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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:19 am
by turtleman ... toppableIf this has been posted forgive me. It is a dire portrayal taken from a petroleum geologist website blog. It laid this very scenario out at least a week ago so we are obviously not getting the whole story. Surprise surprise.Also this: ... y-be-blown

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:39 pm
by bob franklin
Good stuff, turtleman! Gave me kind of a sickening lurch to read my own dark fears repeated by others who've also been puzzling on this. Bruce, my clown avatar is an answer to the LN crowd, who always seem to choose the gruffest "bad boy" pics they can find for their avatars, like they're trying to be all intimidating or something. It's my way of poking fun at them. Plus, I'm a big fan of Dr. Rockso, the rock & roll clown. Haven't checked out the Olberman piece yet, that's next. Any way you slice this it's going to be mega bad. I wasn't too surprised to hear that Halliburton was involved in the drilling operation. Whether the caper is war or energy exploration (like there's a difference), never mind the exit strategy. What could possibly go wrong?

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:28 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:MSNBC reported tonight that the bp Oil Tsunami has hit Florida already.The smell is extreme, and sickening according to several interviews.Bob, what can you tell us from Florida ?People are getting sick from the fumes, and dizzy according to those interviewed tonight.Nose bleeds, chest pains, and lung pains are allegedly reported by those trying to clean the beaches affected.On a best case basis, bp is saying late August or September to "stop" the "problem."I think we are into Day 68, with no immediate solution or end in site.Storm and hurricane season is looming and can only serve to make matters worse.bp has plans to shut down all efforts if the weather gets bad.Less than 50 % of the flow is being cleaned up. And the residual health effects that will only get worse are now surfacing, and mounting.I still see no sense of urgency by our Federal Government in terms of an all out response. I would bring in the top 100 - 500 engineers and scientists to work on this. I don't understand the inability to "Think Outside of the Box" on this subject matter.If yesterday's reports about possible erosion from the constant force and flow blowing out the remaining undersea structure come to fruition, a literal underwater volcano of unstoppable oil flow would occur.Taste of Chicago, and Chicago restaurants today began taking some fish and oysters off the menu due to lack of supply, and peoples reluctance to buy these items that are still available for health concerns already.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:01 am
by turtleman
Bruce, read the Mother Jones link to the Oil Drum blog posted above. It is relatively short and concise. The Gulf is done. The oil is not all floating. Partly from the toxic dispersant and the stuff is basically cracking in the warm water. The vaporizing smell from the stuff evaporating and leaving tar balls with the consistency of hot asphalt washing up on the shore and left who knows where else. And then we have folks with shovels and trash bags scooping contaminated sand. Talk about pissing in the wind. I don't think BP can survive this either. We have the Earth hemorrhaging oil and BP hemorrhaging money in kind of an ironic twisted race. The thought that comes to my mind is the Earth bleeding toxins from us drilling holes in it. Mother Nature may be more than we can handle when her fury is unleashed upon us. All she is comprised of is chemistry, biology, and physics. I believe the saying goes; "Mother Nature bats 1000%. And she always bats last.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:05 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Turtleman:Turtleman - I read all of your Posts, and Headlines. I enjoy your work. Is there any significance to your title that I missed, as for example Bob Franklin, another great JFK Forum Member recently explained to me the significance of his Clown Avatar Picture ? Just curious, no big deal.Anyway, you have rendered powerful information here, and elsewhere within the JFK Forum. As you may have noticed, I have followed this bp Oil Tsunami closely from the day of the explosion. I think we are into Day 68 or 69, but I am not sure as I have not watched the news yet today as I Post in reply to your concise, focused, informative response.You make tremendously powerful points in very few words. I know because I was at a major oil refinery in Illinois with long term friends that I have known for 15 + years, the day after the explosion in the Gulf. Their predictions rattled me, caused me to be focused immediately on the bp Oil Tsunami, and were Spot On.Further, they spoke in similar terms or thought patterns as you just did, Turtleman.With the greatest respect, I wish I could say that you are wrong, and have no idea of what you are talking/writing about. Unfortunately for the Gulf Area, residents, human life, animal and fish life, and water life, you at Best are totally correct, and at worst, understating damage by 100 % or more.GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !?!GOD HELP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:39 am
by bob franklin
All of this because of the absolute hubris of man. "lets go drill out in the ocean - we won't worry about over regulating this - don't want to be tying our hands when there's a buck to be made." Kills me. Case in point:I wired my daughter 50 bucks, as she just started a new job, she's waiting for her first check, and she's expecting. I'd asked her beforehand about whether she had her ducks in a row insofar as getting her WIC vouchers/card. Turns out because her mom is native American, there's a snag & she needs her mom's help with the paperwork. Knock a big ass hole in the seabed and turn the Gulf Of Mexico into a giant tar pit? Sure, get to it! A little help with the milk, cheese, cereal, & pre-nate vitamins? Sorry, young lady, your paperwork simply isn't in order. Huh - shoulda put "Halliburton" instead of "Johnson" on her birth certificate."Oh, it's you, Miss Halliburton! Sign here, please!

