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Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:56 pm
Phil and Bob what would you have done in Oswald's position? If he knew how the hit was going down why would he just sit idle in the TSBD? Could he have done something different? Why didn't he tell the whole world at that 12:00 press conference? " I'm Lee Oswald i'm a CIA Operative code name such, and such, my handler is David Phillips, and i'm also an FBI imformant #S172, AND IM not the killer of the President or J.D. Tippet. "I tried to infiltrate the people would did kill them and here is who they are", and so on! Isn't that what under cover FBI, CIA or cops do when they get arrested wrongly, they show there credentials or spill there credentials to the police who arrest them! Why keep playing the charades, that im a communist or whatever, because your ass is on the line for killing a president and a brother police officer, and he had to know at that point that they weren't going to let him live to tell the story much longer. He should have told all in front of the whole world at that 12:00 press conference!Anxious to here Phil and Bob's response and anyone else's response on what would they have done in Oswald's place.Thanks,JB

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:08 pm
by Bob
JDB4JFK wrote:Phil and Bob what would you have done in Oswald's position? If he knew how the hit was going down why would he just sit idle in the TSBD? Could he have done something different? Why didn't he tell the whole world at that 12:00 press conference? " I'm Lee Oswald i'm a CIA Operative code name such, and such, my handler is David Phillips, and i'm also an FBI imformant #S172, AND IM not the killer of the President or J.D. Tippet. "I tried to infiltrate the people would did kill them and here is who they are", and so on! Isn't that what under cover FBI, CIA or cops do when they get arrested wrongly, they show there credentials or spill there credentials to the police who arrest them! Why keep playing the charades, that im a communist or whatever, because your ass is on the line for killing a president and a brother police officer, and he had to know at that point that they weren't going to let him live to tell the story much longer. He should have told all in front of the whole world at that 12:00 press conference!Anxious to here Phil and Bob's response and anyone else's response on what would they have done in Oswald's place.Thanks,JBHere is my take. I think LHO told the authorities EXACTLY who he was and WHO he worked for. Behind closed doors. Again, why aren't there any REAL tapes or notes about the interrogation of LHO? The man just supposedly killed the President. The time was 1963...not 1763. No notes or tapes??? Come on. That is why I think David Atlee Phillips was at the midnight press conference. As was Hosty from the FBI. As was LHO's "friend" Jack Ruby. I think they were present at the press conference to tell LHO that everything would get worked out. But I think LHO knew better. It was at the press conference that he told the world that he was "just a patsy". In addition, I think Phillips and Hosty were scared shitless that LHO would spill the beans. I think Ruby was present to possibly kill LHO then and there. I also think Ruby was there when Tippit was killed, when the real target was going to be LHO. Ruby finished his "job" on Sunday morning.

Lee Oswald versus The Machine

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:24 am
by Phil Dragoo
According to Judyth, Lee mentioned abort teams; we know Plumlee and Files and Holt have mentioned such as well.We assume it was Lee Oswald who blew the Chicago plot; we know the informant was “Lee.”Lee Oswald went to the neighborhood where Ruby lived; went to the theater to make a contact, sitting next to persons sequentially, trolling for a signal, a password.He kept his cover under arrest. I differ from Bob in that I think he maintained his cover for the Dallas Police.We know now that he tried to call John Hurt in North Carolina; this was his ONI contact from the false defection operation.Jack Ruby tried to protect his cover by correcting Free Cuba to Fair Play for Cuba at the evening press conference.Did Lee Oswald see Phillips at the police station; who did Lee Oswald see in the hall of the police station or in the basement just before he was shot.He was very cool, very self-controlled. He measured his surroundings, but his options were constrained.Consider Jack Ruby pleading with Earl Warren and Gerald Ford to “take me back to Washington because you can't get a fair shake out of me here.”Jack got a new trial and was injected in prison and died of cancer within a month.His cancer cells had the same tendrils as those developed by Judyth and Dave Ferrie and Mary Sherman in the Alvin Ochsner operation, the cells transported in glass containers.Lee Oswald had been in intelligence since early after his 1956 enlistment, following training and instruction, historically going behind the Iron Curtain and returning.He was in the midst of what he perceived as an intelligence war in the shadows; he thought rogue elements were plotting assassination and that Hoover's FBI might intercede.Tragically, the Cavalry was taken over by the Body Snatchers, too.See also Rod Serling, Eye of the Beholder, and Lee Marvin, The Richest Man in Bogota.Why, Ladies and Gentlemen, do neither George W. Bush nor Barack H. Obama mount a Truth Commission? Treason never prospers; what's the reason.

