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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:12 pm
by Bob
Cappy, you will get NO arguments from me about Ron Paul. I would have supported him as well, if he were a REAL candidate at this point. Right now, we basically have Obama, McCain and Hillary as potential Presidents. All are CFR members. I think Obama has much less warts than either McCain or Hillary, but I am still wary. I'm glad we agree on some of the information. But also, as I told Dan, if you look at mosts of my posts recently, almost ALL of them are about JFK and the assassination. Yes, I will comment on current events from time to time, especially if I feel that it is somehow connected to the events of 11/22/1963. But I know what this forum is supposed to be about, and I try as much as possible to post in that particular genre. But sometimes the events of the present tie into the events of yesterday. Yesterday being Dallas 11/22/1963, and the events that led up to that day.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:39 pm
by Pennyworth
Cappy Erikksen wrote:Bob, you missed the whole point of my diatribe.Iprofile_play_list?user=TMWKK As for you, Paul...uh...mmm...I don't know how to respond because I don't speak Tralfamadorian. All I can do is advise you to double the dose of your medication. If the symptoms worsen, try stopping them altogether.

The only meds I'm on now are for severe allergies...if I doubled the dosage I'd be dead...

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:46 am
by Cappy Erikksen
Well then, by all means, don't double the dosage...Hillary needs all the votes she can muster. If you die, she'll send the family bagmen out to dig you up and revive you so they can kill you all over again!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:54 pm
by Bob
I don't believe Paul is a Hillary backer either. By the way, did you see how she got busted about lying about coming under "sniper fire" in Bosnia? She has also lied about helping broker the peace treaty in Ireland. She has also lied about being a BIG player in S Chips. She has "misspoken" almost as much as Dumbya Bu$h and John McCain have lately. All three have 3 things in common. Being liars, being corrupt and having PLENTY of lobbyist money.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:13 pm
by Cappy Erikksen
Bob wrote:All three have 3 things in common. Being liars, being corrupt and having PLENTY of lobbyist money.
I think you typed out the definition of the word "politician".

Well, I don't claim to know Paul's preferred flavor but I thought I'd inject a little humor at his expense anyhow. Gotta keep my smartass blade honed in case of a real emergency, y'know?

No, I haven't heard that particular Hillaryism, but it sounds about par for her three-hole course. You say she lies "almost as much" as the repubs but I still maintain that she and that fatass, bleating billygoat she's "married" to are unequaled in their lying capabilities. You really should watch my YouTube vids about them. Even their "friends" say that they have absolutely no compunctions about lying and will even do it when the truth would serve them better. It's simply their inbred nature to be dishonest, crooked, self-serving, two-faced, shit-stinkin' assholes. (Oops, I think I just typed out another definition for "politician"...but still, they are definitely the worst of the lot)

Anyhow, I believe Dubya may actually be about as honest as they come, as far as politicians go. He's fucking us all to death but he doesn't even try very hard to hide it. He's stripping us of all our civil liberties, personal privacy, due process, habeas corpus, etc. as well as dismantling the United States of America to create the North American Union and, ultimately, the New World name it. His dick stretches from D.C. to L.A. and then on around the rest of the world BUT he doesn't seem to really try very hard to cover his tracks. He thinks he's right and he doesn't give a rat's ass whether we like it or not. He basically says, "I'm doing all this anyhow because you people are too stupid to know that you all need to be ruled under a world dictatorship, so just go to work and pay your taxes so Me, Laura, Barak, McCain and the Clintons can fly to the French Riviera for a huge plate of steak and lobster to eat while we drink champagne and laugh about how all you dumb, brainwashed lemmings are fighting over us!"

In a nutshell.

To Dan(Cappy) & Bob....

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:46 pm
by Pennyworth
Put some or most of the blame on Hillary and Dumbya's mentor..he is the one that rules the roost and is causing a domino havoc effect world wide...remember that satan rules the terracotta.......* and the airwaves

this picture plainly depicts that the pig has pink eye and has put on some pork.... ... feted.html

Re: To Dan(Cappy) & Bob....

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:51 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Put some of the blame on Hillary and Dumbya's mentor..he is the one that rules the roost and is causing a domino havoc effect world wide...remember that satan rules the terracotta.......* and the airwaves this picture plainly depicts that the pig has pink eye and has put on some pork.... ... feted.html

some more on the evil elite economic occultist... ... e_has_come

And another thing Dan/Cappy...

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:03 pm
by Pennyworth
Your hacking of my e-mail is not going to work..what you are looking for to destroy I have copies flatter me publicly on this thread in order to alleviate any suspicion that you are the one doing the hacking....

instead of butting heads with me, call a truce and just send money jackass...

Hey How's This Theory???.....

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:09 pm
by Pennyworth
Hillary and Bill Clinton are cousins???


I heard that Arkies do marry cousins??? Right or wrong? Its a down south tradition example Gone With The Wind......

My theory . ..her maiden name was changed from Rockefeller (Rokkenfelder, Rogdenfelder) maybe to Rodenhurst to Rodham as a complete cover-up...

(They need to keep all that money and family tradition in the family.... the Du Pont's did the same thing...

Re: Hey How's This Theory???.....

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:28 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Hillary and Bill Clinton are cousins???LOLOLOLOL!!!I heard that Arkies do marry cousins??? Right or wrong? Its a down south tradition example Gone With The Wind......My theory . ..her maiden name was changed from Rockefeller (Rokkenfelder, Rogdenfelder) maybe to Rodenhurst to Rodham as a complete cover-up...(They need to keep all that money and family tradition in the family.... the Du Pont's did the same thing... ... hovah.html