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Re: Gary Marlow(e) sp?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:33 am
by Deborah
Hello Wim Thank you for letting me participate in your forum.The attached photo taken at the Carousel Club looks like it may be a photo of James Files childhood friend Gary Marlowe on the right and Rosce Anthony White at the same table. Compare the young Roscoe White in the second photo attached to the young man with the partially obscured face sitting at the table...notice the ears, the eyebrows, the shape of the face.What do you think? Would anyone know the date this photo was taken?Also, I noted in the obituary for the Gary E. Marlowe who died on April 2, 2007, that this person was 66 years old in 2007. James Files friend, Gary Marlowe, would be closer in age to James I think and born closer to 1942 as James was. Do you think there is a chance that James friend Gary Marlowe is still alive? The man in the back #1 looks more like Jim Braden to me than he does to Jack Ruby. Comments?Thanks, Deborah

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:59 am
by Barney
Members; why does everybody assume that a high or medium power rifle is going to give off a signature "puff ofsmoke" upon being fired. The weather had warmed back up, to the point that it was in fact quite warm, tho ithad rained earlier that morning in Ft. Worth and Dallas. I have shot high power and medium power rifles andhandguns most of my life, and modern powders do not give off puffs of smoke as a signature of being fired. Now,if it were black powder, of course it would give off such a gunshot signature. Nor, does shooting a weapon in anarea create some thick smell of gunpowder, ie a shooting range has the normal smells of grass etc. not gunsmokeresidues. Basically, modern smokeless gunpowders do not leave smoke, smells, etc unless perhaps on the battlefield under heavy combat conditions.

Re: Gary Marlow(e) sp?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:07 pm
by Bob
Deborah wrote:Hello Wim Thank you for letting me participate in your forum.The attached photo taken at the Carousel Club looks like it may be a photo of James Files childhood friend Gary Marlowe on the right and Rosce Anthony White at the same table. Compare the young Roscoe White in the second photo attached to the young man with the partially obscured face sitting at the table...notice the ears, the eyebrows, the shape of the face.What do you think? Would anyone know the date this photo was taken?Also, I noted in the obituary for the Gary E. Marlowe who died on April 2, 2007, that this person was 66 years old in 2007. James Files friend, Gary Marlowe, would be closer in age to James I think and born closer to 1942 as James was. Do you think there is a chance that James friend Gary Marlowe is still alive? The man in the back #1 looks more like Jim Braden to me than he does to Jack Ruby. Comments?Thanks, DeborahWelcome to the forum Deborah. Very interesting photo. #3 definitely has a resemblance to Marlow. I'm not sure though about #1 and #2 being Braden and White though, although they could be. I don't see anyone who could be Ruby in this photo. As to when it was taken, I assume that it would have been near the time of the assassination, if indeed that is Marlow and Braden in the photo. I still say that two men were at the scene of the Tippit murder. They would be Gary Marlow and Jack Ruby. As I said in an earlier post, Ruby seemed to be everywhere, and there have been reports of key players to the assassination being at the Carousel Club prior to 11/22/1963. We know Jack was connected to the mob, plus he knew a lot of cops and also was tight with the press. Ruby was also good friends with Lee Harvey Oswald, and also knew Davie Ferrie quite well too. Plus there is a witness report of Ruby, LHO and J.D. Tippit meeting at Ruby's nightclub not long before the assassination.Jimmy Files saw Ruby in Dealey Plaza. At least one witness saw a man matching his description at the Tippit shooting scene. Ruby also was seen at the Texas Theater by at least one witness. Ruby was also seen at Parkland Hospital. We know Ruby was at the midnight press conference of LHO at police headquarters. Finally, we know what Ruby did on Sunday morning in the basement of police headquarters, as he fatally shot LHO.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:41 pm
by Bob
I knew #1 in Deborah's photo looked familiar. I now think that is Barry Seal. Here is Deborah's photo again...Now here is a photo of some of the members of Operation 40, which includes Seal. Seal is the third person on the left...Seal was also supposedly in Dallas on 11/22/1963. According to his wife, Deborah, "Barry Seal flew a getaway plane out of Dallas after JFK was killed."By the way, that is Tosh Plumlee trying to cover up his face with his coat on the right. We also know that Plumlee was in Dallas on 11/22/1963, and he was also a pilot.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:59 pm
by Deborah
Thanks for identifying Barry Seal as the man in the first photo, and Tosh Plumblee as the man covering his face in the second one.Has Barry Seal ever spoken out as Tosh Plumblee has that you know of?D

