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Just One

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:25 am
by Dan

Let's look at just one of your assertions (the one that makes you look even dumber than John Doe):

- Larry Silverstein said on tape that WTC Building 7 was taken down by demolition

This may be a true statement - I found no indication he ever said that - but if it is true - understand that Larry Silverstein was fighting a huge insurance battle with dozens of insurers and has some fights ongoing to this day. WTC 7 which he developed - had an inadequate fire protection system - of course he is going to say controlled demolition or he would lose a fortune.

Now what are you implying with that assertion - that there was a conspiracy - WTF! Did you not see the airplanes hit WTC 1 and WTC 2? Why would a controlled demolition be used on WTC 7 - almost 9 hours after the other towers were struck?

Bob, how do you think a controlled demolition works? Do you think someone runs in with some TNT - pushes a plunger and boom! - it all comes down. Do you know how long the prep work is for a controlled demolition and what has to be done?

You can't be serious with that belief of a controlled demolition - you seem to be smarter than that?

See Larry Silverstein

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:40 am
by Dan

Larry Silverstein NEVER said WTC 7 was a controlled demolition!

Please see the truth behind your false assertion at YouTube: ... re=related

Oh how the lefty loonies twist things and distrort reality!!!!!

That was just one of your assertions Bob - shall we continue?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:55 am
by Bob
See this about Larry Silverstein and the "pull it" statement... ... ullit.html

Plus watch this and LEARN...if you WANT to.

You're Batting .000

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:47 pm
by Dan

You are 0 for 1... and have been proven to be a disinformation troll.

Please stop posting disinformation - that is why people flee this forum!!!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:21 pm
by Bob
Yeah right Dan. I will bet you NEVER even looked at any of the stuff I posted about Larry Silverstein or 9/11. Your mind is made up and closed to any other discussion. Similar to Dumbya Bu$h, a guy you obviously admire. Speaking of disinformation, why do you constantly speak up for the Bu$h family? Why do you constantly utter hateful statements about the Kennedy family? Like RCroxford said earlier, it's your bombastic posts that people shake their heads at. I know that at least my posts get people thinking. I have received a lot of good comments from several people that use this forum. Have you? I certainly doubt it.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:18 pm
by Cappy Erikksen
Well, well, ain't this interesting?

I stopped posting on this forum many months ago, for the same reasons Dan pointed out, so now I just stop by every two or three months or so to see if there's anything new. I explained, back then, that most of you, by filling these boards up with 9-11 conspiracy nonsense and ultra-left-wing, America-bashing propaganda, are alienating lots of folks who are sincerely interested in learning the truth about the JFK mystery. When I brought up my views, well over a year ago, I was hoping at least one person would take up with me but nobody...not even Dan...stepped up to the plate to help me out. All the response I got was a lot of the typical name-calling that inevitably comes after you offend the politically-correct masses.

Regardless, Dan, I won't leave you to fend for yourself alone, so here I am. Bob replied to you by calling you “naïve”, then Paul followed right away by calling you “dumb”. Then R. Croxford chimes in with his completely hypocritical but common left-wing method of calling you a “hater” because you disagree with his liberal views. He says he’s not a “democrat”, but he’s obviously some sort of a far-left socialist who probably thinks Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama can together save the world from the “evil republicans”. He really shows his arrogance by saying he sits alone, “watching both sides act like bozos”, as if he believes that he is the lone Encyclopedia of Truth, surrounded by pathetic retards who refuse to accept his mental superiority.

And Bob, when I read your original post, the first thought that crossed my mind was, “I can’t believe it! Bob actually wrote an entire paragraph without typing the word “Bu$h”! I don’t believe I’ve ever seen that before. But as I read on I saw that you did continue to do it in pretty-much every post thereafter. Just out of curiosity, when you go to parties, do you use the same jokes and catchphrases over and over and over again until people get so sick of hearing them that they want to wring your neck? Maybe that little “Bu$h” quip was amusing and clever some day in the long-ago past when it was original but believe me, it’s no academy-award-winning zinger of the century that needs repeating until the end of time. Show a little variety why don’t ya? You’ll attract no new members by boring the hell out of everybody with your redundancy.

Besides, whether you know it or not, there are people out there who think the Warren Report stinks, who also <gasp> actually support George Bush! Grab the smelling salts if that information is too much for you to handle, but it’s actually true! Furthermore, why should a dollar-sign be an exclusive Bush-badge? Every single asshole that’s ever run for president in any living person’s memory has been filthy rich. In fact, it’s usually the richest one who ends up winning, regardless of which party they belong to. So, your precious little “Bu$h” quip actually represents...absolutely nothing!

