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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:27 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Bob: Excellent Headline, and Posts contributing to interesting discussion.I am convinced that the document is 100 % real.My sources confirm that it is 100 % real.The document was typed on a 1960'S typewriter, consistent with those used by the Dallas Police Department.There are many reports that Lee Harvey Oswald was hanging around the carousel club with Jack Ruby, who was spared his life, and thrown out of Chicago by the Chicago Mafia, with approval "to live" in Dallas, Texas, and work for the Chicago Mafia by Sam Giancanna. Jack Ruby used his real name, Jacob Rubenstein in Chicago.Also, remember the 1948 document from then Senator Richard Milhouse Nixon's Office requesting special dispensations for Jacob Rubenstein because he was assisting Senator Richard Milhouse Nixon.The Dallas Police had a tremendous relationship with Jack Ruby.If this document is a "lemon," why all the trouble ?It accomplishes very little. No one was arrested, and booked.Everything was dropped.It proves what we already know, namely that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were hanging around together.Jimmy Sutton knew, and worked with David Ferry, and Lee Harvey Oswald, both together, previously, and both previously in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol.Jimmy Sutton knew, and worked with Lee Harvey Oswald both before, and during November 22, 1963, and in the later in Dallas, Texas, as Lee drove Jimmy around, and to test fire weapons.Jimmy saw Johnny Roselli before, and around November 20, 1963, and in the later with Jack Ruby. Johnny Roselli told Charles Nicoletti and Jimmy that he flew in on a MATS, Military Air Transport CIA Plane to abort the hit. Robert "Tosh" Plumlee has corroborated this.Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall has verified accuracy to the 1963 address, phone number, and police officer in the report this week, in 2010.Excellent, outstanding work by Joe. Thank You, Joe, personally, for excellent work.The dates, typing, codes, all appear to be consistent with previous documents that I have seen.I would like to see 30 - 60 days of Dallas Police Department reports both before, and after this report.Using Sequential Time Line Analysis you could determine with 90 % or better accuracy whether this document was real, or not.I doubt that the Dallas Police Department would be a big help.In the Final Analysis, you will have to develop a Piecemeal Verification Process which was begun by:1. Bob creating this Headline, and discussion, by Posting this document.2. Joe verifying information from the Dallas library yesterday, using 1963 Dallas Phone Books.In conclusion, I absolutely believe, and will continue to believe that this document is 100 % authentic.I do not disrespect anybody, but if you don't agree, I want something more than your opinion, or some "quack" who says this or that.It is documented elsewhere that Lee and Jack knew each other.This document only supports something well established.Nothing of any major consequence in Sequential Time Line Analysis can be accomplished by forging this document.The fact that it fell through the cracks further demonstrates to me that there was no hidden agenda by anybody, anywhere, anytime, to advance this document.There are hundreds of documents still out there.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:08 pm
by kenmurray
Bruce, also that moron Blakey has sealed tons of CIA documents as well from public view for many years.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:23 pm
by tom jeffers

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:04 pm
by tom jeffers
here are 2 general offense reports around the same time. it appears these reports were just a cya type of reports where nobody was arrested and they wanted to enter the info in the records.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:32 pm
by SeamusCoogan
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Bob: Excellent Headline, and Posts contributing to interesting discussion.I am convinced that the document is 100 % real.My sources confirm that it is 100 % real.The document was typed on a 1960'S typewriter, consistent with those used by the Dallas Police Department.There are many reports that Lee Harvey Oswald was hanging around the carousel club with Jack Ruby, who was spared his life, and thrown out of Chicago by the Chicago Mafia, with approval "to live" in Dallas, Texas, and work for the Chicago Mafia by Sam Giancanna. Jack Ruby used his real name, Jacob Rubenstein in Chicago.Also, remember the 1948 document from then Senator Richard Milhouse Nixon's Office requesting special dispensations for Jacob Rubenstein because he was assisting Senator Richard Milhouse Nixon.The Dallas Police had a tremendous relationship with Jack Ruby.If this document is a "lemon," why all the trouble ?It accomplishes very little. No one was arrested, and booked.Everything was dropped.It proves what we already know, namely that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were hanging around together.Jimmy Sutton knew, and worked with David Ferry, and Lee Harvey Oswald, both together, previously, and both previously in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol.Jimmy Sutton knew, and worked with Lee Harvey Oswald both before, and during November 22, 1963, and in the later in Dallas, Texas, as Lee drove Jimmy around, and to test fire weapons.Jimmy saw Johnny Roselli before, and around November 20, 1963, and in the later with Jack Ruby. Johnny Roselli told Charles Nicoletti and Jimmy that he flew in on a MATS, Military Air Transport CIA Plane to abort the hit. Robert "Tosh" Plumlee has corroborated this.Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall has verified accuracy to the 1963 address, phone number, and police officer in the report this week, in 2010.Excellent, outstanding work by Joe. Thank You, Joe, personally, for excellent work.The dates, typing, codes, all appear to be consistent with previous documents that I have seen.I would like to see 30 - 60 days of Dallas Police Department reports both before, and after this report.Using Sequential Time Line Analysis you could determine with 90 % or better accuracy that this document was real, or not.I doubt that the Dallas Police Department would be a big help.In the Final Analysis, you will have to develop a Piecemeal Verification Process which was begun by:1. Bob creating this Headline, and discussion, by Posting this document.2. Joe verifying information from the Dallas library yesterday, using 1963 Dallas Phone Books.In conclusion, I absolutely believe, and will continue to believe that this document is 100 % authentic.I do not disrespect anybody, but if you don't agree, I want something more than your opinion, or some "quack" who says this or that.It is documented elsewhere that Lee and Jack knew each other.This document only supports something well established.Nothing of any major consequence in Sequential Time Line Analysis can be accomplished by forging this document.The fact that it fell through the cracks further demonstrates to me that there was no hidden agenda by anybody, anywhere, anytime, to advance this document.There are hundreds of documents still out there.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Well you've seen mine Bruce. And I think that your piece here is thinly veiled at my take on the documents. As I am the one of the few urging caution. Now, Bruce how would I put this mildly. What you have written above is your opinion. As I have discussed with Bob and go back and check my reasoning. For not going along with it for sure its my opinion. As you have yours. But I hasten to add outside the confines of Murder Solved you are in a very small minority of researchers who have ever gone for this document. So its gonna be very hard to push. Bruce also I never said ever that Oswald never knew Ruby. In fact I said that the evidence we have thats been accumulated even without this document is very scary for the defence of the official version that he didnt.But best of luck in your endeavours.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:08 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers:Tom - Thank You for your outstanding contribution, as always. These seem very consistent with my research and review of old documents, and records. This is painstaking, thankless work often, and sometimes for great lengths of time.Could I please ask you to snail mail me copies for myself, and our mutual friend.Excellent contribution, and analytical points from which to build on.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:15 am
by tom jeffers
bruce,i'll get them in the mail on monday. take care friend,tom

