interesting Pravda article

JFK Assassination
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Re: Barney

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Dan wrote:I didn't meet the President (George W. is the greatest) but I did meet Barney and Miss Beazley - what a nice surprise!!!!!Tom, you labeled yourself as a radical. In fact, of all the members of this forum except Wim - you are the only one who responded recently to some of my actual flawed ideas regarding the throat shot. Your input was much appreciated.Why do I hang around? I believe James Files fired the headshot and I would like to see justice served.There are times I post things just to stir the pot to see who is for real and who isn't. There are some prolific posters at this forum (some with more than 900 posts) who haven't contributed anything to any research - it seems that their only function is to call names and scare people off (and overuse emoticons) - I love to engage them - they are easy to point in any direction and I enjoy watching them founder.Hello Dan,How did your meeting with the scotties go??? I accidently came across the JFK Lancer forum today . I don't have the time to read it now, but it appeared judging by the thread topics (Latest News and Research) that the main topic of conversations focused on/around James Files and Wim Dankbaar Dan your name is on my list

here is the need to set these Lancer people straight..if you want to do something right in your life, here's your chance..... ... s&forum=15
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Are you a veteran numbnuts?
Desert storm
Do not give me anymore shit about Iraq!
What gives us the right to go kill a million people dan?
You are so full of shit.
You like to stir up things huh? What does being a vet have to do with freedom of speech? If he wants to say he thinks you are a mindless boob, he has that right. We have no right to Iraq, Please do tell me what gives us the right and why exactly you think it is worth the lives of so many men. And please do not be stupid as usual, I want facts and truth. Not your goofy opinion. Are you sure your last name is Posner.
And let's do some homework bro. Reagan and Bush Sr. created almost every damn problem we are facing right now.
Who created Hussein? Who created Bin Laden? Who screwed up the world?
You say Clinton forced you to go republican...LOL. My foot. You are true blue right wing and with the mentality you have, you were born on the right side of the bed.
Stop screwin with people and we will stop screwin with you. You are the one with no valid research. You say Bush Sr.'s plane crash is bogus yet you support his son. B.S You cannot logically think the father is evil and the son is righteous, no way. The father is the son and so on. You are a total contridiction in your speech. You have an agenda.
And if Wim didn't think our friend with the emoticons was an asset, he would't be in this forum as a respected member. At least he understands reality unlike you.
We the people have a right to say what we want and if YOU do not like it YOU go to Iran, because the views you have a more terroristic then that of someone who is questioning their own government.
Here Dan let me educate you before I leave.

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
Thomas Jefferson

An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry.
Thomas Jefferson

Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.
Thomas Jefferson

Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government. Thomas Jefferson

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. Thomas Jefferson

He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas Jefferson
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John Doe

Post by Dan »

You say Bush Sr.'s plane crash is bogus yet you support his son. B.S You cannot logically think the father is evil and the son is righteous, no way. The father is the son and so on. You are a total contridiction in your speech.

I wasn't going to post unitl the Rademacher research is complete, but I will make this exception.

Since Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was a nazi loving criminal - does that mean I have to think JFK was as well?

Also, I never wrote that the plane crash was bogus! I wrote that the pilot should never be the sole survivor of a multi crew bomber.

As I said before - you are not a down on his luck Joe that can read - your just plain down on your luck - never did learn to read did you?

All that you ever do is cut and past other people's work and then try to pass it off as some type of valuable research - one time - you cut and pasted a response to my post that fully supported my argument - you never even read what you were slopping up there - want me to find it for you?
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Post by M.C.Newton »


doesn't answer questions directly. resorts to name calling. slander.

you came back from vacation for that?

i'm sure you and 'cappy erikksen' would get on like a house on fire.
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Re: John Doe

Post by Bob »

Since Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was a nazi loving criminal - does that mean I have to think JFK was as well?- Dan

Dan, we all know that Joe Kennedy was an isolationist, but he didn't invest in and profit from the Hitler war machine. Unlike Prescott Bu$h. Bu$h invested in the support of Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Storm Troopers, Auschwitz and death camps. In his quest to get rich Prescott Bush collaborated with the Nazis before war broke out and through the year after Pearl Harbor. He was charged in fact with trading with the enemy in 1942.

