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Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:02 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.13.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.23.2007 - Kevin Fisher Posted this Important Headline. A lengthy, well balanced discussion from someof the Best JFKMS Forum Members both past and present made many excellent contributions.This discussion overall focuses on JFK's Throat Wound.My accurate, complete discussion about JFK's Back Would is Best Developed and Focused UNDER ANOTHERHEADLINE, ALONG WITH MANY POSTS:JFK INJURES HIS BACK WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND BEFORE DEATH.Two (2) quick responses however to comments made here.JFK was instantly dead from the Head Shot. Jackie sat outside the Emergency Room Holding a Chunk ofJFK's Brain, while supposedly those inside …"valiantly tried to save JFK." This is a Complete, Total Lie, andMisdirection. PROPAGANDA. The Cover-Up was in Full Forward Mode. It is safe to assume that All Evidence and All Truth Were Altered Or Tinted As Was JFK's Body.JFK was wearing five (5) layers of Clothing, including two (2) Back Braces that apparently were either altered,disappeared, washed, or were replaced. NO TRUTH HERE.The Theory that I offered for Consideration and Review was about Slowing a Bullet, and Reducing Its Penetration.Bullet Proof Vests Do Not Completely Stop Force, Penetration, and Power. Broken bones, chest, ribs, sternum, andextreme bruising and swelling often occur.Other Theories that I have read include Ice Bullets, Darts, and Sabots, all of which I Do Not find credible. Therefore,I offered the Theory of JFK's five (5) layers of clothing, including two (2) Back Braces after reading Seymour M. Hersh's book THE DARK SIDE OF CAMELOT, along with a study of a multiplicity of ballistics, bullet proof vests, firearm, andpersonal experiments and interviews with World Class Experts.After penetration some bullet wounds close "a little" around the bullet as the bullet cools. Sometimes bulletwounds don't immediately indicate the type of round used. In Close Range Hand Gun Shot Wounds, which are often easier to "apparently visually identify," conclusions are only Finally Rendered After Autopsies. Perhaps that is why allegedly the Doctor couldn't get to the bullet. THE TRUTH WAS NOT WANTED. IT WAS ALREADYOBVIOUS THAT JKF WAS SHOT BY MORE THAN ONE SHOOTER, AND MORE THAN ONE TYPE OF WEAPON.THE SLEEPING GIANT HERE THAT I SOUGHT MEMBERS AND READERS TO REALIZE WAS WHY WASN'T THE BULLETIMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM JFK's BACK, AND ULTIMATELY CHECKED FOR BALLISTICS AGAINST LHO's MANLICHER CARCANO ROUNDS ?ONCE JFK's BODY WAS MOVED, ALL CHAIN OF EVIDENCE WAS BROKEN.WHERE IS THE REPORT ON LHO's MANLICHER CARCANO ULTIMATELY BEING COMPARED TO THE BULLET FROM JFK's BACK ?WHERE IS THE REPORT ON LHO's REVOLVER BEING COMPARED TO THE BULLET's AND BULLET WOUNDS FROM OFFICER TIPPIT BODY ?WHERE IS THE REPORT ON JACK RUBY's REVOLVER, BULLET, AND BULLET WOUND FROM LHO's BODY ?WHERE IS THE REPORT ON JACK RUBY's REVOLVER, THAT ALLEGEDLY SHOT LHO, BEING COMPARED TO THE BULLETWOUNDS FROM OFFICER TIPPIT ?The JFK and Related Subject Matter's Research Community have spent 90 % of their time for 51 years chasing theirTAILS AND TALES.04.14.2007 - I originally Posted the Headline about JFK INJURES HIS BACK WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND BEFOREDEATH.This discussion overall focuses on JFK's Back Wound. Please incorporate all of my above comments about JFK's BackWound there.Relative to developing a Discussion On JFK's Back Wound I will Post all future comments of mine here.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspectof this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may notbe as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:12 am
by RobertP
Hello BruceDo you know what a "tension pneumothorax" is?

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:24 pm
by Bob Jonas
I always believed what I had been told (by conspirators) that JFK was reaching to his throat where an entry wound had occurred but when I stopped to take a look at the evidence without any assumptions I came to a different conclusion. First of all, this so-called "reaching for the throat" occurred immediately after it appeared he was hit in the back. If he were indeed reacting to his throat, then that would mean an exiting bullet but there was no sign of that (i.e. blood). Secondly, upon close examination of the Zapruder frames, it becomes clear that JFK's hands are NOT reaching for his throat, but rather extending up higher and wider than his neck area and more to the elevation of his cheeks. This immediately reminded me of the time I was working on some high voltage equipment years ago when I briefly touched a live piece of metal. It felt like somebody punched me in the back with both fists. I recalled this because when it happened, my arms flew up in the same way!!! While I wasn't actually hit in the back, the brief electrocution made it feel like I was violently punched in the back and my arms going up was an involuntary reaction to this perception of a blow to the back. So, in summary, it is my belief that JFK was first hit in the upper back with a shot from behind and that it was this shot that caused his arms to instinctively move up as if he were punched in the back. Furthermore, I now tend to believe that the throat wound is better explained as exiting debris or shrapnel from the final, fatal head shot(s). Again, just my theory, but I feel worthy of throwing out there.