And, one other thing…LBJ (Remember LBJ? Yeah, Lyndon Baines Johnson…the Texas oil tycoon who almost certainly was one of the main engineers of the assassination?) was a <gasp-gasp> DEMOCRAT! Unbelievable, huh? And we’re just so sure that every political travesty ever committed was perpetrated by those evil republicans, aren’t we?

I personally never thought Dubya was such a great guy, but I always thought (and still do) that he’s a damn sight better than Al Gore ever would have been. Actually, I think politicians in general are ALL a bunch of lying sacks of shit, and I don’t mean just the ones in America. But I don’t hate Bush for no reason at all, the way liberals do. Ya’ll have hated him from Day One, simply for being a republican. Most of you don’t even know why you hate him. You call him a liar, but all politicians are liars. Some are worse than others and, actually, Bill Clinton may be the biggest liar to ever inhabit the White House. Watch my Clinton videos on my YouTube channel, “TMWKK”. No, of course you won’t watch them, because they’re not bashing republicans. You might watch the first segment and then call them “republican lies, right-wing conspiracy, propaganda”, etc. because they say bad things about your precious liberal, Communist-Socialist heroes. You will believe what you want to believe and not listen, for even a minute, to anything else. You can deny it on these boards, but you know in your hearts that it’s true. I’ve been having to put up with people like you ever since I posted those vids. I’ve challenged every single anti commenter to PLEASE point out the specific flaws, lies, etc. in the documentary…dozens of times…and not a single one has been able to comply after all these months. NOT-A-SINGLE-ONE! It’s obvious to me that Communist liberals have no concept of facts or truth or analytical thought. It’s all about believing what you want to believe and nothing else.

Then there’s that guy, John Geraghty, whom I don’t see any recent posts from today, so I don’t know what happened with him. I do know, however, that when he was participating, he thought he had America figured out to the last nut and bolt. We the U.S. are a country ruled by evil White bigots who run around harassing the poor, sensitive, intelligent Black benefactors as we force our evil ways upon all the rest of the peoples of the earth. George W. Bush blew up the WTC and blamed it on the poor, innocent Muslims who only want to live peacefully as they make their entertaining videos of people getting their heads sawed off with dull machetes. And he actually called Cynthia McKinney a “hero”! That one blew me away. Cynthia, the obnoxious, loudmouthed, rabble-rousing, Black Panther crackwhore, McKinney…a “hero”! Man, I think this guy must jerk off to Michael Moore movies rather than sex flicks! ROFLMAO

I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Texas now, but my family is still in Georgia and I visit them often. Cynthia McKinney (an ex Atlanta politician, for those of you who don’t know) is about the furthest thing from being a “hero” than anything I can imagine. She’s an antagonistic black racist who’d love nothing better than to commit genocide upon my entire people and culture, and turn America into “Africa: part 2”. But here’s a guy in Ireland who says she’s a “hero”. And here, also, are guys from Holland who claim to know everything that’s wrong with my country and how to fix it. Excuse me if I have visions of arrogant, presumptuous know-it-alls who wouldn’t know the Truth if it tied them up and buttfucked them. But what do I know…I’m just a dumb old White American “hater” while you all are highly-informed watchers of BBC News, right? HA! If you can’t see your own hypocrisy, there’s no hope for you whatsoever. “BBC” = "Boring British Communists"

Okay, back to you, Dan. I happen to think your idea about Abe Zapruder being the shooter is just as silly as the theory where the limo driver turns around and caps Kennedy with a pistol. I’ll gladly argue the point, but I’m not gonna call you names for believing what you believe. That’s the liberal’s way of debating, because the common liberal has few or no facts to back up his views…only emotions and fantasies. Croxford claims that you, Dan, are the one who has no facts…”hate filled, name calling, pissing and moaning…useless babbles”, etc. Which is pretty amusing considering that your latest submissions concern a fact about post-1970 ammunition being held up as evidence. He, of course, chooses to ignore your substantial question, opting instead to insult you for not having anything substantial to discuss. Then he signs his post with “peace”, which is a stamp of his self-proclaimed superiority. No hatred from R. Croxford, by God! LOL

Anyhow, you all say Dan is full of shit for assuming that, after all this time, these forums are still practically deserted because they have more to do with America-hating, leftist propaganda and non-JFK conspiracy theories than they have to do with the titled subject. In fact, you actually retort by accusing Dan himself of turning people away from the boards with his right-wing rhetoric. IMHO that’s just plain-damned dumb, stupid and ridiculous! If ninety-nine people are preaching one thing and one person is preaching the opposite, and it turns out that outsiders are not wanting to join the discussion, which side do you actually think is the side that’s driving them away?

