WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob If obama could do as he wished it might be different.But we know who really gives the marching orders.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Here is my quick take on Sarah, before I get down to watching some football. Both sides of the political spectrum have proven that Palin is a serial liar and her "book" has more inaccuracies than a Dana Perino press conference for the Bu$h administration. One thing about Palin though...she makes Dumbya Bu$h seem like a Rhodes Scholar in terms of intelligence. Yes Joe Im with Big Ol Bob on this. Heres a funny one for you both I met Beverly Oliver she believes the CIA did Kennedy but loved George Bush lol. You Americans crack me up (regardless what anybody think of Bev's story she's hilarious and Infectious I really liked her).
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:I personally think that she is the biggest single reason that John McCain lost.Now President Obama is basically doing what McCain was saying he would do.Who sold out the most ???????????Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Bruce...Obama has been a MAJOR disappointment thus far, but McCain would have been FAR worse. Everyone sells out in politics (unless you are Jesse Ventura and a couple of others), but sometimes you have to choose between the lesser of two evils.Totally and utterly agree with you Bob. Have you seen the enormous pressure bought to bare on him. One move and he's branded a socialist its pathetic. I come from a country with free healthcare and I have the internet, I can swear at and about the government, I dont have a Canadian accent and our government are a pack of right wing nuts that want to turn out system into what you guys have got.Oh and as for Obama being a 'Socialist' trust me he's not, why cos Im one myself and darn tootin proud of it. Bob look up the Prime Minister of New Zealand called Michael Joseph Savage: He invented and inspired the social initiatives that helped influence Roosevelt. Yup good ole NZ.
Randy Bednorz
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Randy Bednorz »

Not responding to anyone in particular . . . . But when are people going to wise up? Go back to Eisenhower -- 1952 to 1960. Born in Texas; raised in Kansas; spent his life around the world; gave his farewell speech about the unwarranted influence, sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. His wife Mamie came, I think, from San Antonio.Let's say the Ike years are a "statistical outlier." We'll exclude them from a "block sample" of terms and term years.Where do the political careers of presidents in terms between 1960 and 2008 begin? That is, what states were the springboard for those careers?I can't remember which statistic is which, but something like 65% of presidential terms and 55% of presidential term-years originated in two states: Texas and California. Together, the two states accounted for 19% of congressional seats and 19% of US population in 1960, and 19% as late as middle of this decade.How is this possible? Does all the "talent" reside in Texas and California? No -- that doesn't explain it. Do people really, really think that they "choose" these people before primary elections? Or that money spent on campaigns before primary elections doesn't determine the outcome? Maybe they do.But I have a better explanation. The two states have several things in common. The relative number of miles in state and interstate highways, for instance. But more importantly -- the industries. Both states were big in "big-oil" and aerospace/defense industries.Now we got Sarah Palin. "Ah shure showed those big-wigs in the oil-industry."Uh . . . HUH! Tell me another Western . . . . . It's more convenient for the oilmen and defense lobbyists to have a president who doesn't (really) think independently."We live in a democracy under the Constitution . . . "Uh . . . HUH!Let's call it something else: Loose-jointed "democratic" corporate fascism.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by jfkanon »

