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Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:24 pm
by tom jeffers
i had followed mr opresidente ever since he put his hat into the ring. i have listened closely. he came out strong as an anti war candidate early, in fact he stood for exactly the opposite of what GW stood for. Everbody jumped on his bandwagon, he said all the right buzz words to win the hearts and minds of a lot of americans. early he was very vocal about the war up until it became a 2-way race between him and hillary. at that point he became silent on the war issue and talked mostly about social and economic programs. as he got closer to november, he slowly started to give you hints of his new policy on war. instead of pulling out the troops as soon as possible, he was talking about not doing anything to premature and giving the military a little time to finish what was started. So what happened in the early to late summer that changed his mind and agenda. Also why did hillary fight to the death until the end? what was that about? was she trying for a vp slot, did she thing that something would happen to mr obama that left him unable to run phisically or legally (birth certificate)? there had to be a reason that she never released her delegates even though she clearly lost.i always joke about this but did they give mr "O" a private screening of the original unaltered zapruder film sometime that summer?your thoughts bob, bruce, joe, thom, ken, larry, darrell and the other brother darrell?Namaste'

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:04 pm
by Dealey Joe
The only thing that comes to mind is "demagogue"I can't get my mind straight as to exactly how the chain comes dowm.What do thee people know and when do they know you think they have a clue as to what they are actually doing or going to be expected to do.They hace had to be groomed for these jobs.I was trying to remember when presidents just came up with something out of the blue.Like Carter giving away the Pannama Canal?Do you think it was suggested to JFK that he do something?

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:09 pm
by Dealey Joe
OH another question,when do you think they know they are going to be elected.Wonder if they cared if Hillary or Obama got elected?

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:29 pm
by kenmurray
The way things are going now and if they continue that way I see Obama will become a one term President. Of course too that will also depend on who the GOP candidate will be. I'm with Jesse Ventura. We need a third party. Someone like you Jesse.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:48 pm
by tom jeffers

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:52 pm
by tom jeffers
now this will blow everyone's mind. Andrew Basagio is a well respected attorney from Washington who claims he was in a top secret time travel program as a child due to nikola tesla's technology. somehow they discovered that children were better suitable to time travel. it sounds crazy but i have researched this guy and find no flaws. listen to 6/10 at about the 5 minute mark on obama. if you want some really interesting info listen to all of the part 10 series. if you don't belive his story but like science fiction, you won't find it a waste of your time i promise. ... re=related

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:56 am
by Dealey Joe
Well you started it.......when I was in grade school we had what was called convocationthis one has stuck in my mind for all thede years.keep in mind only the very wealthy had the new Television that time I had never seen one.the gentleman hosting the event was of the scientific nature.he had a magig ball that when a girl with long hair put her hand on it her hair stood up on end.The he done somthing unbelievable, he had what looked like a hot plate with a flat metal top thathe put about an inch thickness of newspaper. put a small skillet on top of the newspapers, added a drop of cooking oil, broke an egg into the skillet and fried the egg.i don't remember what if anything he called it but it was primitive microwave.he talked to us kids about things that was going to be possible in the thing was that we would be able to tune into the sound waves traveling the atmosphere and hear the Gettsburg ddress or what ever you might want to hear.Then he talked about travel by dissapearing here and reapearing someplace else.did not seem possible to us.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:02 am
by Bob
tom jeffers wrote:now this will blow everyone's mind. Andrew Basagio is a well respected attorney from Washington who claims he was in a top secret time travel program as a child due to nikola tesla's technology. somehow they discovered that children were better suitable to time travel. it sounds crazy but i have researched this guy and find no flaws. listen to 6/10 at about the 5 minute mark on obama. if you want some really interesting info listen to all of the part 10 series. if you don't belive his story but like science fiction, you won't find it a waste of your time i promise. ... set me up. You know that I am a science fiction type of guy and I have brought up The Time Tunnel before in this forum. I haven't listened to all of this as of yet, but you are right, it is NOT a waste of time. At least not for my Rod Serling/Gene Roddenberry type mind.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:04 am
by ChristophMessner
"War on terror" is the most suitable agenda to erect a World Terror Regime, cause the promotors always can bring the majority to their side: "Are you pro or contra terror?" - "Of course I am against terror!" - "So you advocate the anti-terror-measurements of a strong authoritarian World State, which have to use terror against terror!" - "Yes!"What naive people or carreerists like Obama forget is, that the inherent systematic (supervision-)terror inside the World Anti-Terror Regime is more terrorific than the minor and rare terror needles of small terrorist groups. There is not only terror like physic terror of bombs, there is also psychic terror, ethical terror and metaphysical terror, which destroyes the human soul as effectively as physical terror. Look to the world 2000 years ago, it was hard and brutal often, but it was colorful with so many different tribes, cultures, identities and peoples. In future it might be less brutal, but very dull and hopeless inside a World State which forces everybody into functionality and assimilation. My guess is, some people will miss guys like James Files in the future, cause he couldn't assimilate and was able to keep his own mind through all this.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:53 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Hans Christoph Messner:Hans your level of analysis is very powerful, and consistent with what I Posted under another Headline of mine, which I think was about The War In Iraq. Therein I came to the conclusion about "The Perfect War," The Perfect Conceptual War For The Military Industrial Complex, The Never Ending War On Terror, The War Against Evil wherever we may find it, ala Bush II, and Cheney.Needless to say, I totally agree with you.Hans, I really enjoy your advanced thinking processes, both historically and globally.With respect for your powers of analysis, may I be so bold as to ask you to highlight your formal education, if you don't mind ? I admire your education, insight, and wisdom.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.