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Oswald: Mortal or Myth

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:09 am
by Phil Dragoo
Joe, Seamus' recommendation is an excellent piece which will eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel. I have John Newman's 1995 Oswald and the CIA and it's a little like handing me the controls of a 747 and saying, "Okay, fly us all to the Coast"--Jim DiEugenio has made a number of references to the outrageous weakness of the case against Oswald in the Tippitt murder and one of these occurs in Section III of ... lRegarding John Armstrong and his Harvey and Lee, I am in awe at the ease with which Armstrong has mastered a mountain of complex material to establish his theory of the two distinct persons used to portray the one figure. Here's a brief glimpse of the author presenting his material coauthored The Dead Witnesses with Craig Roberts (Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza). Before former U.S. Customs Agent and Secret Service Agent John Carman was framed in Mexico by our Feds fed up with his whistleblowing, Carman told me Roberts had seen Armstrong's "wall of binders" supporting his research.From everything uncovered it appears Oswald was created by ONI and used by Angleton (and later Phillips) to be the DMSO of the poison. Picture Helms helpfully providing Johnson with "evidence" of Oswald in Mexico City--as a Cuban/Soviet assassin-wannabe.You and Seamus have this ironed flat, but I offer this youtube narrated by James Earl Jones as a graphic demonstration that there was not enough time QED Oswald was framed for the Tippit murder

Re: Oswald: Mortal or Myth

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:51 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:Joe, Seamus' recommendation is an excellent piece which will eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel. I have John Newman's 1995 Oswald and the CIA and it's a little like handing me the controls of a 747 and saying, "Okay, fly us all to the Coast"--Jim DiEugenio has made a number of references to the outrageous weakness of the case against Oswald in the Tippitt murder and one of these occurs in Section III of ... lRegarding John Armstrong and his Harvey and Lee, I am in awe at the ease with which Armstrong has mastered a mountain of complex material to establish his theory of the two distinct persons used to portray the one figure. Here's a brief glimpse of the author presenting his material coauthored The Dead Witnesses with Craig Roberts (Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza). Before former U.S. Customs Agent and Secret Service Agent John Carman was framed in Mexico by our Feds fed up with his whistleblowing, Carman told me Roberts had seen Armstrong's "wall of binders" supporting his research.From everything uncovered it appears Oswald was created by ONI and used by Angleton (and later Phillips) to be the DMSO of the poison. Picture Helms helpfully providing Johnson with "evidence" of Oswald in Mexico City--as a Cuban/Soviet assassin-wannabe.You and Seamus have this ironed flat, but I offer this youtube narrated by James Earl Jones as a graphic demonstration that there was not enough time QED Oswald was framed for the Tippit murder resources and information there Phil. Nice job.

Cheers Dragoo. Excellent link

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:17 am
by SeamusCoogan
Phil Dragoo wrote:Joe, Seamus' recommendation is an excellent piece which will eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel. I have John Newman's 1995 Oswald and the CIA and it's a little like handing me the controls of a 747 and saying, "Okay, fly us all to the Coast"--Jim DiEugenio has made a number of references to the outrageous weakness of the case against Oswald in the Tippitt murder and one of these occurs in Section III of ... lRegarding John Armstrong and his Harvey and Lee, I am in awe at the ease with which Armstrong has mastered a mountain of complex material to establish his theory of the two distinct persons used to portray the one figure. Here's a brief glimpse of the author presenting his material coauthored The Dead Witnesses with Craig Roberts (Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza). Before former U.S. Customs Agent and Secret Service Agent John Carman was framed in Mexico by our Feds fed up with his whistleblowing, Carman told me Roberts had seen Armstrong's "wall of binders" supporting his research.From everything uncovered it appears Oswald was created by ONI and used by Angleton (and later Phillips) to be the DMSO of the poison. Picture Helms helpfully providing Johnson with "evidence" of Oswald in Mexico City--as a Cuban/Soviet assassin-wannabe.You and Seamus have this ironed flat, but I offer this youtube narrated by James Earl Jones as a graphic demonstration that there was not enough time QED Oswald was framed for the Tippit murder seen it before but I couldny find it thanks Phil lad. Joe if you aint seen it mate have a gander its very good,

