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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:21 pm
by Barney
My personal opinion is, that working in combination, the CIA and the Israeli Mossad, did the WTC towers, the Pentagon,and the shootdown in Pa., to justify the second war with Iraq and now Afghanistan. The question remains, "Why."

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:24 pm
by ChristophMessner
Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Zelikov, Sharon, Silverstein etc. did it, because the Vatican thought, the US engagement in the Middle East would strengthen the West and Christianity against the East in the long run and the dangerous balance of nuclear terror could be transferred into all-nations-unified-against-terror and all this towards a christian global God's state in which the biblical religions are transfered and unified into one again. The Vatican is pushing the world into one-world-ruling-chaos, it's vehicle is the universal commercial code and the lesson of global totalitarianism shall teach mankind to pray to God finally. Perverse.

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:35 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Zelikov, Sharon, Silverstein etc. did it, because the Vatican thought, the US engagement in the Middle East would strengthen the West and Christianity against the East in the long run and the dangerous balance of nuclear terror could be transferred into all-nations-unified-against-terror and all this towards a christian global God's state in which the biblical religions are transfered and unified into one again. The Vatican is pushing the world into one-world-ruling-chaos, it's vehicle is the universal commercial code and the lesson of global totalitarianism shall teach mankind to pray to God finally. Perverse.Christoph,With all the evidence regarding Israeli involvement in 9/11 and evidence that the supposed Holocaust against the Jews was at the very least grossly exaggerated, you're blaming the Vatican? I'm not saying that the Vatican is not a part of this nonsense, but why do you seem to ultimately blame the Vatican?Blaming the Vatican and Christians is something that the Jewish/Zionist criminal organized crime network would do. With their control of the U.S. media, we're always hearing about how Muslims are bad and how Catholic priests molest children. You NEVER hear about what bad rabbis are up to. Why do you think that is? Think about it. Did you look at the information on the topic I started called "Israeli Involvement In 9/11 and Spying on the U.S."?What do you think of it?For the rest of you who are just browsing this forum, here's the link to the topic. ... 261#p14534

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:28 am
by Dealey Joe
I have always believed the Vatican via the Jesuits are the leaders of the whole deal.The Jesuits, to me, are the hidden elite in all this business.The Zionist Jew is just one of the main fronts for the Vatican Jesuits.

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:45 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Dealey Joe wrote:I have always believed the Vatican via the Jesuits are the leaders of the whole deal.The Jesuits, to me, are the hidden elite in all this business.The Zionist Jew is just one of the main fronts for the Vatican Jesuits.I'll agree with both you and Christoph to the extent that the Vatican is a major part of the problem for sure. I need some convincing and some research first.

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:03 am
by Barney
Members; you may or may not have noticed the newspaper and tv media news story that US and NATO geologist contractors have foundin excess of 1 trillion in undeveloped mineral resources in just Afghanistan, not counting their known and unknown oil reserves. Is this notenought reasons to set off a long costly war????????????????????

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:48 pm
by Bob
As Ken says, 90% of the world's opium is in Afghanistan. Plus as Ken says, that is the place the phantam bin Laden once was. No doubt Ken...just go back and look at the situation at Mena. George H.W. Bu$h's nickname is "Poppy" for a reason boys and girls. Afghanistan is great for the CIA for a number of reasons. Oil...drugs...war laundering...infinite war etc. Add to that, Poppy and Ronny Reagan armed and funded a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam in the 80's. The CIA created al queda. The war on terror is a myth. The war on fear is a reality. That is why 9/11 happened. That is why the joint chiefs wanted Operation Northwoods to happen. Similar plans. Different countries to invade and profit from though.

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:20 pm
by Mark68
Much like the JFK murder itself the 9/11 inside job was as Prouty said done for a specific reason, the same specific reason why most if not all major political murders (RFK, MLK, Hussein, Princess Diana, etc., etc..) occur. Because the target(s) threatned the power of the establishment (used generally), although Diana was probably murdered because she rejected the ass-faced son of a mean ol bitch. Diana's former bodyguard was also murdered the same way she was by being run-off the road while he was on a motorycycle in France.Again to quote Mr X, the who & why are meaningless. Assasins are the same regardless of time or location. Its strange how everyone just accepts all the Israeli/Arab BS just as they accept AIDS. Its all done by the same bad people.I love how Bush is publicly easing his conscience by saying he's "at peace" w/ the decisions he made. I wonder what "decisions" he's referring to......? Funny how the only place who will book his speeches now are texas community colleges done for free & how Clinton (I'm no clinton fan btw) was making something 120K per speech around the world.

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:12 pm
by Barney
The Oklahoma City and World Trade Center bombings all have the "Mark of Cain," written all over them dont you all think????

Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:28 pm
by Dealey Joe
This was an interesting and powerful discussion thatcovered many opinions on 09.11.2001 by many greatJFKMS Forum Members.While we all certainly respect those that died, and theirfamilies, other than Remembrances, did anybody herehear, read, or see any Actual Investigative Reporting this year on 09.11.2001 ?You can't get Main Stream Media to present or reviewany aspect of Actual Investigative Reporting on09.11.2001.Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Speech havevirtually disappeared. These have become fallaciesjust like "Democracy."The Right to Bear Arms for Self Defense is certainlyunder attack next.JFK stopped The Bay of Pigs, and Operation Northwoods.JFK was completing his shut down of the CIA, the FederalReserve, the Oil Depletion Allowance, and the Viet Nam War.JFK was stopped by The Cabal.JFK could not leave Dallas, Texas on 11.22.1963 alive nomatter what.What are your thoughts ?