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Re: David Ferrie: Why He Is Important In the JFK Assassinati

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:18 pm
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote:From Judyth Baker on James Fetzer's blog: ... tmlAbraken Linkin is always on top of things! Thanks Bob. Judyth does a good job in her article of exposing this Stephen Roy guy for who he really is. His upcoming biography of Ferrie will be a bunch of worthless paper.

The Framing Of Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:15 pm
by kenmurray
Oswald, recently a Marine, Did Not Tie The String On The Blanket That Supposedly Held The "Killer" Rifle:The Latest From Judyth's Blog:

New Interview With Judyth Vary Baker

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:02 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:25 pm
by Shane
Just got through reading “Me and Lee.” Definitely a must for anyone interested in seeing all sides to the Kennedy assassination. It answers a lot of those questions about where Oswald really was, and what he was really doing. For anyone like me who has wanted to know what was going on inside Oswald’s head, or simply what his life was like leading up to the fateful day in November, you need to touch base with Judy and get a copy of this book. Not to mention Wim got a nice plug, too. As suspected, it appears Wim is truly one of the good guys. (I should mention, I was eagerly waiting for Oswald to talk to Judy about showing Files around, but it didn’t cover this. The most we got on this particular topic was Lee talking to Judy about the FBI asking where ambush sites might be.)Great work, Judy.

Judy and Lee

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:59 am
by Phil Dragoo
ShaneThanks to Joe I was able to read Me & Lee. I found it provided a startling new view of the two-dimensional bogeyman foisted on us by Angleton's crew. ... D1AKBGWNow reading Evica Arrogance finding the long trail of Dulles' manipulation behind Albert Schweitzer College Lee's portal to the Soviet Union in the false defector program—and his last attempted phone call was to John Hurt of North Carolina his ONI control.An intelligence agent, using tradecraft, some of which was touched on in Me & Lee. Intelligent, disciplined, situationally aware, adaptive.How evil Ruth Paine—her sister the CIA agent, her family linked to Dulles and Bell Helicopter, her Unitarian faith exploited by Dulles for decades—as described in Arrogance.What are the odds that Judyth crosses paths with Lee at Reily. And that Ruby would die of cancer one month after being granted a new trial.A very valuable book, and hence, roundly ridiculed. First, by the cool kids sucking up to the national security state, then by the followers afraid of being lampooned.In the case of Judyth and the case of Jimmy Files: who would fake a history which would guarantee life as an exile, life as a fugitive.Where is the so-glorious fame and fortune following empty boasts.To paraphrase Kermit's frog wisdom, “It's not easy being real.”

Re: Judy and Lee

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:21 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:ShaneThanks to Joe I was able to read Me & Lee. I found it provided a startling new view of the two-dimensional bogeyman foisted on us by Angleton's crew. ... D1AKBGWNow reading Evica Arrogance finding the long trail of Dulles' manipulation behind Albert Schweitzer College Lee's portal to the Soviet Union in the false defector program—and his last attempted phone call was to John Hurt of North Carolina his ONI control.An intelligence agent, using tradecraft, some of which was touched on in Me & Lee. Intelligent, disciplined, situationally aware, adaptive.How evil Ruth Paine—her sister the CIA agent, her family linked to Dulles and Bell Helicopter, her Unitarian faith exploited by Dulles for decades—as described in Arrogance.What are the odds that Judyth crosses paths with Lee at Reily. And that Ruby would die of cancer one month after being granted a new trial.A very valuable book, and hence, roundly ridiculed. First, by the cool kids sucking up to the national security state, then by the followers afraid of being lampooned.In the case of Judyth and the case of Jimmy Files: who would fake a history which would guarantee life as an exile, life as a fugitive.Where is the so-glorious fame and fortune following empty boasts.To paraphrase Kermit's frog wisdom, “It's not easy being real.”Indeed...and well said.

How the Kennedy Assassination Plot Began In New Orleans

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:50 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:31 am
by kenmurray

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:34 pm
by Bob
Nice job President Linkin! We need to put out the word about Judyth's appearance in Toronto, where they are welcoming her with open arms, because the MSM in the U.S. sure as hell won't.

Re: Me and Lee

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:28 am
by kenmurray
Another interview with Judyth in Toronto: ... 751&mid=50