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Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:49 pm
by Rob Waters ... x.htmlthis is a good breakdown. i posted this recently.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:52 pm

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:30 am
by nephew23
Wim ... you have to admit that the way the driver's and Mrs. Connally's heads turn back and forth at an impossible speed. That alone implies there are missing and/or sped-up frames. Also, the possibility of the film being manipulated and/or Zapruder being connected/involved only adds to the vast pile of evidence for a conspiracy. I want to know more about the Umbrella Man. I recall seeing a frontal picture of him with the umbrella fully open as the President passes. Can you use that to help determine the true height of the sign, and whether or not Zapruder's view would have been so cut off?

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:17 pm
by Chad Duncan
I have to go with Alteration, while the film shows the majority of the events upon numerous viewings, its just so poorly messed with that it had to have been Altered. WHY? That is the question we may not know in our lifetimes, but Im sure LBJ left nothing to chance. Just like the autopsy photos, they are all under or once were under the control of Hoover. My uncle never understood why they would change it so much, but he was there (John Templin) and was about even with Kennedy when the 1st shot hit him in the throat, but he is shocked at how many people are missing from the crowd and also noticed the people at the far east corner of the street are not the same people that were there. Like they pasted in another line of folks for filler. He was looking at Kennedys head when the headshot hit and saw large chunks of skull, brain and tissue fly backwards towards the cops on motorcycles. Nothing other than a mist of blood went upwards according to his 25 year old eyes at the time. But, as with anything, the quality of this film i guess could have bounced so much at that time that maybe it is just bad filming. The images in the tracks are the giveaway for me - its impossible to do this when actually filming, but when making a composite and pinching and pulling images left and right and hand painting things in then yes it could be all over the place. Im just thrilled this site is here, and thank Wim for doing so much work to bring out details. I write James Files now in prison, 1 letter so far and received one very nice one, just mailed the 2nd one last week. Good day all.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:48 pm
by Rob Waters
tom jeffers wrote:dankbaar wrote:Well, it's chasing ghosts. Something that doesn't exist. Like "Badgeman". hence it is spending time and energy ineffectively. Tell me, what is the purpose of putting Mary Moorman and Jean Hill on the grass, if they were actually on the sidewalk? What is the purpose of making Mrs. Franzen dissapear and replacing her by another woman? What is the purpose of concealing the limousine coming to a full stop? Did they alter the Nix, Muchmore and Hughes film too? Those films do not show a stopping car either, you know. (they also show Moorman and Hill on the grass by the way) Mind you , these are all claims of the "Zapruder alterationists", Jack White (also the discoverer of Badgeman) being the main promoter. I can (and have) demolish them one by one. But the question that really should awaken you, is this one: Why did the fakers go through all the alleged trouble to fake things in the background, but neglected to alter the only significant part, namely that JFK is hit with two simultaneous headshots, one from behind and then from the front causing his head go BACK and to LEFT? Why did they not take the trouble to alter that, instead concentrated on trivial things? Why? If their only goal of fakery was to drive home the point of Oswald being the lone assassin from behind?,I respect your opinion but believe the following:1. the muchmore film looks as if the father and son are in the street by the curb. the angle is not clear but it does not clearly show moorman and hills feet on the grass.2. in the muchmore film you will notice just as the limo passes them, the red coat spreads to the right as if a gust of wind catches her coat. the z film clearly shows her coat closed and steady.3. in the nix film, the babuska lady brifly appears with moorman in the picture and the babushka lady's shadow appears close to moorman while in the z film her shadow is clearly 20 feet away.4. in the nix film, moorman looks 4 ft tall compared to babushka lady because she is below the curb, I have been to dealey plaza and know there is a slight incline but nothing close that would distort the picture.5. neither the nix film or the muchmore film really shows the sequence of events of the limo from the corner as the z film does.6. orville nix reported to mark lane that his film was lost at the film studio for some time and he believes there are missing frames in the film he got.7. while i do not believe the car came to a full stop, i believe that the z film would have shown that the limo was traveling at a certain speed and the brakes were applied causing the connelys and the kennedys to jerk forward from the brakes and that both connelys hit the window in front of them because of pressing the brakes. the z film would have shown that the driver purposely slowed down the car significantly after the president had been first hit, allowing for the assassins to finish their job.8. i believe that the z film was doctored by applying red in the film to make the appearance of an exit wound in the front.these are a few of my thoughts.namastetom7. while i do not believe the car came to a full stop, i believe that the z film would have shown that the limo was traveling at a certain speed and the brakes were applied causing the connelys and the kennedys to jerk forward from the brakes and that both connelys hit the window in front of them because of pressing the brakes. the z film would have shown that the driver purposely slowed down the car significantly after the president had been first hit, allowing for the assassins to finish their job. ... .htmlcheck this out at line 48 that starts with "This might look fast". watch everyone on the car jerk forward. had to be becasue the driver hit the breaks. either that or they were all doing a version of the electric slide. also notice the background. nothing showing that the car slows at all. so why did they all jerk forward? also start reading at line 55.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:17 pm
by Rob Waters
Rob Waters wrote:and this is not the tramp... ... ic1.jpgits a coincidence...fixed the link...