Sarah Palin was Dan Quayle in a dress, i.e. not remotely a political asset. However, McCain lost the election before Palin was his running mate. That's why she was his running mate. Does anyone actually believe that Palin was McCain's first, second, or third choice? Romney and everyone else McCain asked turned him down because they knew he didn't stand a chance because he was too much like Bush and Bush was so unpopular at the time. No one with presidential aspirations wants to be the running mate of a loser. The rest of the election was just a show.
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I wish to bring this subject up again if I may?Politics as a whole is corrupt, not partially but entirely corrupt. All politicians are more or less liars because people expect them to hand them the world on a silver platter, they at one time would promise the people anything just to get elected.Now elections are just conspiracies ran by the hidden elite using the mind numbing national news mediasI am a little confused by the belief that a politician is supposed to be a world leader.I think the people we put into offices across the country should never be professional politicians who as oneof the good ol boys know how to rob us blind, sell us down the river, sell all our domestic oil to foreign countries causing us to depend on foreign imports.I cannot favor any of these political characters to led my country as they pay no attention to my wishes.no politician should be allowed to succeed themselves in office for the very obvious reasons.Do we believe that any politician is his own man?how stupid have we become?We believe in conspiracy perpetrated by the power mongers in this country and the world.but we turn right around and "HOPE" if we elect this or that politician that it will make a difference?Where is our brain? is our grey matter dead?It is just like a con artist who plays on your desires and dreams, promising these thing in order to suck us into their scam.giving us big houses, fancy cars, boats, travel, even allowing us to have our little conspiracy forums with our infiltrators toin order to keep us chasing our tails while the government sponsored single bullet people have their big 6th floor propagandain high gear operation spreading their dogma and deceit.god they are using the conspiratorial murder of our president to prof fit and at the same time continue spreading the Liesto thousands of the public every week.Boys they are winning the battle and if we do nothing about it, what are we.I know there is financial backing somewhere to combat this insult to any intelligent person.I think the American people love to be screwed over.It has just become a way of life for us.We are so infiltrated.Forgive My Grief.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Joe, first you have to organize a bankster tribunal with the spearheads of the alternative-political movements, second you have to change the constitution in a way that there are minimum and maximum incomes for everybody, third you have to go and teach the people that basic rights always go along with basic duties for everybody, fourth you have to change constitution so that mafiosi oder everybody who made deals with mafiosi is depossessed immediately, fifth you have to fight for the legalization of drugs worldwide, cause the harm doing by drugs is far lower than the harm being done by pushing the prices up artificially by criminalizing drugs and supporting drug lord's money laundering that way who ruin and corrupt whole countries that way, sixth there must be a limitation for banks to lend money based on their deposits, seventh you have to make sending death threat letters to robber barons your hobby, eightth education and medical care is free for everybody and paid by a progressive taxation on income and possession, nineth war aborad is limited to fight by fair means which means equal weapons and warmonger's children's compulsory front service, tenth JFK-murder-solvers get lifelong rents. Chris
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Bob »

Here is part of the skinny on the half term former Govenor of Alaska...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5BXMv64EfURemember that report came from FOX News...not the evil liberal empire.
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Here is how you do it Bob.I wonder to be fair if anyone asked Obama about Africa without prior notification?By July 2008 the Obama campaign had some 300 persons working on foreign policy, and organized along bureaucratic lines like a "miniature State Department."[4] Notable among these people are:Dennis McDonough, 38, Obama's "top foreign policy aide." Susan E. Rice, assistant secretary of state for African affairs in the Clinton administration. Anthony Lake, Clinton’s first national security adviser, who was criticized for the administration’s failure to confront the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and now acknowledges the inaction as a major mistake. Greg Craig, a former top official in the Clinton State Department; also served as Clinton’s lawyer during his impeachment trial. Richard J. Danzig, a Navy secretary in the Clinton administration. Mark W. Lippert, Obama’s former Senate foreign policy adviser. Mark Brzezinski, foreign policy expert and partner at the McGuireWoods law firm. He is the son of former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski Samantha Power, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, writer, and academic. She is currently affiliated with the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. Resigned in March 2008 after being quoted in an interview with The Scotsman that Hillary Rodham Clinton "is a monster." Dennis Ross, the Middle East envoy for President Clinton and the first President Bush, now a member of the Obama campaign’s Middle East team.[5] He has advised the Obama campaign on legal issues, including the rights available to Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.[6] Michael McFaul, a Russia scholar at Stanford University and co-director of Hoover Institute's Iran Democracy Project[7] with Larry Diamond and Abbas Milani, leads the Russia and Eurasia team for the Obama campaign. Ivo H. Daalder, a scholar at the Brookings Institution who has organized his 40-member nuclear nonproliferation team into eight working groups. Philip H. Gordon, also of Brookings, is in charge of Obama’s Europe team. Sarah Sewall, a Kennedy School professor and former Clinton Defense Department official who wrote the introduction to the University of Chicago edition of the new counterinsurgency manual Gen. David Petraeus revised for the military, is advising on counterinsurgency strategy. John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises Obama on foreign policy and intelligence issues.[8] He is also a former CIA official and the current chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance. Merrill McPeak, USAF (ret) figures prominently among Obama's military advisors.[9] Colin L. Powell, former Secretary of State, "has contributed outside advice."[4] As has Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor under Jimmy Carter.[10] Former Hillary Clinton supporters:Madeleine K. Albright Warren Christopher This does not count all the other issues with advisors!Probably the worst thing that could happen to you is for Fox News to be "ON YOUR SIDE"I just felt that if Obama was elected that we could just bend over and kiss our country goodby.to me it was another and maybe a final slap in the face of Americans, just like the assassination of JFK.the country of our founding fathers no longer exists.everyone is in favor of "One world Government"
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Bob »

Joe, there is no doubt that Obama is merely a puppet for the rich and power elite. But at least he is a smart puppet, unlike his dim witted predecessor and certainly poor Sarah. For God's sakes Joe...she didn't know what countries were in the North American Trade Agreement. I think Alaska is in North America right?