Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Davyjones »

I agree with Barney.On balance it would have been better for J Files if he had not made his confession public. It has, I am sure, made his life more difficult and not helped him in his quest for freedom.He may of thought at the time that his honesty would count for him and reduce his term,he was probably wrong.His best policy now would be to shut the door on the subject and say no more to anyone.This might be the route he is taking. For me he has confirmed that a shot was taken from the Grassy Knoll and their was a conspiracy.So for me its time to move on,on this forum, and leave Mr Files alone to make the best of his situation he can.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by dankbaar »

Christopher makes a valid point here. Bruce has made a mockery of James Files (and himself) by alledging that the man who killed Tippit, is not Gary Marlow. There is no excuse for that. Bruce knows this very well. The fact that Bruce has gone from this forum, since I objected to his conduct regarding this matter, speaks volumes. I believe that Gary Marlow is the guy who killed Tippit, or better said, I know beyond a shred of doubt that the guy who Files claims killed Tippit, was Gary Marlow. Bruce knows this too. Why he would want to downplay this, on my forum, which he always heralded, is beyond me. Do I condemn Bruce for this? Hell Yeah! Wim
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Chris; please re-read my previous reply, and consider, every time Jimmy goes public with new revelations of theJFK Murder, it upsets certain elements within our govt., here in the US of A, with certain elements therein actinglike imperalist-terrorist nations in its own right, against the weaker 3rd world countries of the world, so deathsand destruction are "their stock in trade."Level 6 maximum security prisons such as Stateville in Joliet, Il. are very dangerous prisons, containing some of themost dangerous prisoners around, a place where death awaits around every corner,chowhall, shower, stairwell, unless youare on guard and at tht top of your game. Jimmy is getting older, slower reactions, in need of medical help, buthe soldiers on. It seems they up in Stateville spend about 40% of the time on Lockdown, due to acts of violencebetween prisoners, or attacks on prison personnel. So, no Jimmy needs to keep his mouth shut for the timebeing if not forever. Barney
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Davyjones »

Barney..as I say I agree with you.There is though an unfinished topic , ie G Marlow. It would be simple for Mr Files to communicate with Wim Dankbaar" off forum" and satisfy Wim,that he has his facts right.No need for anyone to know what was said. As it stands a cynic might think that someone has got their facts wrong and that is a bad place to be for both Mr Files and Mr Dankbaar.It would be great if Mr Brychek would come back and talk this through calmly but somehow I dont think he wants too.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, maybe Bruce is just forced to not let you know? How is your theory about why Tippit was killed by Marlow and why Tippit at all? Barney, as I told before, I have full understanding for Jimmy & Bruce not promoting this thing anymore, each for his own reasons. It's just that Jimmy is still working on a book about it and being pissed of by the whole thing is only Bruce's story to prevent further requests, so Jimmy probably still could do something for his children, if he makes himself a respected man for the aftermath who turned away from omerta and told the truth to the world finally. Chris
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Chris & Wim: Jimmy or Bruce have never discussed with me Gary Marlow, his role in or not in, the Tippit murder no moreso than what is filmed in the JFKMurder Solved dvds that Wim produced and the book and dvds were quite good. I have never seen a picture of Gary that was not already published on thisforum. Gary died in 2007 and was cremated, therefore, there is nothing further we can gain from him in the way of participation in the JFK conspiracy. All Irecall in a letter from Jimmy was that Gary left the life he was leading, and moved away from Illinois and developed a whole new life for himself and his family.
tom jeffers
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by tom jeffers »

my only comment here is that the forum is much richer when Bruce and Wim are working with each other. We all benefit. I am sorry to see Bruce go and I do understand Wim's anxiety. I hope they are able to work again in the future. Bruce, we miss you.... Wim, you are still the man!
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Bob »

Abraham Lincoln said it best..."A house divided against itself cannot stand."
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by dankbaar »

Bob wrote:Abraham Lincoln said it best..."A house divided against itself cannot stand."The fundaments this house should be built on is honesty. Once bullshitting each other comes into play, the house gets weak. Wim
Dealey Joe
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I look at this forum as Bruce and co.'s family. for the exception of a very few the forum has totally supported their story. and have maintained a running acceptance of it.As in most families, for various reasons, there are always rocky roads to travel. and for various reasons a difference of opinion.Most of this is caused by expecting more from folks than they are willing or able to give.We have a unique situation that for the most we only know one another in a one perspective nature, words.We learn to respect or disrespect each other by what and how we perceive something is said.We all see things in a different light. but the end result needs to be respect with a blending of beliefs.It is easy to become irritable to have to cover the same ground over and over. As long as there is division there will be no way to advance.Bruce has a short fuse when he has to defend the same position over and over as do I and most others on the forum.Seems like sometimes we can't make headway for rehashing what we already know. And on the other hand it is hard to understand about things kept hidden for whatever reason.For those who need further education it is available on this web site in an abundance and no excuses for not looking at it and studying all the information.There seems to be some who show up on the forum that want to thrash over and over their own different viewpoint.It seems the Truth Seekers are trying to destroy themselves, not interested in what the actual truth is, constantly attempting to destroy what is known. It seems like we are constantly under attackTo me this forum is like a church organization that has a line of belief established, If you can't agree with the basic precepts then you have the right and obligation to go somewhere that does believe like you.One prime example of this is the attempt to destroy Zapruder and his film as being a total hoax? What does this accomplish?The films are not the basis for solving the murder but is a look at what may have happened. and the possible sequences involved.We have members who do not know where the shots came from. Why?I personally have no desire to argue about where the shots came from or when they were fired or for that matter who fired them.It is not hard for me to know what is true and what is bullshit.What is possible and what is not. What is likely and what is not.There is nothing to be gained by reinventing the wheel and as long as they can keep us trying to do that, they win.So I suppose there is a difference between researchers who want to keep rolling things over and over, and those who attempt to make the truth available.What this forum has done is to put all the loose ends together in one place. All the pieces fit. It all makes sense. It all works.