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Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:46 am
by Dealey Joe
Every witness to the JD Tippit murder says something different.It is entirely possible that Ruby could be there.I am convinced that Oswald left the TSBD and went, in the Rambler, to Jack Rubys apartment.I have not decided if Ruby was with him or met him at the apartment or exactly how that came down.I don't have enough information to form and opinion about Raven.If Raven shot Tippit then Ruby did not.There was another cop in the area ( Harry N. Olsen) at the time and one witness said a police car was parked in the alley nearby?The last time Tipppit checked in by radio he placed himself at 8th and Lancaster. This is odd as as three players in Oak Cliff is connected to the address. Harry Olsen, Kay "Kathy Kay" Coleman, later became Olsen, and Oswald witness, shoe store employee, Johnny Calvin Brewer.I think Tippit and Olsen were both involved with Carousel "Dancers".I have felt that the Tippit killing was done by a jealous husband or boyfriend and Olsen sure fits that description?But then how do we put Raven into the picture?Oak Cliff is the key to the assassination "who done it"

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:35 am
by ChristophMessner
Dealey Joe wrote: Oak Cliff is the key to the assassination "who done it"Correct. So by whom did the man who knocked at Jimmy's door after the assassinations know that Jimmy was in that hotel? By whom did Tippit know that he should drive where he drove? It's amazing that Jimmy told much about Nicoletti's and Roselli's involvement and not much about the Tippit-shooter's involvement, who knocked at his door, so this is strong indication that the Tippit-shooter was still alive at the time of the interview. Why did Oswald not just disappear in the crowd or traffic like Nicoletti and Roselli? The fact that he picked up the revolver speaks for he could have been made known that after the Kennedy assassination there would be some risky struggling about who would be made the patsy or killed "as the assassin". What did the shooter of Tippit convince, that it would be necessary to even kill a policeman? Was it plan to pin the assassination on a guy "who had disguised as policeman"?Pretty many invoved ones, aren't there? All in all the question how the plotters orchestrated these men to do all this, is more interesting. If you would be the plotter, would you make dozens of "dirty" guys get involved or try to keep the number as limited as possible?Was it necessary to promise Oswald or Ruby much money for their active involvement? Did Marlow know Ruby?

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:20 pm
by barney 1961
People look different to different people, dependant upon many factors, eyesight, distances, clothing, surroundings, circumstances.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:04 pm
by barney 1961
Back a few years ago, I read one theory, that Roscoe White, who knew Oswald from Marine Corps days, and training assignments in Japan andat Hawaii spy training operations, language schools,- may have been riding with Tippit, as the landlady, Mrs. Earline Roberts, stated a squad car came and stopped in the street in front of her home and honked the horn twice and had two officers she did not know in the vehicle, and then drove away rapidly, thus they came to kill either the real Oswald, or the imposter, butwhen they got there he was going or gone, from the rooming house, so they began searching for him and found him down the street walking. He wasplaced in the squad car and enroute a short distance a conflict occurred between Tippit and White, and upon exiting the car, White shotTippit, who apparently had decided to not go thru with this murder, so he became expendable at that moment. One witness stated, that aslender young man ran across to the sidewalk on the other side of the street from the squad car, while the heavy set man shot the cop multiple times. He then waved at the younger man to get the hell outta there, so they left rapidly moving in an opposite direction. Onewitness stated he saw the shooting from his parked pu truck, and saw a man jogging and unloading his handgun as he ran and he threw theempty casings into some shrubs and kept on jogging away. Later, he showed the police the empty casings in the shrubs, and one on the grassbesides the shrubs. This Hispanic mans brother shortly after, was murdered mysteriously, as somebody got the wrong man instead of the scenewitness, who slid down in his truck while the shooting was ongoing so as not to be observed. Roscoe later died in a somewhat odd weldingaccident on the job, when sparked caused an explosion and he was fatally burned. Ricky White and Geneva White, son and wife, cameforward with unfounded claims that their father-husband was the shooter behind the picket fence. They were never able to provide sufficientproof of those claims, tho Rickey Joe continued for many years to go on about a rifle his father gave him, a footlocker of letters and info foundin his grandfathers barn hayloft etc etc but his varying stories never picked up much traction with the mainstream media and researchers.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:20 am
by Dealey Joe
I think we could safely say that White and Oswald were acquainted, Tosh Plumlee said he saw both of them when in special training a time or twobut could not put them together at the same time and place.Im sure there were a lot of guys in the same units and training that did not know one anotherbut Plumlee said White was in some sort of CIA training.Also odd was that White and Oswald went to work in Dallas about the same time.White evidently was well associated with Tippit. So if he was there that would put three cops in Oak Cliff on the 22nd.during the assassination, all who knew Jack Ruby. Everyone that sighted the man running said he had Black Hair and a white jacket.Tippit was sighted by numerous witnesses running around the Oak Clitt, Jefferson, Zang areawith no mention of anyone else in his car.Mrs Roberts also said the car with two cops in it was not the same car that usually came there??It seems as though Tippit was in the district north of Jefferson more often that his own.He and Oswald also was reported to be regulars for coffee at the same restaurant.Tippit and his fellow officer and close friend Bill Anglin were out of their district often.I do think Tippit was to pick Oswald up at the bridge just across the river and take him to Red Bird.I believe it was the escape plan but Oswald did not show up there and Tippit got excited and was running around looking for him.I do believe Tippit knew the person that shot him.Why he sat in his car and talked to this person and then got out to go around to the person??

