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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:15 pm
by Jsnow915
who knows exactly where the shots came from...from a window on the otherside?...and who knows even if the shooter went down to the next inside a box and hid until it all calmed down...either way I dont believe Oswald fired a gun that day....but I do believe that someone fired a shot which went over the motorcade first and was the one that hit the pavement and Tague...basically a warning shot...but no one reacted.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:59 am
by kenmurray
Robert Groden said on Black Op Radio that when the shots were fired Oswald was with another person and they both said something to the effect "what was that?" This witness will be revealed in Groden's new book coming out. The witness was interviewed by Groden and didn't want her named revealed until after her death. My question is if Oswald was with her at the time shots were fired why didn't she go to the authorities that weekend when he was in custody? Or maybe she did and they covered it up. Should be interesting to know WHO this person was when Groden's book comes out.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:40 am
by ThomZajac
Indeed! Groden, if I remember correctly, claims to know the whereabouts of JFK's brain. Does anyone know when his book is scheduled for release?

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:44 am
by neab
Pretty sure there was at least warning shot(s) from book depository. There's several reports from people saying they saw a man with a gun or a barrell of a gun etc.Interesting you mention silencers kirk,cos I remember watching a vid on youtube the other day... 1 of the dealey plaza's witness' said ,or at least implied that the frontal headshot was not nearly as loud as the other shots. I think he said 3rd..and 1st2nd and 4th were much louder... And we know from brehm's recolection that the final shot was a wasted shot that went off shortly after the headshot.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:53 am
by Dealey Joe
don't you think LHO knew what was supposed to be coming down in the plaza that day?He had to think he was part of it.Maybe he fired a warning shot?If Files can wash off gunpowder so could LHO.I really think the CIA standdown changed things that day.I really think LHO was aware of the standdown and thought it was not going to happen?I think the shooters would have all been Chicago Mafia. ie. Nicoletti/Files ectThe CIA boys thought it was all called off and since they were already called inwas there as spectators.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:22 pm
by Kirk
Dealey Joe,I agree that Lee Oswald knew that a plan was in place. It is the only rational reason for him being there at that moment in history, but I don't believe he knew what the real plan was. I think he tried to warn the FBI before hand, and that he believed that it was going to be stopped, but he was not completely confident. It is just my opinion at the moment. I think he was told to bring a rifle and hide it in a certain place for some one else to shoot. The worst possible weapon for the job, and not sighted, just in case. Maybe he thought Files was the one that would do the shooting. Oh and Good MorningDealey Joe wrote:don't you think LHO knew what was supposed to be coming down in the plaza that day?He had to think he was part of it.Maybe he fired a warning shot?If Files can wash off gunpowder so could LHO.I really think the CIA standdown changed things that day.I really think LHO was aware of the standdown and thought it was not going to happen?I think the shooters would have all been Chicago Mafia. ie. Nicoletti/Files ectThe CIA boys thought it was all called off and since they were already called inwas there as spectators.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:28 pm
by Kirk
Howdy NeabYes, I have heard a number of times that the shots sounded different, which says that they had to come from different places, and means that they were different guns. I do wonder why all of the weapons, except the patsy weapon were not using silencers of somekind, and maybe they were, but in the echo chamber of Dealey they steal made a loud sound. I have felt that the shots from the Dal Tex building had to be silenced because of how close to the street and crowds the shooters would have been, and I have thought, if there was a shooter or team on the easter side of Dealey they would have used a silencer. Just a guess at this pointneab wrote:Pretty sure there was at least warning shot(s) from book depository. There's several reports from people saying they saw a man with a gun or a barrell of a gun etc.Interesting you mention silencers kirk,cos I remember watching a vid on youtube the other day... 1 of the dealey plaza's witness' said ,or at least implied that the frontal headshot was not nearly as loud as the other shots. I think he said 3rd..and 1st2nd and 4th were much louder... And we know from brehm's recolection that the final shot was a wasted shot that went off shortly after the headshot.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:54 pm
by tom jeffers
i am not sure where I read this but somebody found the remains of a sabot that had been fired on the roof of the dal-tec building in the early 70's. I have always wondered about that because it makes sence that the shot to the back could have been from a sabot, it wouldn't have as much ooomph to it so it did not penetrate the body. also it would leave a smaller hole than the gun it was fired fromany thoughts?tom

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:31 pm
by Jsnow915
Kennedys back wound was always strange to me...I often wonder if the prestine bullet was actually off of Kennedys stretcher and not Connallys...from what I remember the back wound was never probed(sorry if I'm wrong)...that seems more likely than it being the magic bullet.

Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:47 pm
by Dealey Joe
tom jeffers wrote:i am not sure where I read this but somebody found the remains of a sabot that had been fired on the roof of the dal-tec building in the early 70's. I have always wondered about that because it makes sence that the shot to the back could have been from a sabot, it wouldn't have as much ooomph to it so it did not penetrate the body. also it would leave a smaller hole than the gun it was fired fromany thoughts?tom Tom a sabot is used to increase the oomph.I think if in fact there was a dud that is exactly what it was.I assume most of the ammunition would have been special load?Even if it was factory an actual missload (dud) is definatly possible.Could account for the different sound and the lack of penetration.I am not sure aboout the trajectory? course at close range it might be good.