Walter Cronkite Passes Away

JFK Assassination
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

That was a nice rant! Easy on the caffiene my friend! Seriously, you made some very valid points!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:That was a nice rant! Easy on the caffiene my friend! Seriously, you made some very valid points! Bob, you have excellent instincts. I'm on my third cup today (maybe my fourth). LOLI'm 100% Italian blooded here, and we drink coffee like it's water. On a more serious note, I ranted because I can't believe the nerve of people like that who continue to spread lies. Don't they know what they're doing to society in general? Who are these people?On a lighter note, I'm still suspicious about the lapdance theory of mine. Sorry for the bad visual.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

You know, I think a lot of honest people in key positions believed that the real facts pertaining to the assassination needed to be covered up for reasons of national security- which of course was a cover story- and perhaps Cronkite was one of them. I don't claim to be a genius on this topic; LBJ twisted many an arm into going along by explaining "We were trying to kill Castro, and he got us first," and a nuclear war over this thing would kill millions of Americans in a hour. That's pretty powerful stuff, and it's no wonder that so many went along.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:You know, I think a lot of honest people in key positions believed that the real facts pertaining to the assassination needed to be covered up for reasons of national security- which of course was a cover story- and perhaps Cronkite was one of them. I don't claim to be a genius on this topic; LBJ twisted many an arm into going along by explaining "We were trying to kill Castro, and he got us first," and a nuclear war over this thing would kill millions of Americans in a hour. That's pretty powerful stuff, and it's no wonder that so many went along.That is an excellent point, Thom, and I agree with you. I think a lot of the media actually think they might be doing a service to our country by covering stuff up.The problem I have is this. How frickin' stupid can they be? How many weird facts and coincidences do they need to see it for what it is...a cover-up.There have been so many anomalies regarding many of our political events, from the bogus reasons for going to Iraq to people getting retaliated against for speaking out against Iraq (like Valerie Plame Wilson), RFK, MLK, etc. How naive can they all be? I think what I'm trying to say is that you make an excellent point, but I can't believe that ALL the people in the mainstream media didn't know any better.I guess I'm also saying that if Walter Cronkite was one of those news people who thought he was doing good, I can buy that. It makes sense.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

I certainly agree with you, Pasquale, that the naiveté exhibited by so many is astounding. And I also agree that some in the media don't really believe the national security cover story, but they look at the big picture (their carer, the no-win prospect of challenging the official story) and they then willingly buy into it.Gotta go get some coffee-
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by kenmurray »

Great posts there guys. I wonder if Con Pein would still have the same "love" for Cronkite if Walter was an outspoken critic of the Warren Report, eh? NAH! I see that he has started a thread of his review of Groden"s book "The Killing Of A President" over at that other forum. Notice the coward still avoids the question about debating DiEugenio. A simple yes or no would do. He says that I have a fixation on him. The only fixation going around Con Pein is with yourself. That is so blatantly obvious. Notice he has a portrait of JFK on all his posts. I guess he thinks he looks like JFK too. I bet he is about as creepy looking as Posner is.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ChristophMessner »

So the real evildoers are not some TV moderators who just tell 90% instead of 100% of the truth all the time and paint it in a certain trendy color just to keep their job, the real evildoers are the ones who are paying them. The media moguls, who coin their line of reporting in their channals not according to the higher goals for the good of the people, but for the lower goals for the wallet good of themselves. Berlusconi, Murdoch, Iger, Nduka, ...
tom jeffers
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by tom jeffers »

the only thing i had against him was that he was a cfr member.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

Indeed Tom. As is Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Jsnow915 »

I gotta say Thom...if thats your sister....she's hot....and brains too!