two people behind the fence

JFK Assassination
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

If general Landsdale was behind the fence to check with Files, that means that Files did not need another radio man for signalling him whether it would be a go or a no-go and it means that Landsdale must have corresponded with Roselli and/or Nicoletti that they all would agree with a last-minute backup shooter from the front. Most probably Landsdale checked out with all the fake-SS-IDs and the tramps in the railroad position, too. And that means that there were no original plans to have shots from the rear only and a patsy Oswald only.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

Is it true, that Jack Lawrence's car was left and found at the parking lot behind the picket fence?
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

Lee Bowers must have seen the shooter(s) and spotter(s) moving away from the fence pretty clearly from his railroad tower view, no matter how many cars there were standing.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

You are right Chris...Bowers had a CLEAR view. Maybe that why he had an accident when his car left an empty road and struck a concrete abutment and he died in 1966. I know a little about accidents like that one, as I too had an accident under similar conditions. Luckily for me, I didn't hit anything as my car flipped 6 times and ended up in the opposite lane. I don't remember the accident at all. I'm lucky I lived as I was in a coma for 6 days and had a fractured skull, also a neck fracture and broken collarbone. I sure wish Bowers would have lived as well, as he probably the best witness for everything that occured on the knoll and the rail yard. Dave Perry seems to think there was nothing strange about Bowers' death. Yeah right.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:You are right Chris...Bowers had a CLEAR view. Maybe that why he had an accident when his car left an empty road and struck a concrete abutment and he died in 1966. I know a little about accidents like that one, as I too had an accident under similar conditions. Luckily for me, I didn't hit anything as my car flipped 6 times and ended up in the opposite lane. I don't remember the accident at all. I'm lucky I lived as I was in a coma for 6 days and had a fractured skull, also a neck fracture and broken collarbone. I sure wish Bowers would have lived as well, as he probably the best witness for everything that occured on the knoll and the rail yard. Dave Perry seems to think there was nothing strange about Bowers' death. