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Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:02 am
by bob franklin
I don't know if I'd say "behind it" so much as "lower level in on it" as regards to LBJ, but I can certainly see Biden in a similar light. I have never liked that man. Ain't got a thing upon which to base my dislike, but I just really could altogether do without him. He carries that same duplicitous odor about him.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:35 pm
by tom jeffers believe him, don't you? ok everybody line up and drink the kool aid!

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:44 am
by barney 1961
8/25/10Bruce; Obama is the Jewish inspired "Anointed One", so as long as he doesnt rock the boat, so to speak, or decide to print up interest freemoney or attempt to abolish the Federal Reserve Act and the Fed Board, he's snug and safe for the next election time. Who knows what is in store us Americanos for now or wellbeyond Obamaland.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:35 pm
by Christian Hansen
so Biden can be corrupt like LBJ? i hope not i'm not a Obama fan but i don't hope that Biden is like LBJ

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:41 am
by barney 1961
8/28/10 Members; I read in todays newspaper, that Pres. Obama is to give a speech at Xavier Univ. in New Orleans and at St. Louis Cathedral inJackson Square later on, during his stay in NO, La. to impress the folks there beaten down pretty badly by Katrina and the BP Oilspill.Mother of all conspiracy locations, it is in fact New Orleans, so I wouldnt be surprised if some lonenut job, attempts to do in our Presidentfor whatever reasons, maybe he failed to OK enough bank and insurance company bailouts or the secret govt. has lost control of him dueto his on again-off again popularity with the masses, the homeless, the down and outers, the immigrants from Mexico, and Cent. and SouthAmerica and places well beyond, and certainly homeowners in default and facing foreclosures at an alarming rate.

Re: Illinois Senator Barack Obama Will Be Assassinated:

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:11 am
by bob franklin
New Orleans would be a handy spot for a hit. As to a motive, there really doesn't need to be one. The "Wizards" ( a term I like, BTW) don't need one, from my POV. This sort of thing is exactly how they get their rocks off. The more misery and grief experienced by the masses, the greater & better the high for the perpetrators. Its the fuel the Wizards run on. As obediently as Obama has been jumping through his masters' hoops, I rather doubt it will save him. The motive is the hunt.