JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Nice to see we are not alone. Keep truckin man.
John Zeroski
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Post by John Zeroski »

There are a great many internet articles that mention JFK in passing, and in so doing tie his death to the New World Order process that is the ongoing event controlled by the foreign power that now controls the US government. And mentioned in these articles as a matter of course is the involvement of the CFR.Such a paper has been written by Professor Mujahid Kamran and ties together a lot of useful information. He brings together both a sense of historical perspective and global perspective in arriving at his conclusions. The link: ... e-worldWho really controls the world? he asks. The Kennedy assassination can be framed as the most logical and plausible answer to his question.
John Zeroski
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Post by John Zeroski »

Another valuable JFK researcher who believes the Power Elite, or Wall Street, or the Establishment, or Globalists, or whatever name you choose to call them, is George Michael Evica, whose provocative essay titled Perfect Cover is still currently available on the internet. On Ken Rahn's site.Evica does not choose to use the term the CFR, which I personally use as a shorthand word to designate the New World Order group which includes the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, and all the other international and domestic labels that are out there.His theory of the division of responsibility for the assassination begins with the paragraph under the "Who Killed JFK?" His mention of David Rockefeller and associatesas as the prime movers is a possibility, but other researchers, like Morgan Reynolds, believe this Rockefeller needs to be looked at much more closely than the material that Evica provides.Evica believes DR may have been set up to be the energizing mouthpiece, a real "patsy".Curious, but worth a look.
John Zeroski
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Post by John Zeroski »

There are a variety of people who have made contributions to the study of the financial elites and they can be found at various websites. All of this is surely "grist for the mill".Among these people is a curious fellow who goes by the name of "anarchteacher" at the website.He has compiled over a hundred lists, and many of them deal with the Power Elite, including whole lists on JFK, other lists of books dealing with the subject matter of coup d' etat, the Kennedy assassination, the Rockefeller group, and other related material.At one time he created a list with the title of "The Rockefeller World Empire is the New World Order Empire". This list contains some important material and is well worth looking for, in my opinion. Anarchteacher is one student of world events that connects the Rockellers to the New World Order problem, but not to the assassination.Still in all, a valuable source of good books to read.Another interesting researcher is the quilt-maker Deanna Spingola, who posts at NewsWith Views as well as her own website sampling of her material includes the paper The Rockefellers, Funding Fathers of the New World Order. Worth a look. curious paper is titled The Ruling Elite, the Zionist Seizure of World Power, a preview of a forthcoming book. It appears to be truncated for internet use.
John Zeroski
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Post by John Zeroski »

The essay that sparked my interest in an "elitist" theory of the assassination, with a New World Order motive, is the afterward in the Bill Davy book Let Justice Be Done. It made me look with fresh eyes at Marrs' Rule by Secrecy, and with the Gibson material there, at Donald Gibson's two valuable books. Although Davy's book is already over a decade in print, it does not appear any researcher has been willing to mention the pertinent points of the essay written by Robert Spiegelman in the afterword, titled Garrison's Invitation to the Millennium Ball:Where Dallas '63 Meets the Age of Globalization.The concluding words to the opening section of this essay, titled Introduction, are "fresh and urgent relevance to the present--to the emergence of the New World Order".Section three of this essay, titled Toward a Better Model of Explanation, concludes with the words " the global predations of the New World Order expand, it becomes ever more important that we accept his long-standing invitation".Section lV, titled Garrison's legacy and Our Challenge, claims that the staff set up by Robert Lovett were "first-tier architects of the Cold War and Establishment icons" and that "most of their careers were affiliated with Rockefeller interests."Next paragraph begins with "The Kennedy Administration was not so much staffed by 'Cold Warriors' as by transnational bankers and lawyers with a long view. They were progenitors, architects, and proconsuls for the New World Order."Included in this section are five Spiegelman suggestions for a viable agenda for research. This is a good start, but, in my opinion, only a start.Section V, titled Finale, begins with the sentence "With the end of the Cold War and the clear-cut emergence of a globalizing New World Order, it is possible to reexamine both the Cold War and a salient moment, JFK's premature death, with truly fresh understanding, in ways that Garrison sensed and opened up, but did not fully articulate."I believe this very valuable essay constitues an important contribution to the Kennedy assassination literature, and the snippets I have posted here are only a small hint of the insights to be found here. I hope there might be some who are willing to get Davy's book and study the whole argument of Robert Spiegelman's essay. I don't believe anyone has as yet made it available on the internet, but I hope someone will.
Harley Ryder
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Post by Harley Ryder »

Mr. Zeroski:You have generated a very interesting and powerful line of information. There needs to be much more research and discussion about your material.I am going to read and study your material thoroughly, and follow-up with your references.I for one admire and appreciate your intense work.You are a great asset to this JFK Forum. Thank You.