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Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:50 pm
by bob franklin
"one of the best politicians of recent times is Jesse Ventura. He is a CT regarding the JFK assassination as well."Every rule has an exception. He actually did surprise me a little, figured he was just in it for the fifteen minutes. What worries me is the continual blurring of the line between fiction & reality in the political sphere. I believe it to be a deliberate tactic of the PTB to confuse & cripple the public mind.I expect it to get a lot worse, & a lot more obvious.

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:52 pm
by Bob
bob franklin wrote:"one of the best politicians of recent times is Jesse Ventura. He is a CT regarding the JFK assassination as well."Every rule has an exception. He actually did surprise me a little, figured he was just in it for the fifteen minutes. What worries me is the continual blurring of the line between fiction & reality in the political sphere. I believe it to be a deliberate tactic of the PTB to confuse & cripple the public mind.I expect it to get a lot worse, & a lot more obvious.I can't disagree with you Bob. The healthcare issue is a good example.

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:18 pm
by Pennyworth
Bob wrote:Here is Jesse on Alex Jones... know Seamus doesn't care for Alex and David Icke, and I don't agree with everything they say either, but at least their head's aren't in the sand like so many of the sheeple are, as they believe the bullshit from their govenments and the MSM. Alex also has on excellent guests on his show, as well like Jim Marrs, Robert Groden and Russ Baker.I took one link off the board because afterwards I found some info in an article concerning a controversial video that Alex Jones produced .I might get back to this later. The author of the article was Andrew Hitchcock.