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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:49 pm
by francois bertrand
every photo of the grassy knoll has been blow up, carefully examined to search the sniper.... some see the badgeman.... but let's give a look at the other side... if Files is at the grassy knoll, Nicoletti is at the Daltex Building... we have the altgens photo.... we know Nicoletti is there, at the window, with his gun aimed to Kennedy... anybody study this photo (blow up, etc...) ??? is there others photos of the Daltex building ?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:26 pm
by francois bertrand
replying to myself...
Robert Groden is one of the leading experts on the Kennedy assassination. He is the world's leading expert on the photographic evidence and has written five best selling books about the assassination, conspiracy, evidence, cover-up, and suspects involved. His book, High Treason was on the NY Times Bestseller list for eleven weeks


Mr. GOLDSMITH - I would also like to indicate for the record that Mr. Groden is going to be asked to discuss a series of exhibits. However, they are only a sample of the photographs that have been made available to this committee.
Mr. GRODEN - , would you please identify these two exhibits?
Mr. GRODEN - These two exhibits are photographs taken from the same negative. A professional photographer for the Associated Press, James Altgens, took a series of five photographs, numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. There were seven photographs, I believe. This is negative No. 6, or the fifth in the sequence. On the photograph we see the entire photograph, including the sprocket holes of the film, and the borders
of the entire image; and on the right, we see an extreme blowup of an area that includes the fire escape on what at the time was known as the Dallas Textile Building, and it shows a fire escape, and there is a man sitting on the fire escape, it is a black man
with a white shirt on and dark trousers, and directly below him is an open window of a broom closet. There is a shape coming out of the bottom of that window diagonally, from upper right to bottom left. It is difficult. A little bit further down, down and a little to the left, down a little farther. There we go. That is the image, and the question that
has been raised by various critics of the Warren report was this a rifle or some weaponbeing projected through the window, and one of the reasons for asking this question is the shape does not appear later on in other photographs and the man who is sitting on
the fire escape appears to be in some form of distress in relationship to other photographs which show him sitting on that fire escape just moments earlier.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:27 pm
by francois bertrand
got it !

a blow-up and enhancement of Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:17 pm
by myra
Tommy Bullgotti wrote:So you guys don't believe that the image from the link I presented shows the head of the true shooter(Files)?

Honestly, I can't see any image of a human behind the wall/fence in that picture. I've never been able to see someonein the Moorman photo.

Thanks for the link though.


Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:35 pm
by myra
francois bertrand wrote:got it !a blow-up and enhancement of Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter)


The picture and blow ups at that link you posted are amazing. I've seen that very photo many times and never noticed the two figures near the fire escape.

Groden>"...and the man who is sitting on the fire escape appears to be in some form of distress in relationship to other photographs which show him sitting on that fire escape just moments earlier. "

Hm? What other photos show him on the fire escape moments earlier? We gotta find those too...

Thank you. Great work.


Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:46 pm
by myra
francois bertrand wrote:got it !a blow-up and enhancement of Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter)


I'm going to start a new thread with "Altgens" in the Subject line. Let's continue there. I think the topic is getting lost in a thread about Files.
