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Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:51 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:Exactly Chris. By the way, do you notice that they NEVER have a different point of view on these "specials". It's always Gerald Posner, Gary Mack, Dale Meyers or some other clown. Why don't they ever bring in Robert Groden or Jim Marrs to argue their points? Because the truth hurts and they don't want any of the other sheeple to catch on!Bob,I LOVE that clip you posted that positively shows Gerald Posner making a completely false statement. So, Posner said that he uncovered documents that David Ferrie was never in the LCAP with Oswald, and two former members of the LCAP identify themselves standing in that group picture along with David Ferrie and Oswald. I wonder what documents Posner found that said otherwise. Either he found documents that were false as far as information went, OR he's a liar. Then again, using the term "documents" loosely, those documents could be ANYTHING. Think about it. For example, I could write you a letter claiming that I was in the LCAP with Oswald and that Ferrie was never there. Wouldn't my letter be a "document" too? I'm being totally serious here. I copied your clip again here for those who are reading this and actually think that Gerald Posner didn't make a false statement. Regarding Bugliosi, he seems to me to be a two-faced lawyer. I'm disgusted that he's a fellow Italian! He should be ashamed of himself!!!! My dad and uncle had tears in their eyes when JFK was assassinated. When they saw Oswald on TV, they both said that he didn't look like a murderer at all. Then when Oswald was murdered two days later, they were convinced! Most people saw it that way. If Bugliosi supported a conspiracy theory regarding the RFK murder (when he was defending KCOP) and not even questioning the JFK assassination, then writes that book of his, that means (to me) that he was just being a lawyer when defending KCOP. In my opinion, he's no better than Gerald Posner or Gary Mack. How can they be so blind? I can't believe that anybody can defend the Warren Commission seriously without having an agenda. I also can't believe that guys like Mack can actually make statements (like he did to Wim) that there is no "hard evidence" of a shooter from the front and that it's a THEORY that the Warren Commission is wrong. Are Bugliosi and Mack kidding? Of course they're not kidding. It's an AGENDA because common sense prevails, and I KNOW these two men aren't stupid people.

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:16 pm
by ChristophMessner
Documentaries about the conspiracy to kill JFK should not forget this: Hemmings and Lucien Conein and another wellknown in background. Milteer in background. The man with hat looks like David Ferrie. Cuban spotter on fire-stairs, Nicoletti in DalTex window, Roselli in background close to the rightest ss-man in foregroundOrlando Bosch raises fist and umbrella man (Witt?) raises umbrellaHitman Files walking away in the background right; Altgens strangely calmFreemason Zapruder knew where to film best in advance and when to stop filming and shout the people away from TSBDFiles+Caifano behind fence; (badgman = Mackish disinfo) Will Fritz let Ruby inOfficers picking away bullets or later digging out or pasting bullet-scratches on curbsss-men washing away evidenceco-conspirator who benefited ... llare.JPGE. Howard Hunt quite left with his typical hatTosh Plumlee and others at the south knollLansdale, Charles Harrelson, Charles Rogers (Montoya), Chauncey HoltThe patsy- and career-loversMr. Truly leading officer Baker away from the snipers according to the order of TSBD-owner ByrdG.H.W. Bush

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 10:34 pm
by Bob
EXCELLENT job there Chris!!!

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:44 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Good job on that one, Christoph!

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:12 pm
by saracarter766
Bob wrote:Whenever I watch any of these JFK assassination specials on the History channel or Discovery, I have one rule...if I see Gerald Posner or Gary Mack in it, I KNOW it's bullshit. I started watching the same special Pasquale, but as soon as I saw Posner, I IMMEDIATELY moved on to another channel.This again, is from an earlier post of mine that describes my thought process..Every time I see another one of the bullshit JFK assassination specials on the History Channel, guess who always seems to be on there? Gerald Posner. The guy that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now he also has Vincent Bugliosi thinking with him. That's funny, because I saw Bugliosi several years ago at one of his speaking engagements, and he professed then that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. Certainly if you believe that the RFK murder was a conspiracy, you can't honestly believe that the JFK murder wasn't. Not with all the evidence that some of us know. But the disinformation machine will keep going. The MSM loves to keep playing this game, because they were part of the JFK assassination coverup. Same thing with 9/11. Anyway, here's one of the things Posner got wrong in his "investigation" of Oswald. I wonder how many other things he got "wrong"? Now take a look at Bugliosi's past comments about the RFK assassination and now the JFK assassination. Did you enjoy the 30 silver pieces from the disinformation machine that you got for your latest book Vince? It really pathetic, because Bugliosi's overall work as an attorney and author is very good. But somebody got to him. The same way somebody got to Gary Mack. Listen to Mack in TMWKK from 1988. Listen to him now. It appears a LOT has changed. Maybe being the curator of the museum that depicts the sniper's nest at the TSBD might have something to do with it. Look at Mack's discussion with Wim awhile ago. Things have changed a little, huh?that's another reason i do not watch anymore docs on history or discovery cause gary mack is on them and i can't stand his traitorious face and just the mention of his name pisses me the bleep off gary mack is registered here but he doe'snt post why won't he be a man grow some balls and defend himself cause i have a few choice words for the traitor.