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:51 am
by bob franklin
Gee, here's good news: ... ic_impactI think they're maybe under stating things a mite.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:17 pm
by Bob
Good discussion folks. I am starting to believe the armageddon effect that this oil spill will cause. Too many people I respect and admire are mentioning this aspect of doom. Enough for me to take a CLOSE watch at all that is happening!

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:35 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:36 pm
by Bob
The New World Order way of "fixing" things in the Gulf over the BP oil spill...Obama and Cameron pledge to defend BP profitsBy Hiram Lee 29 June 2010US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron met this weekend during the G20 summit in Canada to discuss the ongoing crisis in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the BP oil spill. The goal of the meeting, however, was not to coordinate cleanup and recovery efforts, but to once again give a US and UK government guarantee of the profits of BP.A statement on the meeting released by Cameron’s office on Sunday reports that Obama and Cameron “agreed that BP should meet its obligations to cap the leak, clean up the damage and meet legitimate compensation claims. They also agreed that it was to both countries’ advantage for BP to remain a strong and stable company.”The reference to “legitimate claims” was intended as a clear signal that the governments of the two companies would not press for full restitution of those impacted by the disaster. BP has used the same term repeatedly, even as it has delayed or denied claims. The language deliberately places the onus on the individual or business affected by the disaster to prove that their claim is in fact “legitimate.”The US government’s commitment to limiting the liability of BP was underscored by comments from Kenneth Feinberg, the administrator of the $20 billion compensation fund, who will be tasked with mediating claims. During a town hall meeting in Larose, Louisiana on June 25, Feinberg declared, “There is absolutely no sense at all driving BP into bankruptcy. That would be a disaster.”As for the statement that BP will remain “strong and stable,” put simply this means that the company should return adequate profits to its investors. The message sent to BP shareholders was received loud and clear. Reports of the meeting’s conclusions led to a rise of 3.99 percent in BP’s shares, which had fallen to a 14-year record low on Friday.The meeting during the G20 summit was only the latest in a series of statements from both Cameron and Obama pledging their commitment to BP profits. Cameron warned earlier in the week, during an interview with CBC, that it was “in all our long-term interests that there is some clarity, some finality, to all of this, so that we don’t at the same time see the destruction of a company that is important for all our interests.”Cameron sought to reassure critics of BP as well as company shareholders by claiming that the company had the best interests of the public at heart, saying “BP wants to cap the oil, it wants to clean up the oil, it wants to pay compensation to fishermen and hotel owners and people who have suffered and it should do that.” In fact, the interests of BP are in direct conflict with both a serious clean up and containment response, and adequate compensation for those whose lives have been devastated.The prime minister added, “I believe it can and I believe it should and I believe it is in both Britain and America’s interests that BP remains a strong and stable company.”As for the Obama administration, its response has been, from the beginning, to defend BP, the oil industry, and the expansion of deep-sea oil drilling.While any just and rational response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster would necessarily include the criminal investigation and prosecution of BP executives, along with the seizure of the company’s assets for the purpose of funding an emergency response to the oil spill, the response of the Obama administration has been to minimize and cover up the size of the disaster, to protect BP from financial liabilities and to defuse public anger towards the oil giant.As the Deepwater Horizon spill began, the Obama administration not only did not make any arrests, but instead left BP in charge of cleanup and containment efforts, insisting falsely that the oil company was the only body with the technology and expertise to bring an end to the spill. Obama also left unchallenged BP’s assertions that scientific data collected on site by the corporation was proprietary information that did not have to be made public. There can be no doubt that granting these rights to BP contributed significantly to the worsening of the disaster.As public anger grew, the administration made a brief and fleeting reference to a possible criminal probe, but this has since been dropped.While Obama made public relations appearances in the media during previous weeks intended to portray the president as “angry and frustrated” over the spill and BP’s handling of it, he met privately with BP CEO Tony Hayward to work out measures for limiting BP’s financial liability. The creation of a $20 billion fund, to be paid out over four years, was designed to create as minimal impact as possible on the company’s cash flow. The selection of Feinberg, with the full approval of BP executives, was intended as another signal to Wall Street and the City of London that the company’s bottom line would be protected.Should the company be proven criminally negligent in its actions leading up to the April 20 Deepwater Horizon disaster—and there is ample evidence to prove that it was—there would be no limit to the amount it would be forced to pay in compensation. The real cost of the spill could reach well beyond $1 trillion, far more than the company is worth.The escrow fund was also an attempt to cover-up for the fact that the federal government has done nothing to mobilize social resources to respond to the disaster or to ensure proper compensation.Meanwhile, the disaster caused by the oil giant continued to spread. A significant amount of oil has now washed ashore on the beaches of Mississippi. A thick oil sheen and tar balls made landfall on Sunday with at least seven of the state’s beaches affected. The further devastation of the fishing and tourism industries in the state, along with Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida, are virtually guaranteed.