two people behind the fence

JFK Assassination
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:my feeling is Holt doesn't look like the tramp he claims to be...and Harrelson doesn't look like the tall tramp to me either....its funny because on the Holt video they breeze by the identity part and stick to mainly Holts story about what he did and didn't give much time to the identity of the tramp thing...some woman came on and staked her reputation on the could have been the cleaning lady,I dont know...but I'm not convinced Holt is the tramp.I have to go with Bob on this one. Didn't Holt also say that he altered his facial features or expression? I seem to remember something about putting something in his upper or lower lip, or am I mistaken.Try taking a little tissue paper or small piece of napkin and sticking it under your lower lip or under your upper lip. You'll look different. Then put a hat on and see what you look like. It's easy to alter your appearance a little.When I was in college people used to tell me ALL the time that I always looked different or looked like a different person. My hair was long, and then it was short. I wore a cap (several actually), and then I didn't. Clean shaven, or a beard, or a goatee, or a fu manchu. Well dressed or VERY casual. Holt was in the agency. Changing appearances was what they try to do a lot. Plus, Lois Gibson is an expert in what she does.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

Jsnow915, yes, good question and thread! When I listen carefully to James Files' 2003 confession how he answers to the question of Jim Marrs whether there was any second person with him behind the fence, I feel almost sure, that he is not telling the truth specifically about that, because he is stressing it too much and the answer comes too promptly like as prepared in mind. To me it is clear, that he deliberately did not tell about his compagnion there. Most probably not to give that person away, because he was still alive in 2003. Theses: all shooters had their controller with them. Either for picking up the shell casings or securing the back of the shooter or being his controller or having the radio to the coordinator having connection to a sudden abort order. So I'm sure: there was a second man close to Files behind the fence. Whether this man was also a shooter himself or even the only shooter and Files only the "helper" or whether it was the other way round, we don't know for sure. Maybe there were even three, but one of them in a car with a radio. This radio was only for the minutes before anyway. For the seconds of shooting themselves only optical signals were left like the umbrella man. The question is: could a second shooter have hit the throat at the place it was hit: in the middle front of the throat from the behind the fence position? If he would have shot at the same time as James Files shot he would have hit the RIGHT side of the neck! So a possible second shooter must have shot much earlier to get into the middle of the throat from behind the fence there. And he must have had a silencer, because he must not have to frighten the people on the stairs and on Elm too early for Files still making his shoot "in piece"! And he most probably stood left from Files (seen from Files) because he shot earlier and did not want to have Files in the line of fire. If the "early throat shooter" really shot that early, it is the question whether this was really possible, because there could have been people in the line of fire when JFK was still behind the Stemmons freeway plate. At last it does not look like 2 shooters on the Moorman photo. But on the other hand this photo was only one moment and does not tell all. I think Chauncey/Harrelson/Holt had patsy function. The planners of the hit had to organize everything in advance so that nothing would go wrong in any case, especially case 1: the either hitman missed => So another got the second chance; case 2: wrong persons were hit, worst case: the driver => Safe egress even with all people around in alarm case 3: hitmen haulted by anybody during egress => Eliminating or diverting the disturber with additional help persons; case 4: hitmen's or helper's cars stopped by anybody => they themselves had fake SS-IDs" to get through without problems. case 5: one patsy not enough, because lack of public convincing evidence => other patsys to catchProbably the three tramps were in the railroad area for the case, that all other hitman missed and then Harrelson had the last chance to shoot from somewhere near there. The fact that there were 3 tramps is an indication that all hitmen teams were at least 3 each. One shooter. One controller. One radio.Chris
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by David »

I don't think Marlow would have been there with him for the following reasons:1. If Marlow's job was to kill Oswald, he wouldn't be hanging around the true assasain. Marlow would not want to be in a violatile spot while trying to keep tabs on Oswald (whether he was going to kill Oswald or just ensure the setup).2. From Files' interview, he seems surprised that Marlow showed up at the motel. Like he didn't expect him. Trained killers would be suspicious by nature after pulling off a job. (I was going to supply the source of the transcript of Files' interview, but, I don't recall where it was...) Anyway, I read the transcript as Files was surprised that Marlow showed up at the motel.I'm undecided on Harrelson or Holt. More later...Your thoughts?
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by David »

Here it is! Duh! It was on the Home page of this site. (I'm so brain dead today).
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

David, you are right. If Marlow really shot on JFK, he would not stroll around in that area to shoot another. Chris
John Beckham
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by John Beckham »

two men behind the fence....seen by Hoffman, Arnold (who is witnessed by Yarborough), Holland...spare me! i DO know about the Coke bottle! i also think the bad feelings between Mack AND Wim are over the the knoll shooter. Files is NOT Badge Man, nor is there evidence of two shooters in the area. you have NO witnesses to Files, yet 3 who see 2 men. if Files was lying about being alone (to protect someone) why wouldn't he lie about other things?
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Jsnow915 »

this is quite the curious have to remember...Files is an honorable man to a certain extent and a thug...who won't give people up...I'd like to keep this subject alive because it is very important.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

I'm sure Pamela Ray knows more about the second man behind the fence, because Files told her. To me the Bothun photo and witness Price testimony, telling how he saw a man running from behind the fence to TSBD), on youtube video (see vidoes of GJJdude) are the strongest indication for James Files telling the thruth about his role.
John Beckham
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by John Beckham »

Bothun photo, in my opinion, shows the pointed cap of Arnolds uniform. according to Files, he didn't run. further if Pam says she knows things but keeps them secret, that's sad and questionable.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

Actually, not Price said, that Files would be "running", but his interviewer Mark Lane, so it could have been walking, too. Pamela Ray is probably protecting Files as long as he lives.