David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

JFK Assassination
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David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Chris found a great photo of Lee Harvey Oswald's press conference the night of the assassination at Dallas police headquarters. One of the people in the photo looks a lot like David Atlee Phillips, Oswald's CIA handler, and also the CIA handler of Jimmy Files. Take a look at that photo and also one that actually is Phillips near CIA headquarters. Okay, look at the top photo first with Oswald having a press conference. Look at the guy in between the guy with the white cowboy hat and the guy reaching out the microphone. See the guy I am referring to? He is directly behind those two looking at Oswald intently. The man looks a lot like Phillips. Is it the same man in both photos? And why was he at the press conference and so close to Oswald?
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Now it's assuumed by many experts that David Atlee Phillips and General Edward Lansdale were the brains behind the JFK asassination. Again, here is what Pasquale had posted from the book Interview with History: The JFK Assassination written by "Pamela J. Ray with James E. Files"I saw Kennedy’s head explode. At that moment, I knew he was dead. I knew that no one could survive that hit. I removed the shell casing, placed it in my mouth bit the casing and placed it on the fence, laid the Fireball back in the case, closed it and walked away. As I walked away from the fence, I saw the cop drop the motorcycle on its side and run up the hill with another cop close by. They were stopped by two men wearing suites and showing some kind of ID’s. I was preparing to pull my Colt .45 from under my jacket and shoot them when they were stopped. I just kept right on walking like I was going back to work from my lunch break.2006 update: Edward G. Lansdale talked to James Files when he was behind the picket fence up on the grassy knoll waiting for JFK’s motorcade to arrive. Files said Lansdale asked if everyone was in place and Files said Nicoletti and Roselli were in the Dal-Tex building and he was only supposed to fire if the target, JFK, was not hit. He did not talk about other “teams” but only what immediately concerned him. Earlier in the call, Files mentioned that the “CIA person” had a radio with him and was considered the “grounds controller on station” for the CIA that day. Files was reluctant to tell me Lansdale’s name on the phone when he mentioned that there were different size footprints behind the fence imprinted in the mud. I guessed Lansdale’s name Files didn’t want to say and he quickly changed the subject. I was a little slow in getting his hint and when he yelled in the phone one more time I understood to shut up already. You won’t read that information anywhere else…especially in an FBI report. (Commenting on recent material in 2006 I sent him for review)JF: Hey a lot of this stuff refreshes my memories. A lot of it makes me think of things – it brings up names and stuff. PR: That’s why I sent it to you, but if I send too much or stuff you don’t want, just trash it.JF: There is one thing I was a little concerned about…PR: What?JF: Okay, like I told ya before, my interview I always told the truth, I just didn’t tell all of it. PR: I know.JF: Now then. When I pulled the trigger on Kennedy, behind the stockade fence, I was alone. Now prior to that, I did have a visitor. Before the motorcade ever got within reach. PR: Who?JF: Huh?PR: Who? JF: I don’t think we should, I don’t think we should use the name or not, I’m debating on that. I don’t know if I should tell ya the name or not. But see there were two sets of footprints…all the footprints back there? PR: Um-hmJF: Some were overlapping the other ones which meant the party had to have been there while I was there at the same time, cause we were walking back and forth, we were overlapping each other’s footsteps, when we were turning, you know what I mean? PR: Um-hmJF: And they know they were made by two different sets of shoes. PR: Would I know the name if you said it? JF: Oh yes! (Pause) strictly CIA…and it was not David Phillips. This guy was grounds coordinator. He was coordinator for operations. (Cough) But Like I say, I don’t know if we want to put his name in there or not…we might raise trouble with a lawsuit…I don’t want to put you in danger from putting it out there…that’s one of the things I’m in turmoil with right now. PR: When you wrote to me about two different shoe sizes, I thought maybe you wore two different shoe sizes that day…JF: No, no, no, no…PR: …just to confuse people.JF: No, no, no, no, no…I wasn’t that smart back then.PR: I thought maybe you did something like that.JF: No. The other party wanted to know if everything was in place – team was ready – we was gonna do our thing – he wanted to know where everybody was, you know, about the guys I was with, he was referring to like Chuck and Johnny. PR: Right.JF: So… (pause) well like I say, we can bring this up but I don’t know if we’re gonna put his name in there or not.PR: Before you said “The CIA wasn’t involved as much…” and now you’re saying they were…JF: They was involv…I tried to keep the CIA out of it…I tried to keep them happy as possible, and it’s just not gonna work ‘cause everybody knows they were involved so why cover it?PR: Right.JF: But the whole thing was this, I did what I felt was right the first time around, but like I say, when I pulled the trigger, I was alone. And as far I was concerned, there was nobody involved but Chuck, Johnny Roselli and me. And that was it. But there’s powers beyond, they didn’t pull the trigger but they were powers that were working. PR: Did you talk to Ed Lansdale that day?(Silence)PR: Jimmy? Hello…JF: I’m sorry. We’re breaking up…I couldn’t hear you on that one. PR: I said, “Did you ta…”JF: I know, I know, I said I’m breaking up. PR: Honey did you…JF: How are you doin’? How ya feelin’? PR: Me?JF: Yeah. PR: Pretty good. JF: Good. (Laugh)PR: I was gonna ask you if…JF: I know you was.PR: Oh okay. Yeah. I feel great. JF: Ya gotta remember…if I say we’re breakin’ up, we’re breakin’ up. You get off of it. (Laugh)PR: Honey I’m not used to your codes as much as I should be…JF: I know. PR: ‘cause I don’t really talk like that. Sorry.JF: Anyway though, we’ll worry about all that stuff later. Now...look at this photo that many people including Fletcher Prouty, who knew Lansdale very well, thought was Lansdale walking by the tramps...Look at a close up and notice the large class ring that Lansdale always wore..."The haircut, the stoop, the twisted left hand, the large class ring. It's Lansdale." - Lt. Gen. Victor Krulak
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob, regarding the Phillips picture and the picture of Oswald at the press conference, there IS a resemblance, but I need a better picture of David Phillips to compare it. The hair line looks very similar as do the ears. The mouth and eyebrows are difficult to compare because of the grainy quality of the Phillips photo.At this point, I kind of doubt that Phillips would risk getting his picture taken, but I could be wrong.There IS a resemblance, but if we compare a better picture of Phillips, I'll be able to give you a better analysis, and I'll tell you why I do or do not think it's him.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by turtleman »

