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Re: Files Had Facts about JFK Assassination

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:49 pm
by Jim Thompson
David Octopus wrote:Steffi Chase wrote:This is patently untrue. In a letter dated July 30, 1992 to Joe West, Files stated the following, and I quote:...The two items that I know, outside of the movies and the books are, #1. David Phillips perjured himself while giving his testimony during the, "House of Assassinations Committee." And I'm sure that you already know that.What I've found troubling is where Files could have read about that "story"- Phillips' notable performance before the HSCA? For one thing, if I'm not mistaken it was an executive closed session, still classified at that time. Moreover, the whole story about the hunt for Phillips was in full rich details published only in Gaeton Fonzi "Last investigation" book in its 1st ed edition 1993.Perhaps it was mentioned in some earlier P.D. Scott or Mark Lane volume, this could be tracked down relatively easily, but Fonzi was the man who actually confronted even the Phillips family and him in person etc..So the options are (in no particular order):1. The entire Files story and also the mail exchange is a hoax2. Phillips testimony was circulated freely in other JFK literature prior 1992-93 - Files had access to it as any reader - I doubt it3. Info about Philips testimony was circulated in only selected volumes, i.e. lower probability that average reader would even notice such info4. Files story/mail is legit for other undisclosed reasons - but why would Files have interest in such a person as Phillips after all those years, when he indicates he had no interest in the old contacts and actions etc.---Phillips testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations on 25th April, 1978. He denied he ever used the name Maurice Bishop. He also insisted that he had never met Veciana.Is this the perjury referred to by Jimmy?A question would be: Did Jimmy (1963) know Phillips by the name of Maurice Bishop? If so, then Jimmy would know Phillips lied, because Jimmy would have remembered & recognized Bishop. Thus, when Phillips appeared to Jimmy (in a press photo?; circa 1976-78?) as Phillips, then that possibly was the first time Jimmy knew Phillips' real name. Then, how can Jimmy have learned of Phillips testimony? The shoot out incident May 7, 1991, with Ostertag and Bitler was the third unsuccessful attempt at killing James Files for what he believes is a "clean-up" operation to eliminate anyone, like Jimmy, who has first hand knowledge of the Mena -Bush -Clinton Cartel drug operations. He does not believe the attempts on his life were for his involvement with the JFK assassination. Files also believes this sensitive area of CIA/DEA US GOVERNMENT Drug operations is why Clinton and Reno classified James Files as a threat to National Security. That and James Files also wrote terrorist manuals called "CBW's" for George Bush's CIA in the 1970's.

Well, if Jimmy was working for the CIA in the 1970s ( January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977?), then Jimmy could have had access to sources.

Pam Ray, a friend of Jimmy, provides this info. It should be possible to determine from records if Clinton and Reno classified James Files as a threat to National Security. Of course, release of those records might ipso facto constitute a treat to national security. By the way, CBW stands for Chemical Biological Weapon doesn't it? Where & how did Jimmy acquire this expertise?

Response To Mr. JamesThompson:

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:51 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. James Thompson,

Jim, Thank You for your recent support. It was noticed, appreciated, and I even discussed Bob and you with Jimmy this weekend. Nothing negative.
The short, sweet, clean version is to Thank You two (2) for support while I was being attacked for supporting Jimmy. Jimmy is much more aware than Bob or you, Jim, about the thousands of threats, and hate mail that I have been receiving over the years. Hence, my reluctance to generally deal with anybody until I get some handle on them.

For example, ask Wim how Wim and I originally met. Since then, we have become extremely close friends who can agree, agree to disagree, argue, debate, etc.

Jimmy originally met David Atlee Phillips under the David Atlee Phillips name. Jimmy was also aware that Phillips used many names, voices, and disguises. Phillips was originally a highly experienced actor before joining the CIA. When Jimmy first found that out is one of the very first times that Phillips told Jimmy that he, Phillips, could kill more people with his typewriter than Jimmy could with all of his guns. Since then this quote was used many times, by many, in many scenarios.