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:02 pm
Ok Bob and Phil you guys answered part of the question but not the part where I ask you what you would have done in his shoes trading places? Did you see the look on Oswald's face at the 12:00 A.M. news conference, when they told him he was charged with the killing of The President? He dipped his head in disbelief, with an expression of shit I'm the patsy! If it was me that was the time to spill the beans!

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:46 am
by Dealey Joe
What's the possibility they already had been informed.I doubt they were operating in the blind.Most of the law people were friends of Ruby.they also had to have some inkling as to who LHO was.All of them did not have to know, just the key players.

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:26 pm
by Dealey Joe
JDB4JFK wrote:Ok Bob and Phil you guys answered part of the question but not the part where I ask you what you would have done in his shoes trading places? Did you see the look on Oswald's face at the 12:00 A.M. news conference, when they told him he was charged with the killing of The President? He dipped his head in disbelief, with an expression of shit I'm the patsy! If it was me that was the time to spill the beans!from Judyth Vary Baker: OLD QUESTIONS THAT ARE ANSWERED IN THE BOOK. SCROLL DOWN.if you have time answer this question===I BEIEVE HE PRETENDED TO BRING A RIFLE INTO THE TSBD,BUT IT WAS JUST CURTAIN RODS. HE DID THIS SO THE PLOTTERS THOUGHT HE WAS COOPERATING TO BE IN POSITION TO FIRE AT JFK. THEY NO LONGER BELIEVED,HOWEVER, THAT HE WOULD FIRE AT JFK BECAUSE IT WAS KNOWN BY THEN THAT HE WAS SENDING OUT WARNINGS.HOWEVER, JUST HAVING HIM IN THAT POSITION WAS DESIRED SO HE COULD BE BLAMED.NOW, IF LEE HAD TAKEN THE POSITION UP THERE, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT THERE.HE STAYED AWAY FROM THE WINDOW,BUT TOOLATE TO BE REPLACED, WHICH IS WHAT HE MEANT BY SAYING, IF I STAY, THAT WILL BE ONE LESS BULLET AIMED AT KENNEDY.At ANY RATE, HE BELIEVED HE WAS A DEAD MAN. SCROLL DOWN FOR THE REST OF THE ANSWER.======================= Could he have done something different? Why didn't he tell the whole world atthat 12:00 press conference? " I'm Lee Oswald i'm a CIA Operative codename such, and such, my handler is David Phillips, and i'm also an FBIimformant #S172, AND IM not the killer of the President or J.D. Tippet."I tried to infiltrate the people would did kill them and here is whothey are", and so on! Isn't that what under cover FBI, CIA or cops dowhen they get arrested wrongly, they show there credentials or spillthere credentials to the police who arrest them!=========================1. THIS QUESTION DOES NOT CONSIDER THAT LEE OSWALD THOUGHT HE WOULD HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TO SPEAK OUT.2. THIS QUESTION DOES NOT REVEAL UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE ABORT TEAM THAT LEE WAS WORKING WITH TO TRY TO SAVE THE PRESIDENT, WHICH COULD BE ARRESTED AND ELIMINATED.3. THIS QUESTION DOES NOT REVEAL UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE SPIES WITH WHOM LEE WAS IN CONTACT WHILE IN THE SOVIET UNION, WHO WOULD BE ARRESTED AND/OR MURDERED ON THE SPOT, TO SAY NOTHING OF MARINA'S UNCLE AND OTHERS WHO HAD BEFRIENDED OSWALD IN THE USSR.4. THIS QUESTION DOES NOT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE FACT THAT OTHERS FOR WHOM LEE CARED, SUCH AS MYSELF, WOULD HAVE BEEN ROUNDED UP, THAT THE FBI WOULD DENY, THAT THE CIA WOULD DENY, THAT EVEN WHEN WAGGONER CARR FOUND OUT LEE WAS AN FBI INFORMANT AND HAD A NUMBER AND WAS RECEIVING PAY OF $200 A MONTH (ALSO $200 A MONTH FROM THE CIA) THAT THIS WAS QUASHED. ALL WOULD DENY.AND FINALLY, THERE IS A MATER OF LOYALTY. FOR EXAMPLE, GERRY HEMMING WENT TO PRISON RATHER THAN RAT ON FELLOW CIA. HE SUFFERED THERE. LEE PHONED A CUTOUT--GO LOOK IT UP. YOU ALSO SEE THAT MARCELLO, THROUGH CLAY SHAW, THOUGHT OF TRYING TO HELP. DAVE FERRIE EVEN WAS READY TO FLY LEE OUT IF HE WAS RELEASED ON BAIL. I BELIEVE FALSE RUMORS WERE SPREAD, EVEN TO LEE, THAT THE WHEELS WERE BEING OILED TO GET HIM OUT OF THERE. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT HE WAS IN CUSTODY LESS THAN 48 HOURS WHEN HE WAS KILLED IN THE PRESENCE OF 70 POLICE OFFICERS.LEE DID SAY HE WAS A 'PATSY" WHICH MEANS HE WAS SET UP. IT WAS AS MUCH AS HE COULD SAY WITHOUT BETRAYING MANY LIVES.AND THEY KNEW IT.JUDYTH===================================== Why keep playing the charades, that im a communist or whatever, because your ass is on theline for killing a president and a brother police officer, and he had toknow at that point that they weren't going to let him live to tell thestory much longer. He should have told all in front of the whole worldat that 12:00 press conference!Anxious to heAR Phil and Bob's response and anyone else's response onwhat would they have done in Oswald's place.