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:13 pm
by Deborah
Barney wrote:Members; Gary died in 2007 at his home in Conyers, Ga., Rockdale newspapers carried the obituary for him. I got a copy via the AtlantaJournal and sent Jimmy a copy for his records. Obit stated he died was cremated at the White Funeral Home, left an ex-wife and twodaughters, and thats about it.When I looked up this obituary for this Gary Marlowe that died in April 2007 in Conyers, Ga, I noted it stated that he was 66 years old in 2007. This would mean he was born in 1947 and would have been 16 years old in 1963. I do not think this particular Gary Marlowe could be one and the same as the Gary Marlow(e) who is the childhood friend of James Files. Unless you think it possible that the obituary made a mistake in the year of birth?James Files was born in 1942 which made him 21 years old in 1963. The Gary Marlow(e) who is James Files childhood friend would be closer to James' age and born closer to 1942 than 1947. Do you think it possible the Gary Marlow(e) who is James' friend has perhaps gone underground and in seeking to remain anonymous and out of the spotlight has maybe changed his identity and/or is relying on his friends to report he is deceased?What do you think?

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:13 pm
by Bob
Deborah wrote:Thanks for identifying Barry Seal as the man in the first photo, and Tosh Plumblee as the man covering his face in the second one.Has Barry Seal ever spoken out as Tosh Plumblee has that you know of?DI'm sure Barry wanted to say a lot of things, but unfortunately, he was cut down before he had a chance to speak. Seal had information on Operation 40, the JFK assassination, Air America, the CIA drug running in Mena and also Iran/Contra. In his car at the time of his murder (February of 1986), was the personal phone number of Poppy Bu$h as well. Was Poppy behind the murder? Well, Seal could have exposed Poppy in various areas. Plus, there was another reason Poppy wanted Seal silenced. According to friends, Seal had a copy of a videotape of a 1985 DEA cocaine sting which had netted Poppy's two sons, Dumbya and Jeb, picking up kilos of cocaine at a Florida airport.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:51 pm
by kenmurray
Hi Deborah. Welcome to the forum. Check out this documentary about the Mena Connection: ... 8920427234#

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:25 am
by Barney
Anthony; I too believe that the throat wound at the tie knot, was due to a frontal shot by either a pellet gun, poisondart gun, or a small caliber gun, such as a .22 rifle short round. This shot most likely was done to immobilize Kennedy, so that the head and back shots would be easier to perform. The terrible throat surgical wound was a travesty by someone, as it obliterated the throat wound channel, no doubt in an effort to remove the projectile before the body was autopsied at Bethesda Naval Hospital morgue, by yet still unqualifed forensic pathologists inone of the autopsies of the century, in importance, since it involved the President of the USA.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:33 am
by Bob
Deborah wrote:Barney wrote:Members; Gary died in 2007 at his home in Conyers, Ga., Rockdale newspapers carried the obituary for him. I got a copy via the AtlantaJournal and sent Jimmy a copy for his records. Obit stated he died was cremated at the White Funeral Home, left an ex-wife and twodaughters, and thats about it.When I looked up this obituary for this Gary Marlowe that died in April 2007 in Conyers, Ga, I noted it stated that he was 66 years old in 2007. This would mean he was born in 1947 and would have been 16 years old in 1963. I do not think this particular Gary Marlowe could be one and the same as the Gary Marlow(e) who is the childhood friend of James Files. Unless you think it possible that the obituary made a mistake in the year of birth?James Files was born in 1942 which made him 21 years old in 1963. The Gary Marlow(e) who is James Files childhood friend would be closer to James' age and born closer to 1942 than 1947. Do you think it possible the Gary Marlow(e) who is James' friend has perhaps gone underground and in seeking to remain anonymous and out of the spotlight has maybe changed his identity and/or is relying on his friends to report he is deceased?What do you think?Marlow died in 2007 and was 66 years old according to the obituary. That would mean Marlow was born in 1941, not 1947. That would also make him just a year older than his friend Jimmy Files.