What Jaqueline reached out for

JFK Assassination
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by ChristophMessner »

Jaqueline Kennedy was a real fine lady! A real queen!
bob franklin
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by bob franklin »

Back in '76/'77, I watched the Z film with several classmates in high school. It wasn't a regular school - I had gotten into some trouble at the one I was attending, and wound up being transferred to an alternative school. Anyway, I remember the fragment seemed to be a lot more distinct in that viewing. It might be just because it was being projected on one of those huge pull-down screens that schools used back then, but I don't know. Now it just looks like she's grabbing at some imaginary object. That is not how I remember my original viewing. Also, the umbrella opening seemed a little clearer & more complete. I have no idea how my teacher got a hold of the Z film, but he did. He claimed he got it from "the library", & at the time I just accepted his explanation as fact. Never occurred to me that a teacher might be less than forthcoming on a given subject. I'm a bit more jaded today.
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kenmurray »

Alex Hidell
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Alex Hidell »

It is a matter of public record per Jackie herself. She had an instinctive reaction to try and retrieve a portion of JFK's skull that had been blown, thru the force of the frontal shot, unto the trunk lid.The motorcycle cop riding along the left rear bumper of JFK's limo was covered in brains, skull and blood from JFK.A piece of skull laying on the trunk lid, being blown backwards from the frontal shot, is entirely consistent with this cop being covered in JFK skull matter as well.
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by SLogan »

barney 1961 wrote:8/28/10 I think that most in the conspiracy community, know that the SSA Kellerman, Greer, and their superiors were in on this deal from thegitgo, not doing anything to protect the President. Whether from their drunken night out at the Cellar Bar in Ft. Worth until 5 am and goingback on duty at 8 am, or they perhaps were conspirators themselves. I have read in several books that many on the SS White House team haddeveloped a loathing for the Kennedy family in general, due to their outlandish behaviors over the Camelot White House routine, pranks,shenanigans,their bawdy good Ole Irish baudy behaviors, more akin to Boston parties than White House dignity and reserve. Naked swimming parties were the norm vs the abnormal during those years, to relieve K's back pains allegedly along with 2 or more hot showers per day. Heldin the White House pool at noon or afternoon, and hurried cleanups, so the First Lady, did not see female wet footprints to the dressing rooms but were quietly and cleverly kept under wraps by the SS agents, lest they be posted in Alaska. Numerous females from LA., Vegas, NY,and old Harvard friends enyoyed afternoon swims with the President and the Attorney General, unashamedly always swimming in the buff.On out of town trips, these same sexual escapades went on with rowdy relishment by the participants. At one pool party at the home of BingCrosby, its alleged to the amusement of the President lying naked on a shady pool recliner, his friend and advisor-assistand procurer, DavePowers, threw all of Bing's clothes into the deep end of the pool, and the participants then played a go-fishing diving routine with his ruinedclothes, for which he billed the White House well over $1,500, which never was paid, the Kennedys never paid for nuthing, when possible.Later on, to amuse the President even more, Powers allegedly had sex with a Hollywood starlet on the steps at the shallow end of the poolor on the pool slab surround. It seems this party because so loud and raucous, the Police were called,but not permitted to intervene due tointerferences run by the SSAgents there, who told the party to please quiet down, the neighors had called the cops who were down in thehouse driveway. I think this scene occurred in Palm Desert, Ca. where Bing, Bob Hope and other friends routinely played rounds of golf.I remember reading this post months ago before I joined the forum . Being Irish and from Boston I wondered just what I had missed out on . Did my relatives not whisper the secret goings on of what a "Boston party" would consist of .I must ask before they all pass away and I'm too old to even partake in such "below White House" standards frivolities .
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Deborah »

Jackie speaks. Caroline Kennedy is releasing a book in September and also releasing tapes made by Jackie Kennedy before and after the assassiantion of JFK. The early new reports are saying that Jackie believed J. Edgar Hoover was involved. See link to news story below.http://arts.nationalpost.com/2011/05/26 ... ir-on-abc/
Alex Hidell
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Alex Hidell »

Couple of thoughts- as to the original post- it is a matter of public record- Jackie reached onto the trunk lid to retrieve a piece of JFK's skull that flew backwards after the head shot- No mystery here Please, spare us the moralizing around JFK's philandering- LBJ was one of the biggest sex hounds to ever walk the hallways of Washington DC- don't try to tell me the SS was insulted by JFK's philandering- if every politician who ever had an affair was assassinated by the SS, Wahington would be a ghost town