JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.06.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.14.2006 - I originally Posted this Eyecatching Headline.I was trying to cultivate and stimulate reading, research, study, and writing about JFK's BACK WOUND.The NONSENSE about the Magic Bullet Theory is what really focused and propelled my interest overall withthis particular Subject Matter. I was, and am, still focused on STOPPING THE SINGLE BULLET THEORY of the Warren Commission. I am convinced that 90 % of all American's either do not know, or do not care about JFK. Then those that follow the Lone Nut Theory, or have superficial knowledge of the JFK Removal, often regurgitate Some Semblance Of LHO And The Magic Bullet Theory. My Opinion.LHO and The Magic Bullet Theory Permeate The JFK Event for the sake of anything raised in Government orHistory Classes in High Schools and Colleges that even touch this Subject Matter superficially today.HISTORY BOOKS WILL NEVER BE CHANGED. My Opinion.I HAVE SO MANY ISSUES WITH THE WARREN COMMISSION (OMISSION) REPORT THAT I CAN NOT COUNT ORLIST THEM HERE, NOW.BUT…I HAVE LONG HAD THIS FANTASY OF STOPPING THE MAGIC BULLET THEORY DEAD IN ITS TRACKS, ALONG WITH ARLEN SPECTER, AND ALL OF HIS BELIEVER'S.I must honestly admit that in My Mind's Eye I never did this, until TODAY. I have advanced, developed, and discussed theories, but still nothing previously with BALLISTIC STOPPING POWER in My Own Opinion.I HAD CONSIDERED THEORIES INVOLVING THE JFK BACK WOUND INVOLVING:* Darts.* Ice Bullets.* Frozen Meat Bullets.* A High Powered .22 Magnum Rifle Shot, perfect for a Rear Head-Kill Shot on JFK which was the Game Planfor JFK's Removal.* Sabots.I even considered The Trampoline Effect, or Tramploining Effect from the Totality of what JFK was wearingwhen shot:* Undershirt.* Back Brace # 1.* Back Brace # 2.* Dress Shirt.* Suit Coat.One of My Queries/Theories was that possibly The Trampoline Effect, and/or One of The Above Weapons causedthe Back Wound that only made limited penetration to JFK's BackAn excellent, varied discussion followed above that covered facts, opinions, and points of information from someof the Best Past and Present JFKMS Forum Members. But the Subject Matter was still open for further discussion.My opinion.Fast Forward Nine (9) Years Later.I was recently forwarded Ms. Christie Jenkin's Copyright 2013 Video of her father's Video Presentation by Dr. M. T. "Pepper" Jenkins, JFK IN TRAUMA ROOM ONE: THE MISSING PIECE: LAST MOMENTS BEFORE DEATH.This was a Formal Presentation to an Invited Audience in Beverly Hills, California in 1993.Dr. M. T. "Pepper" Jenkins LED THE TEAM TO RESUSCITATE JFK AT PARKLAND HOSPITAL ON 11.22.1963.Ironically, Dr. Jenkins "worked on" JFK at Parkland Hospital, LHO at Parkland Hospital, AND Jack Ruby whilein prison, after being diagnosed with Cancer.I am going to list Several Bullet Points that caught my interest, including the Primary Point of My Interest.* THE EFFORT WAS TO RESUSCITATE JFK. (This confirms my long held belief that JFK was killed instantlywith the right temple head shot from the Grassy Knoll fired by James Earl Sutton-Files on 11.22.1963.) In My Mind's Eye The Cover Up was already begun by the time JFK's dead, lifeless body arrived at Parkland Hospital. By then all telephones in Washington, D.C. WERE DOWN AND NON-OPERATIONAL FOR ONE FULL HOUR.* JFK was Cyanotic upon arrival. JFK's face was Blue.* JFK was Suffused. (Molecular diffusion, spontaneous dispersion of mass (distinct from migration, causedby an external force.)* JFK's eyes were widely dialated.* Dr. Jenkins inserted a scope, lighted tube, and ventilated JFK. Ventilation was inadequate. There wasbubbling.* While being ventilated JFK's heart showed a dying pattern. Only upon Mechanical Stimulation.* Dr. Kemp Clark, a Neurosurgeon, lifted a clump of matted, bloodied hair of JFK's on the RIGHT TEMPLE.Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Clark both observed that a chunk of bone the size of Dr. Jenkin's hand WAS MISSING FROM JFK's RIGHT TEMPLE AREA, along with brain matter, that continued to leak out.* Dr. Clark stated that they "…could not resuscitate JFK. NO POSSIBLE WAY." They CONCURRED* Jackie nudged Dr. Jenkins and handed Dr. Jenkins a Cupped Double Handful of JFK's Brains. Arguably what Jackie retreived from the Limo trunk when she climbed upon it.* People began to immediately leave the room.* Some looked at JFK's wound, "…but no thorough examination by most."* Dr. Jenkins kept a list of how many people who were actually in the room, as was his Custom andPractice. He was glad that he did because over the years a hundred or more people claimed to be in the room… but they were NEVER THERE.* Dr. Jenkin's at length commented upon the two (2) Back Braces that were removed from JFK. * The First was the Six (6") Inch Wide Ace Bandage-Wrap Back Brace that JFK was normally wrapped in from his back to his crotch, over both legs. This was now placed/wrapped over The Newest Back Brace.* The Second was the Newest, Most Recent, Most Restrictive Back Brace. This is the Back Brace that wasLaced around JFK's Body from Upper Chest to below the ribs. This Back Brace was Canvas, Rubber, and Vinyl.THIS BACK BRACE WAS A STEEL BACKED BACK BRACE. This was placed under, and further secured by beingwrapped by the other Six (6") Inch Ace Bandage Wrap-Back Brace.My own Bullet Proof Vests are Kevlar, with Ballistic Plates. The Ballistic Plates will stop a .44 Magnum atPoint Blank Range. However, they can not stop a Rifle Shot.JFK WITH A STEEL BACKED BACK BRACE ANSWERS A LOT OF QUESTIONS, SPECULATIONS, AND THEORIES OF MINE. JFK was wrapped, and secured, with STEEL BACKING.The STEEL Backed Brace with all other materials could much more possibly provide a Bullet Proof Vest Effect,with THE STEEL BACKING PROVIDING BALLISTIC PLATE EFFECT. However, not enought to apparently Totally Stop The Rifle Shot that apparently wounded JFK.Why were JFK's Back Braces never fully and openly discussed, released, and viewed ?IF IT WERE KNOWN BY THE AMERICAN PUBLIC THAT JFK WAS WEARING A STEEL BACKED BRACE ON 11.22.1963THE MAGIC BULLET THEORY HAS ZERO CHANCE OF BEING BELIEVED OR SOLD.JFK'S STEEL BACKED BRACE WITH THE TOTALITY OF WHAT HE WORE ON 11.22.1963 STOPS THELHO MAGIC BULLET THEORY DEAD IN ITS TRACKS. My Opinion.This could be a very compelling, probable reason that the bullet only entered JFK's back partially.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

