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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:16 am
by Dealey Joe
Pasquale, Thank you, it is a pleasure for me to have you here always have great input.

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:05 pm
by kenmurray
Yes it is great to have Pasquale back in the fold here.

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:09 pm
by Bob
Good job Pasquale. Thank you for all the clarification. Save the rabidness for people like Larry Mack.

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:29 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:Good job Pasquale. Thank you for all the clarification. Save the rabidness for people like Larry Mack.You mean, Larry DUNG-kel?

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:04 pm
by Jsnow915
I know this may sound dumb...but here goes...why would Oswalt have a rubber stamp with A.Hidell...looking at the Gil Jesus pics...on the invoice for the Kliens store...its a rubber stamp...just seems very odd to me...for a guy who works in a warehouse,why would you have an alias rubber stamp...of course its not hand written so I would think in a court of law that is circumstantial...either way...i found it odd

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:18 pm
by Edward Haslam
Peace, guys! I am with you, but busy at the moment. I'll be back soon with more. Apologies are accpeted. Let's not dwell on it. We have work to do.My Best,Ed

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:24 am
by Dealey Joe
Thanks Ed.We will be looking for you.

Heads-up on the Radioactive Scientists

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:20 am
by Edward Haslam
Just a heads-up on what I am working on and what I will be posting here in this thread in the near future.I am still working on several articles on the scientists involved in radiation, particularly the development of the atomic bomb, radioisotopes, nuclear power, and linear particle accelerators. Now, let me articulate the obvious question: This is a forum about the JFK assassination; what is the connection between these scientific subjects and the JFK assassination? The answer to this question is why I am taking the time to write these essays. There are important connections between people, and understanding these connections, which I did not dwell upon in DR. MARY'S MONKEY, will become important to your analysis of Judyth Vary Baker's book ME AND LEE which will be released later this year. And these people are connected to both Dr. Alton Ochsner, Sr. and to Dr. Mary Sherman whom I wrote about in DMM. So these will function as briefing documents to give you more background on these people and connections than we could squeeze into a sidebar.I am not trying to create suspense here, but just want to explain my brief delay, because I need to write first, and then post. My goal is that I want you to be able to read a thoughtful and accurate reporting of the people, connections, and events. In the final analysis, the murder of President Kennedy was about power, and the people that I will be discussing developed the most powerful weapon in history. Is it surprising that there are connections? So I want the opportunity to explain what those connections are, for your review and consideration. I am working on this now, but have to squeeze in the time around other things going on in my life. So, I appreciate your patience...More soon,Ed

Re: Heads-up on the Radioactive Scientists

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:41 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Edward Haslam wrote:Just a heads-up on what I am working on and what I will be posting here in this thread in the near future.I am still working on several articles on the scientists involved in radiation, particularly the development of the atomic bomb, radioisotopes, nuclear power, and linear particle accelerators. Now, let me articulate the obvious question: This is a forum about the JFK assassination; what is the connection between these scientific subjects and the JFK assassination? The answer to this question is why I am taking the time to write these essays. There are important connections between people, and understanding these connections, which I did not dwell upon in DR. MARY'S MONKEY, will become important to your analysis of Judyth Vary Baker's book ME AND LEE which will be released later this year. And these people are connected to both Dr. Alton Ochsner, Sr. and to Dr. Mary Sherman whom I wrote about in DMM. So these will function as briefing documents to give you more background on these people and connections than we could squeeze into a sidebar.I am not trying to create suspense here, but just want to explain my brief delay, because I need to write first, and then post. My goal is that I want you to be able to read a thoughtful and accurate reporting of the people, connections, and events. In the final analysis, the murder of President Kennedy was about power, and the people that I will be discussing developed the most powerful weapon in history. Is it surprising that there are connections? So I want the opportunity to explain what those connections are, for your review and consideration. I am working on this now, but have to squeeze in the time around other things going on in my life. So, I appreciate your patience...More soon,EdExcellent!It seems that we never stop learning things. This is why I love this forum.I am very happy that you are looking at this information. I suspect the same about what you are referring to.Let's show "them" how good we really are here at this forum.

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:48 pm
by kenmurray
I think the audience of Black Op Radio would also like to have Ed Haslam appear on the show. I know I would.