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:17 pm
by Rob Waters
Rob Waters wrote: ... x.htmlthis is a good breakdown. i posted this recently.fixed this link too...

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:52 pm
by Rob Waters
This is a copy of someones description of the original film taken on 11/22/63. its not the Z film. fits nicely with the story told by James Files. here are his comments: ... pen_E2.jpg

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 4:13 am
by ThomZajac
dankbaar wrote:Well, it's chasing ghosts. Something that doesn't exist. Like "Badgeman". hence it is spending time and energy ineffectively. Tell me, what is the purpose of putting Mary Moorman and Jean Hill on the grass, if they were actually on the sidewalk? What is the purpose of making Mrs. Franzen dissapear and replacing her by another woman? What is the purpose of concealing the limousine coming to a full stop? Did they alter the Nix, Muchmore and Hughes film too? Those films do not show a stopping car either, you know. (they also show Moorman and Hill on the grass by the way) Mind you , these are all claims of the "Zapruder alterationists", Jack White (also the discoverer of Badgeman) being the main promoter. I can (and have) demolish them one by one. But the question that really should awaken you, is this one: Why did the fakers go through all the alleged trouble to fake things in the background, but neglected to alter the only significant part, namely that JFK is hit with two simultaneous headshots, one from behind and then from the front causing his head go BACK and to LEFT? Why did they not take the trouble to alter that, instead concentrated on trivial things? Why? If their only goal of fakery was to drive home the point of Oswald being the lone assassin from behind? have to disagree with you on this one Wim. The background needed to be changed so that missing frames would not be obvious. But changing the background is tricky business and although obvious impossibilities were eliminated, smaller ones were created. I agree that JFK was killed by two simultaneous head shots, but I don't think the Zapruder film is absolutely conclusive in this regard- and many people don't believe the Zapruder film conclusively shows a shot from the front. My guess is that the unaltered Zapruder film was conclusive on both points, and that the altered Zapruder film was the best they could do without the film appearing to be an obvious forgery. If you eliminate the background altogether in the Zapruder film, it is obvious that the car braked strongly; all the bodies in the car lurch forward and the motorcycle behind can't maintain its position. It makes perfect sense that the conspirators would alter the film, and they certainly had plenty of time to do it. My conclusion is that the unaltered Zapruder film would prove a shot came from the front (brain matter blowing out the back of the head) and that the car stopped or nearly stopped just prior to the fatal shot. I'm surprised by your question "What is the purpose of concealing the limousine coming to a full stop?" A full stop is absolutely the one thing the driver (William Greer) could not possibly do or justify in such a situation- it would be absolute proof of his complete and utter incompetence or his participation in the assassination- and the conspirators preferred not to encourage anyone from reasonably considering that possibility.

Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:35 pm
by ChristophMessner
Watch again: ... der.gifThe brain matter cloud to the rear indicates a shot from the front pretty much. And there is a rapid reverse of head moving impulse which needed so much energy that it could have only come from a bullet from the front shortly after the bullet from behind.