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Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:45 pm
by barney 1961
wim; If you have Corbitt's book, "Double Deal," please turn to the b & W pictures and about half way thru them, you will see the photoI have referenced in my prio posts.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:52 am
by dankbaar
Barney, Excuse me for losing appetite in further addressing your reflections. You are surely entitled to them, but I prefer to use my energy more effectively. Wim

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:01 am
by ChristophMessner
Barney, how about preventing political assassinations or false flag attacks in Iran, China, Mexico etc. today rather than solving unsolvable cases, about which anybody who can think knows to the fullest extent anyway, that the official version is wrong? Chris

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:34 am
by barney 1961
Well, I see. Unless we are willing to accept the dogma of James Files, or any other so-called conspirator, our comments are unwelcome evenwhen we admit we are perhaps wrong or at least heading down the wrong trail. Even a good hunting dog makes a mistake or two now andagain on a hunt.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:58 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Barney 1961, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Barney - I have the book Double Deal, by Michael Corbitt with Sam Giancana.Referencing the fourth page of photographs after numbered page 202, in the upper left hand corner of Michael Corbitt in his police uniform, I confirm your uncanny uncovering and referencing of this photo. Nobody to my knowledge has heretofore pointed this out.Barney - I can not, and will not Confirm or Deny anything. But I acknowledge your work.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:55 am
by neab
Barney, what photo/film shoes 2 men in bushes with a gun? Also, the saul story, I found very interesting, you say it says in the book that oswald fired 2 shots deliberately to miss? He had paraffin test which showed he didnt fire a weapon didnt he?Thanks for your posts btw, i found them interesting and would love to see the pics you describe of the man who resembles marlow.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:25 pm
by barney 1961
Bruce and other forum members; I have posted what I have in the way of informal investigation from books, movies, tv shows, YouTube Videos, etc.- which contain manynever before seen or heard interviews, letters, documents etc.- that is the extent of my investigations, as I have never visited DealeyPlaza or Dallas, Texas. II will research the book wherein the pictures are located to be sure that it was in the McDonald book, " Appointment in Dallas." I wouldsuggest to readers that they can obtain this book published way back in the 1970's via Alibris Books. Com which has a world of old and newpublications from many sources. I got one this week which came from a public library, " Red Friday- Nov. 22, 1963" by Dr. Carlos Bringuier,a leader in New Orleans, La. of the anti-Castro movement. Bringuier, a native of Havana, Cuba and son of a criminal courts judge of over 20years, was himself a law school graduate and practicing attorney, before he and his wife, a native of Argentina, fled during the Castro Revoluution to escape prison, or worse. After immigrating to New Orleans, he met Oswald and debated him on local NO tv, and later got into a scuffle, after it became obvious that Oswald was an infiltrator of some kind into their organization. He found Oswald on the streets or his close appearing lookalike, when Oswald was passing out leaflets designated, " Fair Play For Cuba Committee." It should be noted thatOswald was the President and sole member of this NO committee, but the national president was listed as V.T. Lee,( Vincent T. Lee), of anaddress in New York, Ny.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:08 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Barney 1961, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Barney - I find it so refreshing that a relatively New JFK Forum Member has brought so much real research, study, points, authorities, and references on so many JFK issues and related Subject Matters that are normally written about over and over and over again on the JFK Forum, ad nauseam.Further, you have raised some additional research and writing about Jimmy that has been in the public domain for years, and not a single JFK Forum Member has heretofore referenced, and developed as you have. I have been waiting curiously to see if anybody would present the information that you have chosen to do.I commend you for your analytical presentation of known facts and scenarios that has never intelligently been presented on the JFK Forum before.Your specific references, facts, and comingled higher levels of analysis are concise and probative. I pay very close attention to your thinking processes, and how you present complete narratives of your analysis, avoiding simplistic Blackberry, Chat Room or Facebook Posts as I call them. Intriguing.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:09 am
by dankbaar
Bruce,Just to remind me, what is your opinion on the veracity of James Files?Am I correct in noting that you are feeding Barney's suggestion that the man with sunglasses here: in fact Michael Corbitt? And not Gary Marlow, also pictured with James here: your entry below of April 27 1999, were you referring to Corbitt, who died juli 27, 2004, or to Gary Marlow who died april 2, 2007? Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies: by Bruce Patrick Brychek on Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:39 pm Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members, FOR THE RECORD: Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit's shooter has recently died. Tippit was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald as was/is claimed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. News Media, and last but not least, The Warren Commission Report. The shooter was in route to meet, and kill Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theatre where Oswald had been directed to go by his CIA handler, David Atlee Phillips, who was also James E. Sutton's CIA handler. David Atlee Phillips, Sam Giancana, and Charles Nicoletti all probably had some knowledge, which can not be quantified at this point in time. At his request, prior to his death, to protect his wife, and family, he has requested that his name never be released. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:35 am
by barney 1961
9/15/10Members; I found on YouTube, 4 videos that you may wish to view, using a critical and cynical view of what happened on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.1. JFK- Executive Action-Episodes 1-9,starring famous actors now deceased, Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, and Will Geer. I think the scenario portrayed in theseepisodes, pretty well sums up how and why the murder of our President on that Red Friday, occurred, and the massive govt. coverup that ensued afterwards.2.RedVic-Movie House- additional info-paul8kangas3. JFK-YouTube Documentary Special- corbettreport4.JFK Assassination Documentary- Parts 1-3- scumctvEach of us must come to grips with the facts, that Kings and Leaders of Nations are killed, by method or another, whenever they become disposable to the people, with the power and money to make it happen and who were the prime movers and shakers in getting that person in a position of power and authority in the first place. As Mr. X stated in the movie, JFK, its as old as the Cross, as old as Emperor Julius Caesar, for Brutus and Cassius, Roman Senators, are honorable men too. If it be treason andsuccessful treason, then none dare call it by its true name, TREASON.