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:38 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers:Tom - I know that you have heavily studied the aforementioned document, in addition to the ones that you have Posted.Reading carefully my focused points in my "supportive critique" of that documents possible, and probable authenticity, please give me your critical, intellectually honest assessment of my thinking.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:39 pm
by tom jeffers
bruce,the documents i posted verified the address and phone number for mary bledsoe and all of the documents i posted come directly from the dallas police files.if i were dick clark on american bandstand in 1963 (when dick still looked good) i would give it about an 80 (it has a good beat and it is easy to dance to). of course i am a numbers man so the first thing i look at is the numbers. the bledsoe general offense report is dated between the walker and the connally general offense report. looking at the offense serial number of the walker report please note that it is F-48156 or F-40156 dated 4/10/63 and the dates used a forward slash to separate the month date and year. The connally offense report dated 11/23/63 the serial number was F-85954 and it used the forward slash for the date separation. If I were to assume that the bledsoe report would fall into the same parameters then i would look for the serial number to fall within those two numbers (like F-73210) but instead it has a completely different numbering system and the number is 01-2036NY and also the dates in the heading of the report used a hyphen in between the month date and year. I did follow kathy becket's link to an article that claimed it was a hoax and the hoaxers still had the original snap out carbon used in the reports and that the hoax was purpetrated on mark lane which is why the 21-18-1-6-9-14-11 just under the title "general offense report" converts alphbetically to "U R A FINK". it does make me suspicious of their statements because they did not produce the snap out carbons as the numbering system may have it's own explanation since i have only examined these 2 documents. maybe there is a different numbering system depending on the department that fills out the report. The u r a fink could be just a coincidence or could have been added later by someone with their own agenda. the difference between the date hyphens and slashes could be one of preference by the person filing the report. I would need to examine more general offense reports to make a final conclusion.One thing that does look suspicious to me is that the date of offense says thursday 10-11-63 and the day of the week is thursday. on 10-11-63 that day fell on a friday. Please give me feedback.Namaste'

Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:25 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Tom Jeffers:Tom - I know that you are a man of analysis, logic, and numbers, being the consummate professional that I know you to be.Exactly the type of deeply penetrating analysis that I would expect from you.You raise some powerful points, and questions.Playing a joke on somebody is about the only acceptable scenario that I can imagine from today, looking backward.Otherwise, this is a tremendous amount of effort for something that appears to be of little consequence today.Several sources, including Oliver Stone in his movie JFK, place Lee Harvey Oswald in the Carousel Lounge with Jack Ruby.Tom, a real Wild Card for me, as you know well, is that Jimmy had direct contact with Lee Harvey Oswald for days in Dallas in November, 1963, and superficial contact with Jack Ruby when Ruby met with Roselli. The coincidence of people there in Dallas in November, 1963, who crossed paths with interaction be it direct, or indirect, compels me to lean that way in my thinking. This does not make me right.Note where I said that I would like to see reports for 30 - 60 days both before, and after this report. As you correctly point out there are often different reporting or typing systems. And as Bob previously pointed out, Police Officers hate paper work. And the less significant the incident, the less attention that is paid to reports.As you know I have thousands of documents that have never been released, or reviewed and studied. I think this one deserves analysis by the JFK Forum. Bob, Joe, Tom, and others have diligently served the JFK Forum overall, and here.When analyzing a brick or stone wall for strengths or weaknesses, you must check each component. Rough translation from Lao Tzu, 600 B.C., as I recall.Tom, Thank You, and keep digging. I'll be watching my snail mail starting tomorrow.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.