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:37 am
Thanks for your reply Judith, and I'm so sorry for your situation and all the bullshit you're going through. I wish I could help you some way but i dont know how. If there is any way I can help I will. I appreciate you as a brave American who has stood up against all odds. I also admire your courage to seek the truth and expose the lies that the government has told us for 47 plus years! I'm not trying to under mind you or Lee in my questions i'm just trying to wrap my mind around this situation with Lee and why he acted the way he did prior to the assassination and after the assassination. There is just something missing here that doesn't add up and i'm trying to put my finger on it, so I ask alot of questions until i get it into my mind straight. I get Lee acting like he's for the assassination so he can be one less person firing at the president. But I don't get how he acted afterwords if he did in fact fake like he was going to be one of the shooters then backed out,then he had to know at that point they would consider him a traitor or a liability that they needed to do away with. So why then does he go to the theater as directed if he didn't adhere to the last command of shooting at the president? The only thing I can think of is, he didn't know he was the patsy until they arested him at the theater. But with that said, once he knew he was the patsy and they were trying to frame him, being silent was the worst thing he could have done, because if he spills the beans at the 12;00 a.m. press conference with names and truths, then they would think twice about executing him because that makes him seem more creditable, and then it looks like they just tried to kill him just to shut him up! Again just my opinion doesn't mean I'm right, and Lee is wrong, its just the way i see it not knowing all of the reasons why he would stay silent. Please don't take offense to this email I'm just trying to figure this out. I will buy your book tomorrow and read it, and maybe it will clear up some of my questions on this matter. Once again thank you for standing up against EVIL lies and seeking the truth!Best wishes and hope I can help you in the future!JB

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:59 am
by Jsnow915 the 12am press conference....when Oswald was told he was charged with JFK's killing....he sarcastically smirks and says "good"...which I took as body language as "oh shit...great"

David Ferrie: Why He Is Important In the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:09 pm
by kenmurray
From Judyth Baker on James Fetzer's blog: ... nt-in.html

Re: David Ferrie: Why He Is Important In the JFK Assassinati

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:24 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:From Judyth Baker on James Fetzer's blog: ... tmlAbraken Linkin is always on top of things!