I do see a resemblance but I would ask what would he be doing at LHO's press conference. And if he did feel some need to be there he would surely go undercover. I would think that would be the last place he would want his mug to show up on a photo. Not to mention if Oswald saw him he could have really made a scene. I just don't see it. I am much more interested in Lansdale's pic walking against the 3 tramps.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by katisha »

Good find, Christoph, and good post, Bob.There's a photo in "The Zapruder Film" (David Wrone) that must have been taken a few seconds after the one Christoph found, and from slightly to the right. You can still see the *maybe* David Atlee Phillips, looking very intently at Oswald, but he's almost out of shot, so you can't see the left eyebrow. "Microphone man" in front of him has crouched/knelt down and is directly in front of Mr maybe DAP.Pasquale, if you can find the thread where Christoph originally posted the photo, a couple of posts later he points out the very distinctive left eyebrow: I think a look at that, and a comparison to the *known* photo of Phillips in the same thread, will convince you it's the same guy. It convinced me.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Frenchy »

Im sorry but that isnt Phillips
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by katisha »

Nice collage, Frenchy Got to disagree with you, though; if you look at the top photo in the left column, you see the distinctive left eyebrow, and then look at the second-from-top photo (the super-imposed one) in the second column; there's that eyebrow again
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Frenchy »

Look at the marks on Phillips face, that Antonio Veciana testified to:
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Here is why I do think it was plausible for Phillips to be at the press conference. First, the patsy (Oswald) was supposed to be killed before he was arrested and interrogated. That did not happen, as Tippit instead was killed. Secondly, there were a couple of other people at Dallas police headquarters that Oswald also knew very well, FBI agent Hosty and Jack Ruby. In fact, Ruby corrected a reporter at the press conference that the photo Chris posted was taken from. So I do think that it was very possible that Phillips was at the press conference and perhaps also in the interrogation room, as was Hosty for a time. To the press, Oswald played along and kept things quiet, but also professed his innocence. But Oswald was also VERY calm, cool and collected. Perhaps the presence of Phillips and Hosty made him feel that things would get straightened out, at least in the interrogation room. Why is it that there is absolutely NO record via notes or recording about that interrogation? Oswald supposedly just shot the President of the United States. I think Phillips was concerned that since Oswald lived, instead of being killed, at least on Friday night, that perhaps Oswald might profess his REAL persona to the press. Again, look at that picture. If that is Phillips, he is listening VERY intently. Bottom line, I still believe that the two men in the photos are the same man. The left eye brow. The shape of the nose. The left ear. The chin. The lower lip. You can actually see both photos at the same time if you scroll down just right. The size of the heads are almost exactly the same in the photos.By the way, I sent the photos to a couple of investigative journalists that have studied the JFK assassination in depth. One was Wayne Madsen. Wayne has already responded. He will study this more closely, but his initial response is that he thinks it IS Phillips at the LHO press conference. Madsen was in the NSA and also in Naval intelligence before he became an investigative journalist and Wayne knows all about Phillips.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Here is why I do think it was plausible for Phillips to be at the press conference. First, the patsy (Oswald) was supposed to be killed before he was arrested and interrogated. That did not happen, as Tippit instead was killed. Secondly, there were a couple of other people at Dallas police headquarters that Oswald also knew very well, FBI agent Hosty and Jack Ruby. In fact, Ruby corrected a reporter at the press conference that the photo Chris posted was taken from. So I do think that it was very possible that Phillips was at the press conference and perhaps also in the interrogation room, as was Hosty for a time. To the press, Oswald played along and kept things quiet, but also professed his innocence. But Oswald was also VERY calm, cool and collected. Perhaps the presence of Phillips and Hosty made him feel that things would get straightened out, at least in the interrogation room. Why is it that there is absolutely NO record via notes or recording about that interrogation? Oswald supposedly just shot the President of the United States. I think Phillips was concerned that since Oswald lived, instead of being killed, at least on Friday night, that perhaps Oswald might profess his REAL persona to the press. Again, look at that picture. If that is Phillips, he is listening VERY intently. Bottom line, I still believe that the two men in the photos are the same man. The left eye brow. The shape of the nose. The left ear. The chin. The lower lip. You can actually see both photos at the same time if you scroll down just right. The size of the heads are almost exactly the same in the photos.By the way, I sent the photos to a couple of investigative journalists that have studied the JFK assassination in depth. One was Wayne Madsen. Wayne has already responded. He will study this more closely, but his initial response is that he thinks it IS Phillips at the LHO press conference. Madsen was in the NSA and also in Naval intelligence before he became an investigative journalist and Wayne knows all about Phillips.You know what, Bob?After looking at the other Phillips pictures, I'm thinking that it IS Phillips at the press conference. The ears are the same as is the shape of the nose. Compare the nose of the "Phillips" in the press conference picture with the picture of Phillips at the bottom right. They're the same. Also, look at the ears. They're the same too.The only reason that I can see that the "Phillips" in the press conference picture might look different is that his mouth is CLOSED and in the other pictures of Phillips, his mouth is open like he's talking or laughing or whatever.How VERY interesting!