Prescott Bush became Hitler's banker when he became Fritz Thyssen's banker. The incredible loot Fritz's father made in steel, coal, and railroads during WWI was hidden in Holland. Shortly afterwards he was looking to spread some in America and opened a front operation through E.R. Harriman in New York City. In fact, reports indicate that the Bush connections to Nazi money continued through 1951. In even through all of this, Bu$h became a U.S. senator in 1952. Only in America. Bu$h's America.

The reason Auschwitz was located where it was is because that is near where Fritz Thyssen's coal, steel, and railroads were. That made it possible for I.G. Farben to synthesize fuel from coal gasification for the war machine there, which made it also possible to synthesize rubber there. I.G. Farben also made Zyklon B gas, enough to annihilate two million people according to the trial testimony of the Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hoess.

Fritz Thyssen published a book titled "I Paid Hitler" in 1941. It described how Thyssen sponsored the Storm Troopers of Ernst Roehm as early as 1933, allowing them to build up to 4,500,000 strong to take over Germany. But in 1942, even after Pearl Harbor, Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were administering Thyssen's money until forced by the US government to halt (temporarily).
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

no need, It was about the fed and I posted an interveiw with g edward griffin. I read it you just interpreted it wrong. 1 Guy with a Phd disproves e.o 11110 and yet 5 Phd's are not good enough for 9-11. Dan your nuts and everyone knows it. I am starting to wonder if you are Giovanni.
You gave stated Joe and Jack are both bad. After all they are demonrats right.
Also, I never wrote that the plane crash was bogus! I wrote that the pilot should never be the sole survivor of a multi crew bomberWTF is that? Twisted brother, twisted.All that you ever do is cut and past other people's work and then try to pass it off as some type of valuable researchAt least what I post is truth and not some fairy tale shit in some lsd flash back world you live in. What value? You discuss shit everyone knows or has no matter. Who cares where a bullet came out, really. I say the thoat, you say the ear? WHO ORDERED IT? The people who did are your heroes! Value? Your part of the problem, not the answer. Bush, Clinton, Ford , Carter, Nixon and LBJ are all fools who are accesories to murder.Find out who and not how and you might be a value to me and maybe someone else. Files has confessed, Wim pretty much agrees to the plan and players. Who cares where the bullets hit. Where they were fired from. There is no solid evidence, the best digital programs in the world are not going to make shit appear in any photo from that day. NEVER! You sit in the city of evil and expect someone to believe your for real. And another thing, everybody knows I am john doe so stop trying to tell people. Thats my real name DAN! R Croxford. Whats your real name? You never aswered the questions. When you put up some evidence that actually tells anything let me know my e-mail is in the forum, I am sure you can find it.And as far as proving your point in the post I made with griffin.....Here prove this...I do not claim to have the final answers on these issues, but this is where our research has led so far. I am open to additional information or interpretation. I would especially welcome a response from the Christian Common Law Institute. G. Edward Griffin October 15, 2000

We can do this all day long Dan.

Down on his luck. LOl. bite me. ... 26&start=0
Show me all the value spook.
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Post by Pennyworth »


I know who he is.. I believe his pseudo-name is Dan/Giovanni also ..I also know what his real name is judging by his posts...I am not going to blow his of yet....

BTW jammin' Croxford ...I was thinking along the same lines...confessions are what adds closure to this horrible mystery...not which way the bullet went in and how much of a hole it left...
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Post by Pennyworth »

M.C.Newton wrote:pot-stirring/hyperbole.doesn't answer questions directly. resorts to name calling. came back from vacation for that?i'm sure you and 'cappy erikksen' would get on like a house on fire.

He is Cappy Erickson
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Bush and John Jr.....

Post by Pennyworth »

More Speculation on JFK Murder
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 -

I will never forget the phone call on the 4th of July weekend, 1999 - the phone call from John Jr. thanking me profusely for the information and the file. When he told me that a grand jury was to be convened and Bush was going to be indicted for the murder of his father, I tell you, I had goose bumps. For your review, here is an excerpt of what I wrote 3 years ago in my unpublished manuscript "Free at Last" concerning the event.

Click Here For The Full Story
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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:M.C.Newton wrote:pot-stirring/hyperbole.doesn't answer questions directly. resorts to name calling. came back from vacation for that?i'm sure you and 'cappy erikksen' would get on like a house on fire.He is Cappy Erickson

Me thinks he also could be Billy Boggs

We have butted heads before in cyberspace...he's a man of many names who is the webbie at another site.....He's leaving too many clues to fool me