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Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:20 pm
by Maarten Coumans


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:21 am
by Maarten Coumans

I think those $16 million was part of "An offer he cannot refuse". See the godfather.

This way, they do not have to kill him (arrouses suspicion, calls for immediate release/investigation of Z-film). And may well keep quite about differences in the film presented, and the memmory of that day.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:01 pm
by Ricky Clow
Sounds right to me, That much money can buy you alot of silence, I know I'd rather keep my mouth shut and killing him would arouse suspicion I never thought of that nice!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:45 pm
by Maarten Coumans
If he (Zapruder) makes a noise, then the reply can be that he got paid.... a threat that is hanging over his head right now anyway. Like a sword of Damocles. This way they got him by "the short 'n crly's".

In that link from you, about alteration techniques they spoke of reprinting the image, and placing the lamppost as overlay.
I did some looking at that area. That lamppost has a little sign about not parking, near the bottom of the screen. In all the other pictures it is solid. Yet in the Z-film it looks like the left part is somewhat transparant, a grey haze. For referrence 265 and further. Most interesting are chrome bits that reflect sunlight, and are quite bright, and easier to see than outlines of persons through ( ) the sign.
265 because it has a stable camera shot and the lamppost is least blurred.

Wonder if you see it too?


Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:16 pm
by Ricky Clow
ya I did somewhat notice that but I didn't thinjk to much of it at the time, Thanks for pointing all this stuff out, adn people belive the Z film is real pfft.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:52 pm
by Ricky Clow
Ok, during the zapruder film a couple of seconds after the neckshot jfk is at the bottom of the screen if you were filimg him he would be in the middle of the screen not the very bottom of it and the refelction disappears after the neck shot and the people arent even loking at kennedy on zapruders side of the road and arnt even moving.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:09 pm
by Maarten Coumans

Good point on the camera-action. Z's camera was state of the art at the time, so costly accordingly..... Not something you buy for a one day hobby. And movieing takes more practice than one might expect.
Although not professional filmer, a well experienced amateur is safe to assume.

I find it hard to believe that Z would loose sight of his object that much (as I deduct from your previous post).... so much it (Kennedy) nearly gets lost under the bottom edge of the frame.

That starts to happen in the turning back of Connelly, after he yelled out, and past the lamppost. That is when the the edge of the screen starts to move up over the door of the limo.
You can barely see Kennedy and Connelly, who is falling back to his wife.

Then you can see more of the limo. And from what I can see there are no reflections in the doors.
An explanation may be that that side did not have many bright objects, that could cause reflection, like those people earlier on Elm up to the roadsign. But those stairs in the Moorman picture should show up.... I would say...

Maybe 344 is interesting because of the bottom right corner. Take the Version from the DVD Image of... You'll see.

In my oppinion was Connelly first shot in the leg (Left Upper) from near where the Carcano was found, soon after reeemerging roadsign.
And I think the falling back towards Nelly by Connelly, was due to a bullet hitting his wrist. Blowing/pushing him backwards. (Was he planning on leaving the limo????? And got shot back??)

And only after 313 he goes abrupt forward, consistand with "a blow in the back.... pushed forward". As well consistand with testimonies that he heard the shot and impact of the headshot of Kennedy. On top of that...... if he was struck in the lungs after roadsign..... and that lung collapsed....... how could he speak? ..... especially when losing consciousness .... till after 313.

Moving abrupt forward...... Check out Greer and Kellerman......

Strange movements..... yes!
Perhaps redundant, but moves by the son of Charles Brehm in Z-film...... oddddd

You get a strange effect if you play it frame by frame backwards. (oooooooh Scary)
Or turn it into a slide show in playing at 18 frames a sec.

Enough for now.


Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:54 pm
by Ricky Clow
yes, I agree. I ind it reallt strange that the people before the roadsign don't even move they just stand there even when Kennedy passes by them they dont even wave or continue to look at him as his passes by they just stand there as if frozen in time. Also as I said earlier that Kennedy and Connolly are at the very bottom of the film.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:59 am
by Maarten Coumans

Very much agree. Those people are hardly moving. According to Jack in the video of the Great Zapruder Hoax, he compares the people.... do not seem to be the same crowd.
For me the 2 black americans on the other side are telling for NOT looking at the president.
Jean Hill, a bit further, is as well NOT looking at president, in the Z-film.

I have been speculating a bit. The camera position... as it pans up. It eliminates pictures of the Newman family, and the two women that were standing closest to the lamppost, next to them (see Bronson foto).
Since neither the Newman's nor those women were heard by the Commission, makes their tale interesting. As well as why the WC was NOT interested.
He (Mr Newman) stated that shots came from behind him.... from the knoll.
Probably not what the WC was interested in... see last page of WR, mission statement....
Those 2 women, next to the Newman's, I have not found.

Since the name Zapruder and some frames were published in the WR, it may be more difficult/suspicious to eliminate him, without blowing on gouverment involvement. Difficult to blame the Cubans for that, or Ruski's for that fact. And would increase interest into the Z-film (as an obvious motive), with huge funds to do scientific research...... waves... "Would open up the whole bay of Pigs thing..."

As far as I am concerned were the Newman's closest witnesses to the headshot. Moorman was looking through her camera, Jackie is in the way.
No such obstacles for the Newman's. They were even standing on the same spot frames after the headshot , if you look at the Nix film, before they dove into the grass. Later to be filmed by Wiegman...

Just a thought...