This one really stretches the imagination. And over 6,000 people viewed and read the post.6000 people.It just goes to show that a post title that is FLAMING draws peoples interest.Whether there is any truth to the wild story it seems to not have mattered.It's the way the post title sounded that drew people right to it. Personally I do not believe the story.If we believe stories like this then it seems we had two great male sex ahoulics in our life times.First the greatest of all time Wilt Chamberlian and his 25,000 sexual encounters and President John Kennedy and his unknown how many sexual encounters.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.07.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:You obviously must read more than the Headline, both HERE AND ELSEWHERE before you make comments. Sort of like judging a book by its cover.My Criminology Professor always said, "Read the Statute and Study the Evidence before you makeor write Statements."The Title to The Headline and Post CAME FROM A BOOK, THE DARK SIDE OF CAMELOT bySeymour M. Hersh, page 12 which I noted in 2006 when I began this discussion.There obviously is a very intelligent developmental history spanning nine (9) years here.AND THE FOCUS MISSED BY SOME IS THE BACK WOUND OF JFK, THE TOTALITY OF WHAT HEWAS WEARING, AND THE TWO (2) BACK BRACES ONE OF WHICH I HAVE NOW DISCLOSED WASLINED WITH STEEL.To me the affect on the Majic Bullet Theory is FINALLY, EVIDENTIALLY DESTROYED. PERIOD.Further, failure to grasp where and how the Headline was extracted from is further proofof academic failure.One should actually read and make an effort to comprehend material before making meaninglesscomments.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well read as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bob Jonas
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Post by Bob Jonas »

