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Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:14 pm
by ChristophMessner
Dear Mr. Brychek, you make very interesting posts, thank you! May I dare to assume that nobody will be interested in who really shot where what when in the future, but all will be interested in: Do I like Jimmy? Will this book give me real thrill? Will more truth about ugly things give me something at all or is unsolved suspense better than solved boredom? Best greetings from Christoph Messner

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:21 pm
by dankbaar
Bruce, I am losing you, sorry to say, Do I sense some sarcasm or reproach there? Or is that just me? I can't wait for your book and materials to come out. When will it be? I am very curious what it will add to what was not (made) known thusfar, and that you can't reveal here and now. For example: will you in that book acknowledge that Gary Marlow was the guy that Jimmy says killed Tippit? It's rather obvious that you have some trouble to confirm that. I truly wonder why. Could you please clarify? What is the reason that you and Jimmy elected to wait for yet at least another 7 years for the definitive story of James to come out? Why would you keep things hidden concerning the death of a US President, or in your words : "a coup détat", and to persons you have "the greatest respect and admiration" for? Wim Dankbaar knows me personally, and flew to Chicago, Illinois many years ago, several times to meet with me personally, face to face, to first authenticate and investigate me, as I did him, and then we became true friends. Because of pressures known only to us, we sometimes argue as brothers. But I have the greatest respect and admiration for Wim. Further, Jimmy and I support Wim's efforts to maintain the dignity of Jimmy's interviews at great personal sacrifice to Wim. We support no other commercial website.Thanks,Wim

The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:11 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.17.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Wim - I had an extensive Breakfast Business and Legal Meeting today with J.J and B both send our Sincere Best Regards to you, your family, and your sister Heelena.Wim moving forward we must strictly adhere to the Advice of Counsel and be very carefulabout what is confirmed of denied.Wim please remember that my Absolute Loyalty is to J, with nothing meant against you oryour supporters.I have diligently supported your JFK Forum, worked for you for free, and offered for 7 years to help you try to intelligently market your materials in the U.S., with no assistance, encouragement, guidance or support of any kind from anybody. Recall The Yearly Annual JFK Forum Meeting idea of mine for merely one of my many ideas.That worked as well as the:1. Petition For JFK'S Exhumation.2. The Dallas Movie Theatre And Museum For Conspiracy Theories.3. The John Groden Freedom Of Speech Campaign, Fliers And Tables In Dealey Plaza.So much could have been done if we all rowed together on the JFKMS Forum.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:05 am
by ChristophMessner
This plutocratic America is really a wrotten place, first they do stupid crimes on presidents or people everywhere, then they blame honest people from Europe of lack of leadership as soon as the Europeans seek some cooperation by the Americans in their help in brushing up the mess! Greetings from simpleton-land

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:31 am
by dankbaar
Bruce, I regret to note that you are revealing a less pleasant side of your character, at the same time being less credible, more evasive and contradictive with each new post you make. I start to wonder if it's any use to ask you any question at all, when you avoid the answers and bury them under new blame and reproach.I get only one new insight from your comments that is not so puzzling: That under the layer of politeness and compassion there is a deeper sense of feeling mistreated and the need for a scapegoat. I am sorry I dissapointed and failed you with a lack of "real leadership", intelligence and professionality. I was not aware you expected or demanded those qualities from me. Frankly, I had not heard from you in 2003 when I interviewed Jimmy. I wish I would have. In hindsight it would probably have been more effective if you had done the interview and written the book. As abonus, I would have saved myself a lot energy, money, lawyers, frustration and badmouthing. Where were you between 1999 and 2004, when I learned of James Files and you could have warned me against Bob Vernon? I shall gladly hand over the torch to you in order to rise to the occasion and above the "simpletons", to present the story of James in the professional and undisputable way you seem to deem necessary and capable of. After all, you know more of Jimmy than any of us, so you would indeed be the perfect man. If there is one person who truly hopes you can deliver on that promise, it would be me. You may be his best living friend, but in terms of defending the integrity of his JFK confession, I believe it would be advantageous that his strongest supporters would not have to weigh whether you are on the assets side or the liabilities side. Correct me if I am wrong in noting that your bitchy tone started after I simply tried to have you confirm a proven fact that James already has confirmed: that Marlow is the man on the photo with him, and thus that Marlow was the man that knocked on his motel door with the message that he had burned a cop? Could you at least give an insight as to why you have so much trouble with that? Since you appear to master dealing out criticism better than receiving it, I hope that your Irish temper doesn't cause you to shut down. Comments? Best always,Wim

The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:58 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.18.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Wim - My friendship and loyalty is to Jimmy and my family. I have always made that clear. No exceptions.Circumstances have developed that prevent me from revealing more. My hands are no tiedmore than ever before, and I am not free to explain.Things are constantly changing and evolving, and on Advice of Counsel we can not confirm or deny anything more at this point in time.I will confirm or deny nothing about Jimmy beyond his 2 interviews.This has nothing to do with you or anybody on the JFKMS Forum.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:03 pm
by Bob
Gentlemen...we all have to take a deep breath and relax. Try to keep the emotions in check please. This is not the "forum" for this discussion. This particular chat should be offline.

