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Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:33 am
by bob franklin
Judging from Hanks' alleged commentary on this project, I'd say "McAdamized" pretty well sums it up, Phil. You may well have coined the phrase of the decade for these brainwashed boobies who swallow the lie whole. It's perfect. I do wish I could give Hanks the the benefit of the doubt, but he's put it out there. No taking it back. What is it with those thirty pieces, anyway? It's just money, people. Weigh it against your soul.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:20 pm
by kenmurray
What Tom Hanks needs is to have a few slaps in the face. Maybe then he might come to his damn senses.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:27 pm
by andries
Tom Hanks is heavy artillerie,in cowboyland isn,t he ?Well we over here, dont know him that well, i personalythink it,s an outstanding follow up for Bachelor party Have we missed something in between ? a magic bullet,a magic bullet,a kingdom for a magic bullet

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:43 pm
by Kirk
Ken,How about this one? ... dkenmurray wrote:What Tom Hanks needs is to have a few slaps in the face. Maybe then he might come to his damn senses.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:36 pm
by kenmurray
Kirk wrote:Ken,How about this one? ... dkenmurray wrote:What Tom Hanks needs is to have a few slaps in the face. Maybe then he might come to his damn senses. stuff Kirk. I think that would do the trick as well.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:05 am
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Kirk wrote:Ken,How about this one? ... dkenmurray wrote:What Tom Hanks needs is to have a few slaps in the face. Maybe then he might come to his damn senses. stuff Kirk. I think that would do the trick as well.Moe was epic with his slapping ability. He was also pretty good with the two finger poke. But Kirk's example was even better. WOW! What a bad ass!

58,000 dead Americans

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:21 am
by Phil Dragoo
Hanks is the punk of the killers of 58,000 Americans, and the president, and a few hundred thousand Vietnamese men, women, and children.The day after the riderless horse the U.S. Treasury was open for business and Bell Helicopter and Brown & Root were at the window.And twelve years later what did we have to show for it--Hoover was dead of a heart attack, Johnson was dead of a heart attack, Nixon was booted by a CIA plot, and all we have to show for it is a long, black wall.Tom Hanks is a freaking laugh riot. ... re=related

Re: 58,000 dead Americans

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:39 pm
by Bob
Phil Dragoo wrote:Hanks is the punk of the killers of 58,000 Americans, and the president, and a few hundred thousand Vietnamese men, women, and children.The day after the riderless horse the U.S. Treasury was open for business and Bell Helicopter and Brown & Root were at the window.And twelve years later what did we have to show for it--Hoover was dead of a heart attack, Johnson was dead of a heart attack, Nixon was booted by a CIA plot, and all we have to show for it is a long, black wall.Tom Hanks is a freaking laugh riot. ... elatedGood point Phil. But Hanks and his friends will talk about his producing Band of Brothers and The Pacific. Band of Brothers was excellent by the way. But in NO way does that excuse any connection with a production that will lie about what really happened on 11/22/1963 and the aftermath of the murder of JFK...the 58,000+ lives lost in Vietnam as you say. Vietnam was just like the war in Iraq, a war for GREED, not need. A greedy war that the Military Industrial Complex wanted. A war the war profiteers wanted. A war the CIA wanted. The same people that will help bankroll this production of lies.

Little Tommy needs little boys' room

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:14 am
by Phil Dragoo ... -time/Here is Little Tommy rocking back and forth on his feet as though he desperately needs the little boys' room.His treatment in this interview handles that little unpleasantness in the Pacific with moral equivalence--it was a difference of cultures, religion, ethnicity.Nothing of the attack on Pearl Harbor in the wake of the Rape of Nanking, the invasion of the Philippines--We just observed the anniversary of 6,815 U.S. Marines killed taking Iwo Jima from a force of 20,000 Japanese troops and 2,000 slave laborers, of whom all but 1,000 died rather than surrender.Tom Hanks dismisses all of World War II as a difference of culture, religion, ethnicity, and does the Mexican Hat Dance on the American flag as a symbol of racism.This is the pinhead who is going to educate America vis-a-vis the Warren Commission, dismissing for once and all that silly notion that the CIA and the rest of the national security establishment murdered the president seeking detente with Khruschev and Castro.Behold the spokesdroid for Babylon neutered by his very own babylotomy.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:05 pm
by kenmurray
Phil, you once again explain so eloquently in your analysis.