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Re: Additional video

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:05 am
by Michael Calder
Davyjones,"Something" by itself may be important or not. When "something" can be cross referenced "something" has added weight. Looking at this photo I do not see anything below Moorman's ankles. One assumption is the curb is blocking the view because she is in the street. When added to the photo Moorman's statement of being in the street as the president's vehicle passes by, the weight of the evidence is she is standing in the street in this photo.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:29 am
by Wayne Stracener
To this day the only confirmed photographer on the knoll side has been Zapruder, So here are the possibilites to what Deborah must have seen, 1-Never b4 seen photo by unkown photographer2- altered Zapruder frame3-Different version of the zapruder film ( Which some say exist )But for now this frame of feet to grass stands.

moorman camera zapruder.jpg (83.35 KiB) Viewed 6256 times

Re: Additional video

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:29 am
by Deborah
Michael Calder wrote:Deborah,I looked at the Dealey Plaza I video. Very sharp eyes. Mary Moorman is in the street. Nice going. I'll let James Fetzer handle missing frames, etc. When I was doing these presentations in Santa Monica, CA, occassionally i would just spend the time answering call in questions from the tv audience. On one occassion the producer told me after the show was over that a woman was holding on the line and did not want to go on the air and insisted on speaking to me. I picked up the phone and the woman on the other end said, "I'm Jeanne De Mohrenchildt, do you know who I am?" I said I did and that i found her husband very charming during his Warren Commission interview. She gave me her phone number and asked me to call her when I got home. She was living in Woodland Hills, in the valley section of Los Angeles. I called her and she was interested in telling the truth about Oswald and the assassination. I was to call her in a few days and come over and discuss co writing with her. When i called a few days later she begged off temporarily because she was feeling ill. When i called again another woman answered and remembered me from the tv show. She told me Jeanne had died. The family was furious because when they took her to the hospital the doctor was upset that Jeanne's private doctor had let her get to such a state. To this day I wonder if my phone call excelerated the inevitable. MichaelThanks for your reply and confirmation. I admire the work you are doing and trust you are keeping well. Fascinating account that Jeanne Mohenchildt called you. I really think that when people know they have nothing left to lose, they will come forward and tell the truth of the matter. Personally, I find near end of life testimonies very compelling. If for no other reason than the comfort of the daughters of LHO, I wish we knew what Jeanne had on her mind when she called you. I think they've all left something behind for history. Its starting to unravel at an accelerated rate 50 years later. In case you are interested, I recently transcribed the video hour interview which Mary Moorman did with Gary Stover and I did so for They will publish the transcript in due course. Because I had listened to her radio interviews and television and print reporter interviews which took place on the day of November 22, 1963, I found while transcribing word for word her recent interview that she is consistent. She answers questions just as they are put to her and adds nothing else unless there are follow up questions. She isn't a lawyer and doesn't think like one, just a modest person who answers questions forthrightly without embellishment. I think that if there are gaps in our understanding of Mary Moorman's testimony it is only because we either do not listen or we do not ask the appropriate or key follow up questions to gain deeper understanding. She says she was standing in the street, off the curb, when she took each of the two separate photos of the motorcycle police escorts before the Kennedy limousine arrived. These two events happened over a period of time. She stepped back onto the curb and onto the grass to be out of the pathway of Kennedy's limousine as it approached her location specifically. The first photo she took of a motorcyle escort was a full 15 to 20 minutes before Kennedy's limousine arrived at her location. The Lumpkin photograph is shown as #4 in the series of five photographs and was later given to Lumpkin and he has stated that he can't find it. That one photo is a whole other line of investigation. I hope that we on this forum remember that Moorman was at her chosen location in Dealey Plaza from 10.30 am waiting for the President to arrive. A very long time. There are no time stamps on the photographs which she took so it is difficult to corroborate to the second or the minute, however, she was there and we were not. This woman has no obvious reason to lie and yet many people keep trying to make out that she is lying. I find this curious. I somehow understood the unspoken personal distress caused to her when she said, 'the one thing they can't take away from me is the photograph that I took'. Speaks for itself.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:49 am
by Deborah
Dealey Joe wrote:If there is such a photo Deborah should produce it.Deborah says several things that are a little leading.Robert Groden says such a picture does not existI am a little tired of arguing about the same old shit all the time.You are assuming. Assuming that Moorman was standing in the street while Zapruder was filming. That's not it. She was in Dealey Plaza from 10.30 am. Think.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:49 pm
by Dealey Joe
Deborah what has 10:30 and Think have to do with anything?I am sure everyone there was in the street at some time during the morning and my guess is she may have stepped into the street to watch her FRIEND round the corner on his Cycle.There is a picture of her standing on the grass when the Limo passed by her, that is not assuming anything, that is fact until someone shows otherwise.Saying you were in the street is not fact when there is a picture otherwise.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:56 pm
by Wayne Stracener
Quote:The first photo she took of a motorcyle escort was a full 15 to 20 minutes before Kennedy's limousine arrived at her location. ( No motorcade )Now as the motorcade heads towards Mary.Mary Moormanas the motorcade started toward me I took two pictures. As President Kennedy was opposite me I took a picture of him. ( Thats 3 more pictures ), Towards me 2, Opposite me 1This does not jive and never will.In the grass,In the street, In the limo, It just does not matter.She admit's not knowing anything about asa 3000 film, And by not knowing this the film gets loaded without shade protection, ( goodbye roll of Film ). If this was standard Type #30 roll of film then It's load and shoot, But Type #37 brings in the seal kit and special circumstances and extra care. Knowing only how to load film and take a picture then pull it out while using #37 eliminates any kind of a quality picture.The photo's don't add up and the proven technical aspects to using #37 have fallen upon blind eye's.Yea, Husband My A##.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:23 pm
by Dealey Joe
Wayne it seems to me that about every third or fourth picture was ruined some way?

Re: Additional video

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:02 am
by Wayne Stracener
DJ, even Jim Featherston say's #5 was a terrible photo, But at the time he thought it was his best chance to get something to post.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:29 am
by Davyjones one on this forum has said that Mary Ann has told a lie.If you can show a post that does please let us know.I have said her interview on iantiques shows her as confused and unreliable,after all this time thats no suprise.Wayne,could she have had the film loaded at the photo shop?She does not say when she loaded the camera.The only photo from the FRONT of Mary is Zapruder and that shows her on the grass,CASE CLOSED.

Re: Additional video

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:20 pm
by Wayne Stracener
Davy, Sure that's possible but the camera had to enter the store one of two ways,Giving us three scenarios.1-without the light seal kit2-with seal kit in place3-film loaded with no expert adviseconversations1-Ma'am did you bring your seal kit with you,If not you will need to purchase one b4 I can load the film2-I see that you have the seal kit already in place, Let me load the film for you and it will be all set to go3-Films loaded, Thank You for shopping.