide the various links or do you have any research ability of your own?) Then go and time the distance from the Zapruder pedestal to the location of the figure shown in Bothun #4 ( and match that time with Bell and Wiegman) instead of just wishing for your dreams to be true - go and do some research and convince me that you have more brains than 43.

Burns and Flagg - that shows your level of education doesn't it?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:39 am
by Dan
Bob wrote:... I have been told by MANY to just ignore Dan, and move on. But I have always tried to counter his posts with ammunition of my own, as have others like yourself just now.

You're shooting blanks!

Re: Stop the Cut and Paste

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:56 am
by Pennyworth
Dan wrote:Maybe - just maybe if you stopped pasting links and others' opinions here - and you had some original thought about the assassination - just maybe there could actually be an intelligent discussion and a growing forum.I've brought up a significant discovery (that the assasin shown in Bothun #4 is actually Mr. Zapruder) and so has Allan Eaglesham (he discovered that the Rademacher shell cartridges were manufactured post 1970) - did these two gigantic discoveries result in anything here - NO!...

Possibly and most likely the post 70's bitten shell cartridges weren't Files' shells..maybe his originals were never found, or were found and confiscated and someone replaced a bogus shell with the real one..think about it... many elements to this case can be viewed as clever conspiracy scamming....

Re: Stop the Cut and Paste

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:07 am
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Dan wrote:Maybe - just maybe if you stopped pasting links and others' opinions here - and you had some original thought about the assassination - just maybe there could actually be an intelligent discussion and a growing forum.I've brought up a significant discovery (that the assasin shown in Bothun #4 is actually Mr. Zapruder) and so has Allan Eaglesham (he discovered that the Rademacher shell cartridges were manufactured post 1970) - did these two gigantic discoveries result in anything here - NO!...

Possibly and most likely the post 70's bitten shell cartridges weren't Files' shells..maybe his originals were never found, or were found and confiscated and someone replaced a bogus shell with the real one..think about it... many elements to this case can be viewed as clever conspiracy scamming....

BITING THE BULLET..... ... s/111.html


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:12 am
by Dan
Paul - thank you! Finally a person with a brain who has an interest in the JFK assassination.

I've been waiting for someone to put it together, after all, the Eaglesham discovery was quite some time ago. So, since the Rademacher cartidges are post 1970 - where did the Rademacher cartridges come from? You're onto something there Paul...

Could it be Rademacher fraud?

Could it be someone trying to discredit Files - knowing his story about biting a cartridge?

Why two cartridges - another attempt to discredit Files?

A prankster?

The Rademacher discovery of two post 1970 .222 Remington cartridges is as important as knowing why Officer Tippit was killed...someone set it all up knowing certain facts - or - it was just a bunch of BS and a coincidence - this is where the research should be headed.

What would Mr. Files say if he knew that two post 1970 .222 Remington cartridges were found in Dealey plaza (one with teeth indentations found several feet from where he claimed to have left it) - certainly he would be suspicious of someone in particular if this was more than a mere coincidence involving a prankster.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:22 pm
by Dan
Bob posts a list of assertions above, almost all of them distortions, half truths or outright lies yet he is not spreading disinformation.

Allan Eaglesham provides solid research but Franklin considers him a disinformation specialist...WTF?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:22 pm
by Bob

Give me an example of what I've posted is wrong in your opinion. Or examples. I will answer your examples...point by point.