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Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:40 pm
by tom jeffers

If you have seen some of my previous posts, you know that I think it is highly probable that there were other shooters there and possibly close in proximity to mr. files. I think it very possible that many teams were contracted including and not limiting to sicilian, french, military, mafia, cia, and the cuban connection. I think it was possible that any or all of these facets were involved to some degree as well as others. that is why there is so much evidence for many of these theories. if you limit yourself to only one of these branches then you cannot see the whole picture.

I think it is a travesty that there was climate in the cia that allowed someone to even think that there was a possibility that the northwoods document could be carried out. why would someone even suggest this evil deed if they didn't think that there wasn't a chance it could be carried out. this document should be a smoking gun to the american public of the evils that this organization thinks up.

Also you remark about clinton not doing anything about the terrorist attacks perpetrated before 911. even if you do not think there was a 911 conspiracy, terrorists have no country. that would be like some country attacking the us because of the kkk.

The us people talk about innocent blood being shed yet let me ask just one question....who is the only country in the world to ever use atomic weapons on another country? The US. We never hear about our atrocities because we think our shit doesn't stink. and i know i've said it before but if it looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit and it has pieces of corn in it then it is probably shit.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:00 pm
by M.C.Newton
I'd love to know what dan thinks about the North American Union (SPP)? Seems like a kind of Neo-Liberal idea. As an independant turned Republican how does this sit with you Dan? Scrapping the Constitution. Dissolving the borders. Is this also viewed as heroic by you Dan?

How exactly is the Iraq war heroic?

can you please refrain from your 'pot stirring' hyperbole.


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:19 am
by Dan
The North American Union does not sit well with me - I will vote accordingly if there is ever any hint of it being more than just an idea. MC, if you sense I am stirring the pot please pull me back to reality - I do get carried away - I will trust your observations.

Tom, I know that there were more shooters than Mr. Files in the western part of the North Pergola - I am absolutley convinced that the throat shot was fired from near his position with the trigger being pulled at Z223 or Z224. I am also absolutely convinced that Alan Dulles and the CIA were involved, but where does 41 become the evil master? If Tosh Plumlee was there to abort - couldn't 41 be there to abort as well - if he was even involved? If JFK II was correct - 41 was a nobody at that time. There is just no evidence of his involvement - many fringe relationships and loose connections, but nothing solid - just wishful thinking by the hate-america-first crowd.

MC, read The Third Terrorist and you will understand why 43 is a hero - hell he has to put up with so many false accusations he's a hero for just being able to tolerate the kooks who believe this George Soros nonsense and the morons in congress.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:23 am
by M.C.Newton
It seems the NAU is rolling along toward completion. First we'll se the collapse of the economy exacerbated by Bush's complete and utter love of borrowed dollars that can be exploded over in Iraq.

Now he's pushing for a war with Iran. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Have a look at what Bush said about Iran when speaking at the American Legion Convention in Las Vegas.

"Iran ... is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. ... Iran funds terrorist groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which murder the innocent and target Israel. ... Iran is sending arms to the Taliban. ... Iran has arrested visiting American scholars who have committed no crimes. ... Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust."Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. ... We will confront this danger before it is too late."

Before this current push to war, the figure was put at 10 years before Iran could even begin to put a nuke together, at this point the figure has shrunk to the trusty "couple" or "few" years. This is all happening under the pretext that Iran will "wipe Israel off the map", or cause a "nuclear holocaust". I'm no nuclear expert but doesn't it seem that Israel's proximity is too close for Iran to be nuking them? Can you really nuke your neighbor and not expect nuclear fallout to make it's way to your country, thereby creating a situation where you nuke yourself by proxy?

But the greatest crime of all will be when they use "tactical nukes" in order to prevent someone from getting nukes. Now that doesn't make even a tiny piece of sense. "You can't have them because you may use them. So we are gonna use some so you can't get them." WTF? But then again Bush has handled Afghanistan and Iraq so well that I'm sure Iran will be a cakewalk. Soldiers aren't sitting ducks there in Iraq are they? But just trust him... right? He's an anti-hero.

But please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, I in no way shape or form agree with this Democrat controlled Congress. The only reason these people were elected was to end the destruction that this country has encountered since this puppet president started busting the country up. They have failed time and again. Hell they even decided to give THEIR power to declare war to Bush, with regards to Iran. How is this possible? Neither party is what they once were with few exceptions. They've gotten everybody to identify with a word (Republican, Democrat) then they went and changed the definition. How far can these people twist reality before people understand. How long will you allow yourself to identify with a facade? BUSH IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE. THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING TO HIM.

And back to the NAU, which I find to be treasonous, this is Bush's baby he's the one that initiated it, via his SPP meetings with Mexico's President (at the time) Fox, Canada's Prime Minister Martin, and himself. Up to present day, as recently as a few weeks ago in Montebello in Canada. Bush, President Calderon, and PM Harper. Which puts this project, at this point, as being a 2 year effort by the leaders from North America.