Even a six-year-old should be able to answer that one sensibly and correctly.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:45 pm
by Bob
It's Easter Cappy, so I won't debate you today for the sake of my family. But you have brought up some interesting points, some I agree with and some I don't. I will address your take tomorrow if you don't mind. My wife is like Jim Garrison's wife, she enjoys the holidays with the family, if you remember Easter Sunday from the movie JFK. As do I. As far as my neck goes Cappy, it was severely injured in the car accident I had about a year ago. The neck is okay now, unlike the economic and foreign policy injuries the rest of America has painfully experienced the last 7+ plus years under YOU KNOW WHO! One final note Cappy, you obviously have never read some of the posts I have written about LBJ or the Clinton's. Maybe you should read a little before you comment. You sound a lot KNOW WHO!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:31 pm
by Bob
Alright Cappy, where do I get started? WE liberals love this country as much as ANYONE. I guess we speak out more when a travesty has been committed. I don't care about liberal vs. conservative. I don't care about Democratic vs. Republican. I don't care about left vs. right. As I mentioned in the post from yesterday, if a person is bad, I will call them out whatever party they belong to. People like Bill and Hillary Clinton. I will admit that I voted for Bill twice. But since that time, I have researched his political history and I am very dismayed with what I have found. I guess the beginning occured in Mena, Arkansas when Bill was Governor. Poppy Bu$h (notice the $ sign) was in the White House. The events in Mena happened right about the time of Iran/Contra, which was masterminded by Poppy. In Mena, the CIA was doing some massive drug running with the likes of Barry Seal. By the way, Seal was in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol, as was Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, James R. Bath and Charles Rogers (one of the 3 Tramps). We all know about Oswald and Ferrie, but the other members are also very interesting. Bath was a good buddy of Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard, who was also suspended (like Dumbya) for refusing to take a medical exam. After the Guard, Bath became Texas money man for the bin Laden family, which included investing in Bu$h's failed oil business Arbusto. Seal was probably the biggest drug runner in U.S. history. He was killed in his car with Poppy Bu$h's personal telephone number in the car. Also, the man who founded the LCAP, D.H. Byrd, just happened to own the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Byrd was also a very close friend of LBJ as well as the Big Oil men like Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt and Sid Richardson. Byrd was also a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. It has been argued that it was here that he met George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George H. W. "Poppy" Bush. Enough coincidences there for you Cappy??? But Clinton and Poppy Bu$h were joined at the hip because of Mena. Why do you think they are so chummy lately? It's like a lovefest between them now. Hillary is NO better. She has run a Rove-like sleazy campaign with people heading it like Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson. Hillary has a pro-hawk voting record and has MORE lobbyist money than ANY other candidate. John McCain is second in lobbyist money, along with money from Vicki Iseman (a reported affair as well), who is a telecom lobbyist. How did McCain vote for the FISA bill regarding immunity for the telecom companies recently? He voted to give the telecom companies FULL immunity. Hillary didn't vote at all on the bill as she ALSO had a LOT of lobbyist money from the telecom industry. I also definiotely think that LBJ was involved in the JFK assassination. LBJ was a phony, just like the current President we have. LBJ took credit for instance in the Civil Rights legislation of 1964, when it was JFK that created it and was working on it at the time of his death. LBJ also changed the course of history by escalating things in Vietnam, keeping things the way they were at the Federal Reserve, not affecting the profits of BIG Oil and keeping things the same at the CIA. ALL things that JFK WOULD have done differently. Now to the BU$H family. How can you, who claim you are a patriot, support this family? The same question goes to Dan. In WWI, you had Samuel Bu$h selling arms to the Germans while the U.S. was engaged in that conflict. I call that TREASON! You also have Prescott Bu$h, who was involved in an attempted coup of FDR and then who invested in and profited from the Nazi war machine in WWII. He was also charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. I call that TREASON. You have Poppy Bu$h who was a conspirator in the JFK assassination, and was also involved in the Watergate cover up, along with the cover up in HSCA hearings about the JFK and MLK assassinations when he was head of the CIA. He was also headed Iran/Contra and other drug running operations for the CIA, which included Mena. He started the first Gulf war by attacking a guy (Saddam) that he and Ronald Reagan armed in the 1980's with the weapons of mass destruction he used against Iran and the Kurds. Also, both Poppy and Ronny also armed a guy by the name of Osama in the 1980's when he was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. Friends then. Enemies now. Either way, there was money involved in it. I would definitely say that Poppy Bu$h committted TREASON as well. Then you have Dumbya Bu$h. The phony President. The phony cowboy. The phony tough guy. The phony non-drinker. The phony man of God. Here is the former cheerleader's illustrious resume...