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:06 pm
by ChristophMessner
Thanks a lot for that interesting information, Barney! I'm glad that you didn't quit! Joe, I thought the same, so did Tippit know Gary Marlow?

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:36 pm
by ChristophMessner
dankbaar wrote: Marlow and Jimmy have known each other since they were teenagers. Jimmy has confirmed that Marlow is the guy who knocked on the door of his motelroom on 22 november 1963 and stated "I screwed up, I missed Oswald, and I had to burn a cop." That is a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle. WimLet's consider the meaning of "I screwed up, I missed Oswald, and I had to burn a cop."That means: Gary Marlow first wanted / had order to meet Oswald to do something with/about him. After he missed Oswald he met a cop. Probably without intention or order to do so. If Tippit approached Marlow in a friendly way first, then the necessity for Marlow to kill Tippit developed out of their conversation. Marlow probably told Tippit something which gave away Marlow's and/or Oswald's role to Tippit, something that Tippit did not expect or know yet, and this made it necessary to kill Tippit not to give a away the whole thing to the police or to make Tippit catch Oswald. Why did Marlow tell that something to Tippit at all? I which connection stands the missing of Oswald and the necessity to burn a cop? Wouldn't it have been necessary, if he wouldn't have missed Oswald?Another thing: shouldn't we lay the Marlow photos on the table of some still alive Tippit killing witnesses?

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:45 pm
by Dealey Joe
Might be just as simple as that Oswald told Tippit who Raven was?and Tippit realized Raven was after Oswald.So Tippit had to be silenced.I wonder why Raven did not say anything about Oswald? just I burned a Cop?

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:06 am
by Barney
Members; Gary died in 2007 at his home in Conyers, Ga., Rockdale newspapers carried the obituary for him. I got a copy via the AtlantaJournal and sent Jimmy a copy for his records. Obit stated he died was cremated at the White Funeral Home, left an ex-wife and twodaughters, and thats about it.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:17 am
by Barney
I forgot to mention, that Marlow does not closely match the physical profile stated by a number of eye witnesses to the Tippit murder, sobe sure to check out the witness descriptions again, before jumping to any conclusions on his killing DPD Officer Tippit. Also, there is thequestion of some witnesses seeing two men at the scene of the shooting not just one. I am wondering if Jack Ruby might not have been theshooter of Tippit, to silence him since the whole LHO plan had gone haywire after he escaped from the TSBD instead of being killed thereand police finding a rifle that could be traced directly to him from the mailorder firm, Klein's of Chicago. Jack Ruby shared an apartmentonly a few blocks from the shooting with his male companion, occasional night employee, and friend, George Senator.