Lies and Lies again.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:58 am
by SeamusCoogan
Im sorry guys but look at this bollocks. by the way Dave Perry and I walked it in 13:30 and encountered next to no traffic at a good pace.Im 6ft 1 or 2 and Dave perry is not a short guy and nor is Mack both are at least 6ft + And I know Mack is taller than me or bang on my height all three of us are way way way taller than Oswald. Notice how tall their Oswald guy is? Hes like at least 6'1 maybe taller he is not Oswalds height at all and he is clearly taller than Perry who is not short and at least 6ft by my reckoning.The longer your stride of course it means the more distance you gain and if moderately fit you will always walk faster than a shorter guy of the same fitness level sorry but thats the reality. They didnt even show the full root he took when I did it we filmed as much of it as we could They also screw with the time Oswald left the boarding house. Dave Perry and I nailed the time he and Mack had worked on and like I say man we came across little or no traffic lol.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:58 am
by Dealey Joe
Bob take a look see at this...When Oswald first shows up at the Cuban consulate it allegedly is at 11:00 AM on Friday. (p. 356) Yet as the author notes on his chronological chart, he is supposed to have already called the Soviet Consulate twice that morning. (Ibid) The problem with those two calls is that they were both in Spanish which, as the Lopez Report notes, the weight of the evidence says Oswald did not speak. He tells receptionist Silvia Duran he wants an in-transit visa for travel via Cuba to Russia. But he has no passport photos. He leaves to get the pictures taken. When he returned with the photos, Duran told him that he now had to get his Soviet visa before she could issue his Cuban visa. (p. 357)Oswald now went to the Soviet Consulate. But here we find another problem with what is supposed to be his third call there. The time frames for the call and the visit overlap. He cannot be outside calling inside when he is already inside. (Ibid) Further, this call is also in Spanish, which creates a double problem with the call. Do you recall in Mary Bledsoes testimony she said he spoke to someone on the phone in Spanish?Then remembered he spoke Russian?Srikes me a little funny. being Cajun he most likely spoke French and Spanish??

Re: Lies and Lies again.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:50 am
by Dealey Joe
SeamusCoogan wrote:Im sorry guys but look at this bollocks. by the way Dave Perry and I walked it in 13:30 and encountered next to no traffic at a good pace.Im 6ft 1 or 2 and Dave perry is not a short guy and nor is Mack both are at least 6ft + And I know Mack is taller than me or bang on my height all three of us are way way way taller than Oswald. Notice how tall their Oswald guy is? Hes like at least 6'1 maybe taller he is not Oswalds height at all and he is clearly taller than Perry who is not short and at least 6ft by my reckoning.The longer your stride of course it means the more distance you gain and if moderately fit you will always walk faster than a shorter guy of the same fitness level sorry but thats the reality. They didnt even show the full root he took when I did it we filmed as much of it as we could They also screw with the time Oswald left the boarding house. Dave Perry and I nailed the time he and Mack had worked on and like I say man we came across little or no traffic is amazing how these disinformation specialist can make you see anything.It is very easy to be deceived by these guys. They eally think they are putting something over on us?Maybbe they even conn themselves into believing the story.Start out with a hypothesis and then apply some ilogical theory and then present a concocted conclusion.Hell I almost am convinced.No one around? Look at some of the pictures of Jefferson St. when LHO was pulled out of the Theater.Oak Cliff was a busy jumpin little town in 63.They have two witnesses on Tenth St. They chose to believe the one that fits their needs.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:41 am
by kenmurray
Yeah and one witness Aquila Cleamons saw 2 men at the Tippit murder and naturally wasn't called by the Warren Omission.