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Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:14 pm
by Kirk
Alex, I have questioned Mr. Files story for many of the reasons you have, but I have come to the conclusion that he is telling the truth, though not all the truth. No, it does not seem like Mr. Files would be the logical choice as the first shooter, and maybe even the second shooter to us, and that is the point. It was logical to them meaning the Outfit as subcontractors for the CIA. Trust was the logic, not maturity. Mr. Files has proven that he is a stand up guy for his friends, and that was the most important thing. The leaving of the shell and other things seem crazy to me, but fit the story. I personally do not believe he was alone. I use to say he had to have a spotter, but what I meant to say was that he had to have cover from somebody else.Kirk

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:40 pm
by Bob
As I said, I definitely believe Jimmy Files was one of the shooters (along with Chuck Nicoletti) that fired the fatal round that killed JFK. Listen to what Lee Bowers said, when he saw two men near the picket fence prior to the assassination...One was "middle-aged" and "fairly heavyset," wearing a white shirt and dark trousers. The other was "mid-twenties in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat... these men were the only two strangers in the area. The others were workers that I knew." Files was wearing a plaid jacket, which he reversed after the assassination. We know that Ed Lansdale visited Files prior to the assassination too, but he does not meet the description of the man Bowers said was near Files.Here are two photos of Lansdale in Dealey Plaza. The first photo shows Lansdale walking by the three tramps. Fletcher Prouty was convinced that this photo shows Lansdale. He knew the man VERY well. The other picture shows Lansdale to the right of a man that I believe is Poppy Bush.So...who does match the description of the other man? Jack Ruby. The man was everywhere that weekend. Files said that he saw Ruby in Dealey Plaza in fact. I also believe that it was Ruby that was also with Gary Marlow, when J.D. Tippit was murdered. Acquilla Clemons, a witness to the Tippit shooting, said that there were two men involved in the attack on Tippit. She later testified that the gunman was a "short guy and kind of heavy". The other man was tall and thin in khaki trousers and a white shirt. The Dallas Police warned her not to repeat this story to others or "she might get hurt". Bottom line, Files has not told ALL that he knows. But he has told enough to convince me he was one of the shooters.

Jack Ruby In Dealey Plaza

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 pm
by kenmurray
12:30 PM HILL. Jean, witness at assassination: saw a man running up the slope of grassy knoll who resembled Jack Ruby. (6 H 210-218)12:35 PM. ADAMS, Vicki, TSBD employee: man dressed in a suit and a hat and was seen talking to people as though he was a police officer, saw him take away a colored boy on a motorcycle. Looked like pictures of Jack Ruby. (6 H 393)12:35–12:40 PM HARRIS, Evelyn/LOPEZ, Lucy: Saw Ruby give LHO a pistol when LHO exited TSBD. (FBI 11/30/63 Courtesy of John Armstrong)

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:40 pm
by tom jeffers
ChristophMessner wrote:The Files story needs to continue where Joe West was stopped: demanding the exhumation of JFK and testing his shirt for will never happen. TPTB (the powers that be) are still very much in control of the game. the secret of dis info is to throw in a little truth with the bath water and try and make it all appear clean. i.e. if point a is true and point b is true then point c must also be true. the fact is that jfk is probably buried along side osama in that big blue cemetary of fish food. it is pretty hard to due an autopcy or get a dna analysis after being eaten by a shark.

Empty coffin, holey shirt

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:49 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Bowers saw two men firing from the fence. James Files won't give up anyone living. Bowers' vocalized suspicions bought him a guardrail. Chris, you're positing two things, the exhumation of the body and the testing of the shirt. I suggest the body—as Tom has projected—went the way of the bronze coffin in 1965. ... n-42231For all the flak Horne took, he established two brain exams, two brains—and though Burkley requested the brain so as to inter it on Monday the 25th, it was not so buried; was allegedly placed in a stainless container and shell-gamed from Evelyn Lincoln through Robert Kennedy the Secret Service—oops, no brain.The shirt's in the national archives—of course we may be certain it contains no detectable trace of mercury, lead, copper or any material.To the extent that the official agencies may do so without detection, they will obfuscate the record and dilute any evidence of conspiracy, to leave only the pathetic official propaganda and an overarching uncertainty over what traces they may have erased.Was it Oswald with the magic rifle which left no antimony or barium on his cheek, firing magic bullets which either caused seven wounds remaining inviolate or clipped a live oak leaf and lost its copper jacket, only to enter the skull on an impossibly high track to leave a trail of bits of curtain rod material.EO 11110 on June 3 threatened the Federal Reserve. The American University speech on June 10 rubbed the test ban treaty and other aspects of detente in the face of the generals. While NSAM 263 in October took away the dreams of enormous profit from Brown & Root, Bell Helicopter, General Dynamics.The vast majority of Americans—and citizens of the world—know there was a coup.How convenient that Treasury rides over the Secret Service. That on that day Belin the counsel was acting secretary (as the secretary was on that cabinet plane bound for Hawaii), Belin joined with the DuPont family through marriage, in turn married to Harriet Bundy sister of William and McGeorge, the lesser known brothers (John Foster and Allen being the better known).Jackie having dated McHugh, absent from the front seat between Greer and Kellerman (one of the points of security stripping per Vince Palamara).Intrigue and treachery are as old as governments. Conspiracy's favorite mask is that of the lone nut.The favorite facilitator, the corrupt and ambitious, the habitual liar emitting a continuous stream of slurs for all who dare criticize or object.

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:12 pm
by dankbaar
Why would Files finger a man as the killer of Tippit, a man that was one of his best friends, whose best man he was on his wedding? Why would he take the risk of being blown out of the water by Gary Marlow? More importantly: Why did Marlow never do that, while he knew for all those years that Files had confessed and his picture was on the website? He was asked by Files if he could reveal his name, shortly before he died. Marlow said NO, and didn't want his ID revealed, neither after his death.

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:48 am
by Slav
Do you really believe that they will ever believe Files story, if they had video of him firing they will say it was made up, if you get more proof they will deny it, if anyone else comes forward they will discredit them as well. They will never let the truth be told.I hope one day a miracle happens.

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:30 pm
by Shane
Hi, I’m Shane. I’m new to the forum, but not to the site. I think the site is incredible and have been a visitor for over ten years. I absolutely believe James Files was the Grassy Knoll shooter. I don’t know if it’s his charisma, his blasé attitude toward taking the most famous shot in American history, or the immense amount of information about the CIA-Mafia relationship Files provides – but I believe he was the man who took the shot.Unfortunately, Wim, what the Files story needs you may not be able to obtain – acknowledgement from a source that is deemed “credible” to the American audience. When the media wheeled out Peter Jennings to counter the movie JFK, it worked for a large amount of people, even when Jennings retold the tale of Oswald being the lone assassin and continued to beat the drum of the single bullet theory. When he got to the Zapruder film and Kennedy driven back against the seat, I think Jenning’s quote was, “But that doesn’t prove where a shot came from.”That this quote didn’t start a wave of backlash surprised me, especially considering all the information out there and the fact that a government body, begrudgingly, has already stated there was a strong likelihood of a conspiracy and the shot “probably” came from the Grassy Knoll. An approved source the American public is comfortable with can wipe away a logical and factual counter argument. It’s been working since 1963.I believe the way to get the James Files interview out to the American public and make it credible is to be able to get your story on “credible” sources – Discovery, History Channel, Biography, etc. For many people, this equals truth. They believe what these sources tell them.Please note readers, the quotation marks indicate I don’t believe these sources are completely credible. These channels removed “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” due to Ford’s request, and have aired lone assassin material for years. I simply believe the national media still has a strong hold on the American people and this would be the best way to get the story out and have it believed.Others mentioned a movie. This is a good idea, and I would love to see this movie, if you ever decided to do one, Wim. And though Oliver Stone caused a stir and shook the foundation and reached a whole new generation, I’m not sure of the credibility it received because it was a movie. I don’t have to tell anyone here how Stone was attacked.Regardless, getting the story out there is the most important part. Let the disinformation people do their job after that.

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:17 pm
by Dealey Joe
Great post Shane and WELCOME to the forum.I can see you will be a welcome addition here.

Re: What does the Files story need?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:45 pm
by kenmurray
Good post Shane and welcome to the forum.