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:09 pm
by dankbaar
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wim - My friendship and loyalty is to Jimmy and my family, not you. I have always made that clear. No exceptions.Bruce, That is fine with me. Although I do not understand why this should be an issue? Is it part of your loyalty to Jimmy that you need to fuzzy up the issue that Gary Marlow was the guy who knocked on his motel door that day? Did Jimmy instruct you to feed Barney on the theory that it might have been Michael Corbitt? I will confirm or deny nothing about Jimmy beyond his 2 interviews. Period. Anything else is none of your business.Well, that is not exactly true, is it? In fact you have confirmed a whole list of things beyond those 2 interviews. For example that Edward G. Lansdale of the CIA came to visit Jimmy behind the picket fence shortly before the assassination. And you confirmed that the killer of J.D. Tippit recently died, within 30 days after Marlow died. I could go on and on and on. Be sorry to somebody who cares.I am sorry about your attitude to you, myself and all the others who care about the truth of JFK's murder and the question whether Jimmy's input is important there. Am I to understand that you don't care? Why did you meet with me twice then? Why did we talk and communicate for hours on the phone and by email? Why did we have dinners and breakfasts? Why are you leaving your marks here on this forum? Why do you make supportive statements to me and this website if you would not care? It is your website.Yes! .........And? I have supported you to the best of my ability.That may be , I have no way of knowing, and what your ability would be, but your latest contributions breath reproach rather than support. Moreover you are implying that you are privy to more information that needs to be told beyond the 2 interviews. To further sustain his veracity. When you and Jimmy are "ready". That leaves some room for the question whether you have supported me to the best of your abiltiy. Not that I ever asked that from you, but you just said it. You are the Captain of this ship.I am a passenger.I'm not sure if that analogy is valid, but if we follow it, then you are at least a passenger, saying that the Captain of the ship is steering it the wrong course and that the rest of the passengers are mostly "simpletons". I just offered you to take over the wheel, or give direction, and then you say: No you're the Captain........ If you don't like it, then why do you run your website as you do ?I did not say I didn't like you as a passenger, nor that I didn't like the way I run my shop. (or ship, to stay with your phrase) Jimmy and I don't need you for anything. Get that through your head now.You need us. And if you don't like it, too damn bad.The only "need" that I and all others who believe Jimmy's information is worthwhile, have is for Jimmy ,and you as his respresentative, to tell the truth, and clarify areas where unclarity persists, especially when you blow smoke around them. That said, Is there anything else beyond the two interviews that I would need from you? I never thought of it that way, I mean in terms of dependence of each other. I thought Jimmy had played with an open deck and left only the diary of Nicoletti under the table. I don't need you for that. In fact I will be happy when you produce it one day. I will be happy with all additional information that proves his story undisputably once and for all. And I don't care who furnishes it. Change your tune, and change your attitude nowWhy would I change my tune or attitude, when I don't see nothing wrong with it? Quite frankly, I see more amiss with your tune and attitude.Or throw me off your website today.Why would I do that? For what reason should I throw off a passenger who elected to board, unless he misbehaved? Call my bluff.What bluff? Are you whining, or wine - ing ? I really can't tell.Apart from not knowing what you mean by that, I do grasp it's not a very nice tune and attitude. I'm not sure about the cause of this kind of hostility. Do you know yourself? Is it maybe frustration that you have not gotten Jimmy out of jail yet? Next time you cross the pond, make sure to look me up for more favors.I'll be happy to look you up. Just to have a good time as we had before and share our common interests. It may be wise to forget about favors. To avoid dissapointment when I don't recognise them. Comments ?Just given.Wim Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:41 am
by ChristophMessner
Great character who is staying with his principles and fighting open face for them! Great character who is staying with friendship and not betraying it! Now it's time to drink a bottle of wine first and reflect: Wouldn't it be able for Wim to bail Jimmy out of prison as soon as the JFK- and Tippit-cases are solved and the story is made a blockbuster story with sensibility? Are Jimmy&Bruce underrating Wim's ability to be a true friend? Is friendship between the rule of omerta and the quest for transparency impossible? Is Bruce's honest realism after that overload of permanent frustrations seeing the reality of the permanent possiblity for new additional friendships and ways on new levels anymore? Don't we circle around ourselves too much here? Forgetting about the possibilities of bringing in more people, new financial sources, better strategies? Anyway the JFK assassination is nobody's private possession and the true meaning of it doesn't touch private personal questions.

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:10 am
by dankbaar
barney 1961 wrote:Bruce; a question sir, " at what age did you meet and become an acquaintance and later friend of one, James E Sutton aka Files??? Why did you ask and what's your reason for the smileys?Wim