This is very very serious and I would imagine that any Constitution loving, conservative American would see through the bullshit and recognize what is actually going on here.

Ron Paul is the only good option.


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:51 pm
by Dan
It is apparent from your post that you are not a veteran!

Maybe you should try living in Iran for a few years since you hate the US so much.

As far as nukes - Pittsburgh could nuke the crap out of Cleveland and not worry about too much fallout.

Enough of this posting on non JFK assassination stuff!

You are what you eat! Keep eating the marxist crap stuffed down your throat...I'm not responding to anymore of this nonsense (YIPPEEE)....time to take about 9 months off again and hope some serious research develops here. The next thing I post will be the results of the Remington headstamp investigation.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:51 pm
by M.C.Newton
pot stirring/hyperbole

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:17 pm
by Bob
Dan mentions research on the JFK assassination. That's what some of us are trying to do when we mention the Bu$h family and their dark secrets and we mention how events like 9/11 look very similar to the plans of Operation Northwoods. Yes, who the shooters were is important to solving the JFK assassiantion. But I think it's MORE important to find out who PLANNED the assassination and what they did afterward. What did happen after JFK was assassinated? Well, we had an escalation of the Vietnam war. Do you think the Military Industrial Complex and CIA were happy about that? The Federal Reserve was NOT affected. Do you think big banking was happy about that? Big Oil was NOT affected and still made their enormous profits (however, it's nothing like Exxon and company make today). The mob had the heat turned off for awhile until a lot of them (like Giancana, Nicoletti, Roselli) were killed off before the HSCA hearings. Now who was associated with all those groups? Well, it's a family that Dan doesn't want to bring into this discussion. No matter what the evidence. Like M.C., I am VERY unhappy with the Democratic Congress. That's why I'm going to become an Independent. I think it's very ironic (and TRAGIC) that 9 more American troop deaths happened in Iraq today while General Petraeus tried to sell this insane war. I don't care what you believe about 9/11, but there were NO Iraqi highjackers. There were 15 Saudis. If you believe bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, he is still alive in Pakistan/Afghanistan while almost 4,000 troops have died in Iraq, not in the area where bin Laden resides. This war is simply all about oil and war profiteering. Again, it is the Bu$h modus operadi and they are simply trying to prolong this war for profits and the chance to escape this clusterfuck of a legacy that Dumbya Bu$h has produced. Bu$h wants to share this legacy with the next President like Johnson shared Vietnam with Nixon. Petraeus sounds a lot like General Westmoreland. Enough said.

Re: Barney

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:46 pm
by Pennyworth
Dan wrote:I didn't meet the President (George W. is the greatest) but I did meet Barney and Miss Beazley - what a nice surprise!!!!!Tom, you labeled yourself as a radical. In fact, of all the members of this forum except Wim - you are the only one who responded recently to some of my actual flawed ideas regarding the throat shot. Your input was much appreciated.Why do I hang around? I believe James Files fired the headshot and I would like to see justice served.There are times I post things just to stir the pot to see who is for real and who isn't. There are some prolific posters at this forum (some with more than 900 posts) who haven't contributed anything to any research - it seems that their only function is to call names and scare people off (and overuse emoticons) - I love to engage them - they are easy to point in any direction and I enjoy watching them founder.

Hello Dan,

How did your meeting with the scotties go???

I accidently came across the JFK Lancer forum today . I don't have the time to read it now, but it appeared judging by the thread topics that the main topic of conversations focused on/around James Files and Wim Dankbaar

Re: Barney

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:51 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Dan wrote:I didn't meet the President (George W. is the greatest) but I did meet Barney and Miss Beazley - what a nice surprise!!!!!Tom, you labeled yourself as a radical. In fact, of all the members of this forum except Wim - you are the only one who responded recently to some of my actual flawed ideas regarding the throat shot. Your input was much appreciated.Why do I hang around? I believe James Files fired the headshot and I would like to see justice served.There are times I post things just to stir the pot to see who is for real and who isn't. There are some prolific posters at this forum (some with more than 900 posts) who haven't contributed anything to any research - it seems that their only function is to call names and scare people off (and overuse emoticons) - I love to engage them - they are easy to point in any direction and I enjoy watching them founder.Hello Dan,How did your meeting with the scotties go??? I accidently came across the JFK Lancer forum today . I don't have the time to read it now, but it appeared judging by the thread topics that one of the forums sections' main topic of conversations focused on/around James Files and Wim Dankbaar

Dan your name is on my list

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:51 am
by Neil Commenator
I found the Pravda article to be somewhat refreshing, thanks again Wim, good find. So often these days, it seems all the new print on JFK’s time in office comes from outside the U.S.. Guess that’s a good thing of sorts because the far more open eyed discussion that takes place elsewhere, is free of the convoluted nonsense that keeps so many Americans attacking each other on this subject. To see Provda openly running an article that both reminds us of President Kennedy’s achievements AND taking stabs at the pathetic events surrounding his assassination is a breath of fresh air. If only journalists in our own country could be so engaging.