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Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:15 am
by ChristophMessner
dankbaar wrote:Those who control the channels to "let the public know", have unlimited power, just like those who control the money supply. These powers go hand in hand. You will never see the mainstream media educate the public on the fraudulent scam the FED really is. And even if you think you know something, it does not have to be the truth. That's is what these people also realise, With their tools of the media they prey on the flexibility of the human mind, they can make a lie the truth in the minds of millions. David Phillips understood this and made it his trade. Take the CIA for example. The majority of America thinks they exist to protect us from outside danger and terrorists. They have no clue that Pablo Escobar looks like a pale rookie next to the CIA. How do we know anything? Knowing is always an interpretation of the facts, or what we perceive to be the facts. All we can do to reach the knowing phase is learn the facts, or seize the opportunity to be exposed to the facts. We are both members of advanced civilisations, which have discovered centuries ago that the earth is round, a planet of the solar system that turns around the sun. That is because we were thaught these facts. So we "know" this, we don't doubt these to be facts, we accept them as factual knowledge. However, in remote locations of the globe, like the Indonesian or Amazon jungles, you may find people who do not know this, maybe they still believe the earth is flat, like we did 600 years ago. They have been isolated and haven't learned the facts. America is one big jungle concerning the JFK assassination ........Well spoken, Mr. Wim "The Checker" Dankbaar! Let's not forget all the other "intelligence" in some 200 countries! The CIA maybe like role model to them or reason to surpass even. The pattern of wellpaid "intelligence", working completely isolated from any control of the people or people's representatives is worldwide now. Supervision machinality to which only small money control groups sponsor and control the machinality "elite" has taken over. Politics, Religion, Philosophy, individual independance, ... do not exist anymore in a world where computers dictate intelligence, money, media and supervision.


Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:58 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
06.05.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.18.2007 - Wim Dankbaar Posted this Brilliant, Laser-Like Headline. It encapsulates so much that isrelevant to today, OR RATHER WHAT IS NO LONGER RELEVANT TO APATHETIC AMERICANS.Wim and I, who I greatly admire and respect, usually agree about 90 % of the time. Sometimes we wrangle like brothers over the trivial. But on this issue my mind flashes back to over a decade ago when Wim, NickWhalen and I spent the first of hundreds of hours in Chicago, Illinois discussing James Earl Sutton-Files, JFK,MLK, RFK, and hundreds of other related Subject Matters. I was already cynical about Apathetic Americans.And we also touched also briefly on The Dumbing Down Of America And Apathetic Americans. Years laterWim Posted this Headline and information that generated an excellent discussion.Fast Forward to today, 8 years later. This is more true than ever in my Mind's Eye today.I think that we have only gotten much worse as The American Culture, or Lack Thereof.Where are we today as a Country and as a Culture ? Where are we headed ? Of course I think that it is currently a Downward Spiral in many ways.How do we change Our National Course ? Can we ? Will we ?Of course The Shadow Government, the Main Stream Media and the Programming by the American EducationSystem are tremendous factors.Thinking Outside Of The Box Is Necessary.IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT.As always I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself abouta Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Thoughts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigation, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:46 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
01.20.2016Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.18.2007 - Willem Dankbaar first Posted this Accurate, Provocative Headline.Some of our Very Best JFKMS Forum Members provided an excellent discussion. Unfortunately a few are nolonger with us. We were strengthened by their presence, and much better for having known them and sharedtheir knowledge.Fast forward to almost nine (9) years later.Jay Leno used to do interviews on the street. Some radio and T.V. shows do the same. The following are some from over the last few months that have been shared among many JFKMS Members privately. Time for a Modern History Update with some of my favorites for the pulse or temperature of America today.INTERPRETATIONS BY AMERICAN'S OF HISTORY TODAY:* Abraham Lincoln invented the Lincoln automobile.* JFK won the Civil War in 1965 (yes, 1965).* Adolph Hitler, give me a clue, What field was he in ?* JFK either dated one of the Kardashian's, or was on Dancing With The Stars.* MLK was assassinated because he was running for President and he was black.* JFK, Jr., give me a clue, What field was his father in ?PEOPLE, THE POINT THAT I AM MAKING HERE IS THAT:Many of the JFKMS Forum Members and Readers are very serious about JFK, MLK, RFK, and many RelatedSubject Matters. WHAT ARE YOUR REACTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, OR THOUGHTS ?As always I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely about a SubjectMatter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: The dumbing down of America

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:41 pm
by JDThomas
Hi Bruce,just a point to note how little most of the current crop of Presidential candidates know about foreign affairs ... or even the geography of the world outside their home state for that matter!You don't expect all americans to have the necessary world view, or even the majority of domestic politicians - but for an individual to run for President of the foremost economic and military country in the world, their ignorance is frightening - we should all be worried about this.If the CIA or whoever give the new president a brief on a new policy initiative about a country that the new president has never even heard of, let alone what that country's political affitiation, economic strength or even threat level is ... who do you think is going to get their way in policy making? Take JFK as someone who knew rather more, but still got duped over the Bay of Pigs and you get an idea of how easy it'll be to pull the wool over the eyes of most of the current wannabe 1st citizens.For those who think that America should forget about the rest of the world and just look after itself, 9/11 shows (whatever its real story) that you do not have to go looking for trouble for trouble to come looking for you!