Jimmy began his CBW training after he was sheep dipped in Viet Nam, and became a "part" of White Star Mobile. Jimmy did meet Colonel Fletcher Prouty in this time frame. I personally have verified things with Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin to my satisfaction, which I can not disclose at this point in time beyond this statement. (Jim, I think that you are aware of my "extremely close relationship with Marvin.")

Jimmy's original introduction to CBW training was in the time frame of his White Stat Mobil assignments.

Jim, do you realize that Viet Nam was the greatest testing ground for the U.S. for CBW training ?

Most of us have all heard of Agent Orange, correct ? Well how about Agent Blue, Agent Green, and Agent White which were all developed and tested in Viet Nam ? At the same time that LSD was also being tested on our troops from approximately 1958 - 1968, or more. (Jim Thompson, I may be off a year or two here or there, but as I know that you are brilliant you will connect the dots).

After several major incidents that I am not allowed to discuss, or even hint at, David Atlee Phillips met Jimmy in Chicago, Illinois. At this point in time Jimmy's records were totally purged, and Jimmy was officially "given" the name and identity of James E. Files from James E. Sutton.

After Chicago Jimmy went to The Farm, Langley, for formal CIA training, where he received further explosive and CBW training.

Jim, that is all that I can say on this, and many issues. There are several serious reasons, the least of which is that there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Jim, I hope that at least some of the above is beneficial.

And again, Thank You.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Response To Mr. JamesThompson:

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:46 pm
by Jim Thompson
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Jim, I hope that at least some of the above is beneficial.And again, Thank You.

No problem & thanks, Bruce, for clearing up some things & for a wealth of stellar dots!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:00 am
by Bob
Bruce, thanks for sharing the information. You know I have your back. Now Jim on the other hand... just kidding...Jim is money, even if E. Howard Hunt is his idol.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:05 pm
by dankbaar
David Octopus wrote:Wim,why don't you pls. address the question about Files and Phillips HSCA testimony in 1992 directly?

What question is that exactly? Phillips died in 1988, he didn't testify in in 1992. He testified in the late 70's and he perjured himself, which is logical if you want to avoid the death penalty.

Read the very first letter of James Files in response to Joe West.


PS: M. Klein, thanks, right on target. With apologies to David for saying as it is.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:37 pm
by David Octopus
Jim Thompson> thanks for giving the overview that's at least a more plausible scenario.. unlike Mr. Klein's baseless attacks..

Wim> pls. read my first post in this thread in full - my question was completely different - I was wondering where possibly could have Files get the knowledge (cited from mail in your book) in 1992 about Phillips HSCA exploits which were in fact revealed mostly only after the 1993 first ed. of Fonzi's book and later through the ARRB (Lopez Report on "executive session" about Oswald-Mexico city -> report out in 2003)..

As pointed out I don't own the book but have had the opportunity to read through much of the material some time ago. Wim you just avoided the answer and come to defense of a non-contributor to this forum.. This community should be about critical thinking not a mere Files/Wim fanclub, no pun intended.

edit: ok, thanks for the clarification, however Phillips retired in 1975 (before HSCA) and as the head of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) his ability to continue work on "live case" is not impossible but somewhat less likely.

Also, the flow of information especially in those turbulent years of mid 70s when he was genuinly freaking out about possibility of real investigation, should have more likely discourage contacts with lower echelons like with Files etc..

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:55 pm
by dankbaar
That's easy, David Phillips had been Files CIA controller until well in the seventies. He knew about Phillips' testimony during the HSCA and thus also in 1992. If Fonzi published his book (the best book there is, short of mine ) in 1993, that's all the more evidence for Files' credibility.


Reply To Bob:

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:48 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Bob,

Thanks for your response.

Did you review the Personal Message that I sent you yesterday ?

Let me know you thoughts generally, on my Personal Mail Box at your convenience.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:05 am
by Bob
For whatever reason Bruce, I never received you PM.