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:48 pm
I hope no one takes this wrong, but why are we still talking about the throat wound? No matter which theory you think is right lets move on! This is actually one of the few area's we do have hard core evidence. 16 doctors and nurses say it was an entry wound that measured somewhere between 3 and 5 millimeters. What's there to discuss move on??? You don't grab for your throat when your hit in the back. You can be hit in the back and your hands may fly straight up in the air, along with your momentum moving you forward, but you don't grab your neck. Why do you think the FBI or CIA kept calling Doctor Perry all night to change his story??? Why was there post mortem surgery to that area making the hole 10 times larger??? Because it was just what the doctors at Parkland said it was an entry wound.

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:23 pm
by Bob Jonas
JDB4JFK wrote:...why are we still talking about the throat wound?...You don't grab for your throat when your hit in the back.I appreciate your frustration, JDB4JFK. Just so you understand my logic, I don't think he's grabbing for his throat at all. If you grab your throat your hands come together at your neck...but JFK doesn't seem to do that. He seems to be clenching his fists up and off to the sides of his face. He acts as if he's just had the wind knocked out of him instead of just having a bullet go into/through his throat. My opinion is by no means meant to be a definitive stance, but rather an observation.

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:40 pm
by JDB4JFK ... ilpageThis is the best presentation I've seen on the throat wound! Gil Jesus does and excellent job!

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:59 pm
by RobertP
JDB4JFK wrote:I hope no one takes this wrong, but why are we still talking about the throat wound? No matter which theory you think is right lets move on! This is actually one of the few area's we do have hard core evidence. 16 doctors and nurses say it was an entry wound that measured somewhere between 3 and 5 millimeters. What's there to discuss move on??? You don't grab for your throat when your hit in the back. You can be hit in the back and your hands may fly straight up in the air, along with your momentum moving you forward, but you don't grab your neck. Why do you think the FBI or CIA kept calling Doctor Perry all night to change his story??? Why was there post mortem surgery to that area making the hole 10 times larger??? Because it was just what the doctors at Parkland said it was an entry wound.Three points here 1. At no time did JFK "grab" his throat. His hands were balled into fists in the vicinity of his throat but he never grabbed his throat.2. A 6.5mm Carcano bullet actually measures 6.8 mm in diameter. How could such a bullet make a 3-5 mm diameter entrance wound, even allowing for shrinkage of the flesh surrounding the entrance wound?3. The large tracheostomy incision was made by Dr. Perry, and was not made post-mortem. The reason Perry made an overly large incision is that he was aware of the tear in the trachea, and wanted to see how far down the damage went before making the incision for the tracheostomy tube. Without this knowledge, he could have made the incision above a wound in the trachea, and defeated the purpose of the tracheostomy.

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:03 pm
by RobertP
Bob Jonas wrote:JDB4JFK wrote:...why are we still talking about the throat wound?...You don't grab for your throat when your hit in the back.I appreciate your frustration, JDB4JFK. Just so you understand my logic, I don't think he's grabbing for his throat at all. If you grab your throat your hands come together at your neck...but JFK doesn't seem to do that. He seems to be clenching his fists up and off to the sides of his face. He acts as if he's just had the wind knocked out of him instead of just having a bullet go into/through his throat. My opinion is by no means meant to be a definitive stance, but rather an observation.Interesting that you should make the observation that "he's just had the wind knocked out of him". Are you familiar with a pulmonary condition known as a "tension pneumothorax"?

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:44 pm
by Bob Jonas
RobertP wrote:Interesting that you should make the observation that "he's just had the wind knocked out of him". Are you familiar with a pulmonary condition known as a "tension pneumothorax"?I had to Google it, but apparently it's a collapsed lung which would fit the description...

Re: JFK's throat wound

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:21 pm
by Bob
The reason I believe the throat wound was an exit wound is because of the testimony of Thom Robinson. Robinson was present at JFK's pre-autopsy procedure (see Volume IV of Inside the ARRB by Doug Horne) and also his actual autopsy. Take a look at his notes regarding JFK's autopsy...Notice he writes that there a two small shrapnel wounds in JFK's face. I believe that those wounds also came from a mercury loaded (exploding) bullet which was used in one of the head shots. There were two simultaneous head shots. One from behind (Chuck Nicoletti) and one from the right-front (James Files). The mercury load caused the exiting shrapnel wounds to the face and throat in my opinion. Robinson also said that he saw that the autopsy doctors trace the head wound to the throat wound.JFK was wearing a back brace that day, as he had a bad back. Trust me, I know how he must have felt. I suffered five herniated discs in an auto accident, and had to have one of them replaced. I know all about back pain. Anyway, when I am jabbed or touched in the back by someone, I immediately raise my hands up to my chest or throat area with my fists clinched. It's just a natural reaction. I believe that was what JFK did after he was shot in the back. I don't think that was because of the throat wound. Also, if one looks at a closeup of the Zapruder film at that point of the film, one never sees any wound or blood in the throat area.