- 9/11 happened on his watch

- testified about 9/11 with Cheney and NOT under oath

- had cabinet meeting on the VERY first day of his administration talking about invading Iraq

- Cheney's secret energy meetings (BEFORE 9/11) had ALL the heads of BIG Oil looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields

- lied about going to war with Iraq

- tried to lie about going to war with Iran

- the U.S. reputation has NEVER been worse in the world then it is now

- Took a huge surplus and turned it into a staggering deficit

- has put the U.S. into a recession with a high rate of foreclosures, massive healthcare costs and huge energy costs

- has given us torture

- has given us no habeas corpus

- has given us illegal wiretapping

- has given us Plamegate

- has given us the Justice Department scandal

- has given us MASSIVE war profiteering

- gave us the federal government response to Hurricane Katrina

- has given tax cuts to the VERY rich

- has added right wing zealots to the Supreme Court

I would call that TREASONOUS as well. Did you ever compare the events of 9/11 to Operation Northwoods. ON was a plan that was supported by Allen Dulles and by both Prescott and Poppy Bu$h. It was never acted upon thankfully, but a slight variation of it occured on 9/11/2001. Instead of denying what history has brought upon us, open your eyes and embrace history and research it. ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2

Finally, as I said earlier, I ONCE supported Bill and Hillary Clinton. But I opened my eyes and my mind and that support is forever gone. I once thought that the Bu$h family was patriotic and had a rich political history. But once again, I opened my eyes and mind and have found them to be the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they want people to perceive them to be.

Re: Finally!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:46 pm
by Pennyworth
Dan wrote:Paul - thank you! Finally a person with a brain who has an interest in the JFK assassination.I've been waiting for someone to put it together, after all, the Eaglesham discovery was quite some time ago. So, since the Rademacher cartidges are post 1970 - where did the Rademacher cartridges come from? You're onto something there Paul...Could it be Rademacher fraud?Could it be someone trying to discredit Files - knowing his story about biting a cartridge?Why two cartridges - another attempt to discredit Files?A prankster?The Rademacher discovery of two post 1970 .222 Remington cartridges is as important as knowing why Officer Tippit was killed...someone set it all up knowing certain facts - or - it was just a bunch of BS and a coincidence - this is where the research should be headed.What would Mr. Files say if he knew that two post 1970 .222 Remington cartridges were found in Dealey plaza (one with teeth indentations found several feet fromwhere he claimed to have left it) - certainly he would be suspicious of someone in particular if this was more than a mere coincidence involving a prankster.

My you flatter me...

I'll do one even better Dan a.ka. 'Cappy Erickson' was born Jan 19...
He has a lot of made up alibis such as he was born in Atlanta to throw readers off ......his smoke and mirrors are clearing nicely..hee hee have a nice today Cappy

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:01 pm
by Cappy Erikksen
Bob, you missed the whole point of my diatribe.

I DO NOT support Dubya! I did not vote for Dubya! I did not vote for Poppy! I think they are both traitors to the United States of America and should be brought to trial, right along with the crooked Clintons! I just happen to think the Clintons are actually worse than the Bushes, even though they are secretly in cahoots with each-other. I am a believer in the U.S. Constitution and will vote for no member of the two reigning parties unless Ron Paul remains in the race. I think McCain is as big a traitor to the U.S. as are the Bushes. If not for Ron Paul, I would probably throw away my vote on a Libertarian candidate; however, in all likelihood, I probably won't vote at all in the 2008 election. In other words, I am a Conservative who is NOT a Republican.

I agree with the majority of everything you wrote in your reply to me. I know all about the Mena connection and the rest of that stuff. It's all in the Clinton documentary I have posted on my YouTube channel, which just happens to be the same documentary I mentioned that is constantly being bashed by liberal Democrat Communists who don't even bother to watch it before they denounce it. I also know all that stuff about Prescott Bush et al.

The point of my post was an agreement with Dan that this is supposed to be a JFK forum but it is not being used as a JFK forum. It is the same thing I've been saying all along and the reason I only visit every few months or so to see if anything has changed. I first visited here about three years ago. I think there may have been higher participation then than there is now. If I come here to learn about the JFK assassination and can only find material about 9-11 conspiracies and Republican corruption, I will not waste my time reading any further. Back when I first discovered this site, I turned on friends and acquaintances to it who I knew were interested in the murder/cover-up. At first they were interested but tired quickly of all the left-wing rhetoric. THAT, Friend, is the point I'm trying to get across! I can only hope I've made it clear enough this time.

As for you, Paul...uh...mmm...I don't know how to respond because I don't speak Tralfamadorian. All I can do is advise you to double the dose of your medication. If the symptoms worsen, try stopping them altogether.