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Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:25 pm
by ChristophMessner
Wim, maybe the last word is the code word here. Bruce obviously has another philosophy about the value of transparency than you. And Bruce is talking this into Jimmy or the other way round. In the world of war openness is valued as weakness, in the world of peace it is precondition. It sounds hokey, but obviously you still have to come to touch with them about the meaning of life, so that they rediscover their original wish for peace. They have been into survival and defense so much, that they don't see the bigger harmony you are working for anymore. It's mutual learning in which the original objectives may become of minor importance. I think you should visit Jimmy together with Bruce and Pam once more and all should tell what they REALLY want AND inhowfar each can move a step further to the other. You all are not unsusceptable for a better political or moral philosophy in society and the necessary contributions for getting a blanko cheque for heaven for that from God.Chris

Re: The Good Shepherd:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:30 am
by Barney
As the old saying goes, " Money talks and all bullshit just walks." I suspect that Jimmy and Bruce his long time friend and benefactor, feelthat they have been had, been betrayed, and are not getting any good PR or money to help get Jimmy good legal help to gain his freedomfrom the maximum security prison where he is currently housed, very bad living conditions and very very dangerous environment, where the inmates are mostly murderers, rapists, sex predators, or worse if there is a worse case inmate