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Check this one out, Dan....

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:47 pm
by Pennyworth
You might recognize some names...and yes it does fit on this board....

Rockefeller, Rogdenfelder, Rodenhurst, Rodham......

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:51 pm
by Pennyworth July 24, 2004 The Illuminati Satanists ...... a fake Christian-Satanist like Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, or John Kohen .... Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, Lawrence Rockefeller, and many other ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Stew Webb Archives C-KLesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton ... Henry Kissisnger, David Rockefeller, Lawrence Rockefeller and other who all hold Knight Templar 100 Banker Positions. ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages
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The Bizarre Story Of An Austrian named Hitler, Grandson of Baron ...J.P. Morgan changed his name from Morgantaler. Rockefeller changed his name from Rogdenfelder. Hillary Rotham Clinton changed her name from Rodenhurst ... - 103k - Cached - Similar pages

chile_l : Mensaje: Re: Les recuerdo tambien que Hitler nacio de ...Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly a Rockefeller produced in the same way, ..... Hillary Rotham Clinton cambio su nombre desde Rodenhurst ... - 97k - Cached - Similar pages

::8th Estate Think Tank:: [Coincidencia Oppositorum] :: View topic ...... unelectable CLOSET lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton. ... Senator Jay Rockefeller, Democrat of West Virginia, is now sitting on evidence showing that ... ... 7cd4db9c7c - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

Sujet: //(FW10) the fax from ...PS Unelectable Rodenhurst Clinton is now being linked to another scandal ... 5: The Rothschild's more recent counterpart in the US is the Rockefeller Family ...é ... glais.html - 120k - Cached - Similar pages

The Kentroversy Papers... on 9/11 was certainly suspect, as was Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's. ..... by BOTH William 'Rockefeller' Clinton, and his Attorney General Janet Reno. ... - 81k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: And another thing Dan/Cappy...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:48 am
by Cappy Erikksen
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Your hacking of my e-mail is not going to work..what you are looking for to destroy I have copies flatter me publicly on this thread in order to alleviate any suspicion that you are the one doing the hacking....instead of butting heads with me, call a truce and just send money jackass...

Hacking your email?'re crazy Dude! If I check in here twice in three months, that's twice as much as normal. If you're not taking anti-psychotic medication, you should probably start. Just because Dan & I are both conservative doesn't mean we're the same person. Believe it or not there are several conservatives in this world, even if only two of us are on these forums! Besides, Dan's Republican and I'm not. If you were capable of comparing writing styles, you'd be able to see that.

BTW...I never said I was "born in Atlanta". I just said I was raised there. Actually I was born in Florida. Does that mean I might be Bob writing under a different name? hahaha

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:55 am
by Cappy Erikksen
One other thing, the hell did I "flatter" you "publicly"?
If I inadvertently did that, I take it back...I TAKE IT ALL BACK!!! ROFLMAO

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:59 pm
by Bob
BTW...I never said I was "born in Atlanta". I just said I was raised there. Actually I was born in Florida. Does that mean I might be Bob writing under a different name? hahaha - Cappy Erikksen

I'm actually originally from Wisconsin, Cappy. Ironically enough, I dated a girl named Jill Erikksen (I think that was the correct spelling) for awhile there. Her dad was a Colonel if memory serves me correct. But my memory may be a little clouded as this was during my college days if you know what I mean.

Re: And another thing Dan/Cappy...

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:26 pm
by Pennyworth
Cappy Erikksen wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Your hacking of my e-mail is not going to work..what you are looking for to destroy I have copies flatter me publicly on this thread in order to alleviate any suspicion that you are the one doing the hacking....instead of butting heads with me, call a truce and just send money jackass... Hacking your email?'re crazy Dude! If I check in here twice in three months, that's twice as much as normal. If you're not taking anti-psychotic medication, you should probably start. Just because Dan & I are both conservative doesn't mean we're the same person. Believe it or not there are several conservatives in this world, even if only two of us are on these forums! Besides, Dan's Republican and I'm not. If you were capable of comparing writing styles, you'd be able to see that.BTW...I never said I was "born in Atlanta". I just said I was raised there. Actually I was born in Florida. Does that mean I might be Bob writing under a different name? hahaha

I hypothesize that this is Cappy Dan's drug of choice...he has the ways and means to obtain it without any fear or sweat .....


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:20 pm
by Dan

I never said Zapruder was the shooter! This website claims the man shown leaving the plaza in Bothun #4 may be Files - or an escaping assassin. My post is to show that the figure shown is good ole Abe racing back to his office because he knows he's sitting on a gold mine - plus he was understandably upset at what he had witnessed. That was not Files!

Sorry I couldn't post sooner but I was in DC for a week and didn't have time for this nonsense.

I never stood up for you in the past because you posted when I was away for the better part of a year - I leave at times because - as I said it is the same old crap over and over and over...

I didn't know who you were and never read any of your posts - Pennyworth keeps saying that I am Cappy - I didn't know WTF he was talking about.

I stand by my previous post - Bob spreads disinformation here about the USA and expects people to believe in the James Files story. I too found Geraghty to be repulsive as well as several others here. Tweedledee (Newton) and Tweedledumb (Croxsferd or John Doe) and Bob, and Pennyworth and Jeffers (at times) are anti-american propagandists - all patting each other on the back and attacking anyone who stands up for the USA.

It is interesting that all of the eurotrash that used to cry here - are long gone!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:10 pm
by Bob
Bob spreads disinformation here about the USA and expects people to believe in the James Files story. I too found Geraghty to be repulsive as well as several others here. Tweedledee (Newton) and Tweedledumb (Croxsferd or John Doe) and Bob, and Pennyworth and Jeffers (at times) are anti-american propagandists - all patting each other on the back and attacking anyone who stands up for the USA.- Dan

I'll finally say it Dan. SCREW you. I am done with you and any more debating or responding to you. I have never said that people HAVE to believe the Jimmy Files story. EVER!!! People can make their own determination. But regardless, Wim has a TON of great information on this website. F off and kiss my patriotic ass!

Dan, Did You Write This?????

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:09 pm
by Pennyworth
JFK's assinationThis whole thing has made me really curious about JFK's assination. .... be across town in a hour after jfk assassination cuz JFK's ghost said oswald didnt ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:12 pm
by Bob

After mulling over my comments earlier, I thought I would extend an olive branch, but also NOT take back what I said. However, if you question my patriotism again, or the patriotism of R Croxford or whoever, the discussion is over. We are just as patriotic as the next guy. We just don't keep our heads in the sand like others do. What would you call Washington, Franklin and Jefferson? They saw a wrong with the way England treated the new world and they helped fight for our independence because of that. They created a constitution for the people and of the people that has been widely ignored by this current President. They revolted because the crown only cared for itself and the power elite. Sounds pretty familiar today with Dumbya Bu$h and his Presidency. That's not disinformation. That's fact.