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:36 am
by MarcusBenoit
If ignorance is bliss then the people who write, produce and present these insane postulations must be just smiling and oblivious to everythingPointing out every flaw in their arguments, getting angry at their attempts, once again to whitewash their hogwash is useless. It is their job, and I believe that some of the old conspirators believed it their duty to help spread disinformation. The louder we bitch and moan , the more crazy we sound ( Conspiracy Nuts )For years folks like Mark Lane , David Lifton, Josiah Thompson et al made well thought out, and well documented arguements that reached people like me over 40 years ago.There is no question that JFK was killed by a volley of shots from several sites in and around Dealey Plaza. The one so- called shooter that probably wasn't there at least participating in the actual shooting is James Files. I will get in to this soon but for now I will leave it as an opinion. So to watch programs such as you just mentioned air and then to sound surprised by their sheer flimsy logic and to shout FOUL.... come on! What do you expect from a pig but a grunt!!!

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:33 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
MarcusBenoit wrote:If ignorance is bliss then the people who write, produce and present these insane postulations must be just smiling and oblivious to everythingPointing out every flaw in their arguments, getting angry at their attempts, once again to whitewash their hogwash is useless. It is their job, and I believe that some of the old conspirators believed it their duty to help spread disinformation. The louder we bitch and moan , the more crazy we sound ( Conspiracy Nuts )For years folks like Mark Lane , David Lifton, Josiah Thompson et al made well thought out, and well documented arguements that reached people like me over 40 years ago.There is no question that JFK was killed by a volley of shots from several sites in and around Dealey Plaza. The one so- called shooter that probably wasn't there at least participating in the actual shooting is James Files. I will get in to this soon but for now I will leave it as an opinion. So to watch programs such as you just mentioned air and then to sound surprised by their sheer flimsy logic and to shout FOUL.... come on! What do you expect from a pig but a grunt!!! Exactly. What else can you expect from a pig but a grunt! Anyway, feel free to voice your opinion on the James Files issue. If you're on the fence about it, let us know. Either we'll produce proof for you, or we won't. As you can see from our other topics and posts, we're basically all very nice over here, which can't really be said about other forums.Anyway, your voice is certainly welcome.

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:51 am
by Bob
Yes...welcome Marcus. You made an excellent point. In terms of having belief in the Files theory, as Pasquale says, we can try and provide evidence to why some of us find it to be true. Is Jimmy telling the WHOLE truth? I don't think so, as I believe he is still protecting some people. Bottom line, there are some members of this forum that don't necessarily the Files version of events, but still enjoy the forum and also the great amount of other JFK assassination information that Wim has provided on this site.

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:05 pm
by katisha
Welcome Marcus. I agree with Bob: even if you don't believe Files, this site still has much excellent information about the assassination. From my pov, after reading "Files on JFK" I consider Files' story at least as convincing as, and probably more so than, those of all the other buggers who've confessed to being the 'unknown shooter', but I've got to the stage now where I'm more interested in who was pulling the strings than who pulled the trigger.Having said that, people on here know more about the assassination than I'll ever know, and I'll happily keep reading and absorbing the vast amount of information on this website.

Re: "Beyond Conspiracy" documentary. They played it again!!!

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:11 pm
by Brian White
Hey Katisha-What "other buggers", exactly, have confessed to being the "unknown shooter"? Brian.