This information (on the additional layers) adds logic to the theory that the bullet from behind could remain in near-pristine condition and likely not penetrate deep within JFK's back. Remember, the autopsy doctors examined the back wound and could only trace its path to about an inch into his back before hitting a dead end. This is in the autopsy report. Thus, logic would dictate that the bullet likely fell out into the limo and thus was found when the limo was being cleaned out at the ER as testified by the driver in the Secret Service vehicle behind the President's car. He claimed he found the bullet, took it in to the ER while they were "working on" JFK, and simply put it on the stretcher outside the ER. I'm sure he was in a state of shock and disbelief, as would I.I believe this to be about 1 million times more rational than the theory that the bullet, which had a dead end wound in JFK's back, could somehow move upward in his torso and into his throat before moving forward again and coming out his neck before turning to the right and changing back to a downward trajectory and going through Gov. Connelly's back/chest, then hit his wrist before lodging into his thigh...all while remaining in near pristine condition.I may be wrong...but I'd put my mortgage on this any day before before hedging any bet on the magic bullet theory.
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Post by kenmurray »

Jim DiEugenio discusses the magic bullet theory:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-K_WZGL4HM
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

BB I have read THE DARK SIDE OF CAMELOT by Seymour M. Hersh. And I am in total agreement that the large back torso brace kept John Kennedy in an upright position during the shooting.What I do not agree with is that Kennedy had severely injured his back while having a extramarital sexual relationship just days before his murder and because of this rough sex Kennedy had to wear a back support brace. He wore that back support brace way before that last ride in Dallas.That was my meaning of my reply.BB here is a word of wisdom to you.Not everyone is on your intellectual level.Bashing others only makes you look small,very small. How smart and big do you feel now that you posted these comments directed at me ? (Further, failure to grasp where and how the Headline was extracted from is further proofof academic failure.One should actually read and make an effort to comprehend material before making meaninglesscomments).And to think you the self appointed crown prince master of all wisdom of this forum who ends every single one of your posts reminding all the current forum members to (Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well read as you)[/color].The forum is not going to attract new members when they read aggressive bashing belittling comments like you just left directed at Tommy Wilkens. Show some control .Get over yourself !!!!! OK I know I just lost the 2 book sales but who gives a shit.One only eats so much crap !!!!!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.07.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Bob Jonas - I appreciate your numerous contributions, and have learned from your readings, research, study, and writing about the "Near Pristine Bullet."I was more focused on JFK's Back Wound, and not on the "Near Pristine Bullet."In My Mind's Eye this even more strongly helps destroy the Magic Bullet Theory.While the Magic Bullet Theory never made sense, and still doesn't, it is obvious that Evidence wasimmediately buried, covered up, hidden, and lied about for 51 + years and counting.Bob - on this Subject Matter you've Picked A Lane. Let's run with it some more.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as wll versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bob Jonas
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Post by Bob Jonas »

See how that worked? You focused on the back wound and I on the near pristine bullet and our analysis comes together and meets in the middle to strengthen each other's research. .
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Post by kenmurray »

JFK in trauma room one: The missing piece : Last Moments Before Death:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX58vrL5ZiA
Bob Jonas
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Post by Bob Jonas »

Thanx for posting that video, kenmurray! Fascinating account. Disturbing, but relevant to the conversation as it mentions the back braces.