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Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:18 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Michael Calder:Michael - When you have time, I would appreciate your review and analysis of my thinking process here, in conjunction with your Headline Post made on 01.26.2010, Target: Obama.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:04 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Fellow forum members, you might want to take a look at this article.It seems that, according to the article, "prestaging" for an assassination may have already begun. Look at those reality TV people who just infiltrated the White House. Look at how close they got!The article is called "Will Israel Assassinate Barak Obama" ... obama/Take a look at the connections or similarities with JFK and RFK as well.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:15 am
by ChristophMessner
It's interesting to see, that although the patsy-role of "commie" Oswald is not officially admitted yet public voices openly speculate about conspirators using patsies as assassinators of Obama. It seems that while "officials" don't confirm the truth of this scheme "officially", they confirm it inofficially without any question. On the other hand: is it legitimate to stay an easy believer, when they will stamp a president a martyr hero after the assassination? Rather it seems that this tamtam around the assassination of a "leader" makes the person more important than he really is. Diversion from those who pull the strings. (In the end it is us who pull the strings, though.)

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:15 am
by Michael Calder
Bruce Patrick Brycheck,My thinking is the same as yours almost thought for thought. Good. Then I'm not crazy. When Obama was considering Hillary for vice president I told a friend that if he did, he was a dead man.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:58 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Michael Calder:Michael - My intellectual friend, I thought the same thing about Obama picking Hillary. I was in an analytical quandary before, during, and after that selection process. My vacillations and levels of analysis were many before I tried setting pen to paper, or fingers to computer keys. Many "confidants" told me that I was crazy, but of course I am very used to that after being Jimmy Sutton/Files closest friend for over forty (40) years. The private emails ran the range of one extreme to the other, from total agreement, to the type of beverage I was drinking when I wrote that piece.Repeating myself, your book was outstanding. I remember Posting that Headline on the JFK Forum on 03.22.2006. Now we are sharing interpretative analysis' of ours. Thank You.I am updating my Headline and Post later tonight to make reference for those who are as of yet unaware of who you are, and the outstanding book that you have written.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:34 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Michael Calder, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:02.27.2006 - I originally Posted this Headline: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated. Obviously, I missed on some points, but this thread is worthy of careful reading, study, and analysis in reference to some of Michael Calder's Posts, today's state of affairs with the CIA, wars, The American Presidency, the Military Industrial Complex, the War Profiteers, the Federal Reserve, the economy, etc.I find it noteworthy that Obama is approaching his first 1,000 days in office in a scenario similar to JFK'S first 1,000 days.I also think that there are three (3) types of assassination at this level:1. Character Assassination which is certainly being leveled in an ongoing, developing crescendo against Obama by the Republican Party, and other related entities.2. Actual Assassination which was used against JFK, MLK, RFK, and many others.3. Assassination By Accident which was used against JFK, Jr., and many others.Like Michael Calder I have been analyzing the ongoing destruction of Obama's Public Persona. But to control and distract Main Stream Media and The Brain Dead, Mindless Americans, I would suspect Assassination By Accident. Airplane crashes are so perfect for so many reasons. My Opinion.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:23 pm
by kenmurray
Bruce, airplane crashes are effective. Just look at Paul Wellstone for example. ... stone.html

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:42 pm
by Dealey Joe
There is another possible method of assassination.Assassination by total control, which I think is possible in Obama's case.If you have total control of a President then there is no need for actual physical assassination.In the case of OBama, the Americans last hope of any kind of freedom has been assassinated.I still am dumbfounded when people tell me they voted for him, but no matter, as I doubt the voter actually had any bearing on his election.As with our financial system the election process is a conspiracy and the hidden elite now have total control of both.Predicting political or financial fluctuations are impossible because they are totally controlled.just by reducing interest rates they have been able to rob Americans of their savings.In the early 1900's the takeover of our financial affairs were accomplished with the Federal Reserve System, the income tax and the destruction of our Congressional balance of control.Our false economy has been in operation since 1963 and really accelerating in the late 70'sI was watching the news yesterday when the report that repossessions of homes are still in high gear. There seemed to be no solution for the home buyer but plenty of bail out money for the lending institutions Soooooo I made a phone call to my mortgage company and when I asked them what would happen if I could no longer make my mortgage payment the reply was that eventually there would be repossession. no talk of assisting me in any way. they were only interested in helping themselves to more bailout bucks?It is no longer beneficial to use common sense trying to find solutions to all this.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:45 pm
by Christian Hansen
could Biden be corrupt and wanting the presidency so bad that he would be behind a plot to kill Obama like LBJ were behind the JFK assasination

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:19 am
by Dealey Joe
I'm not sure but to me he is like GW bush, kinda stupid acting but that might be a screen?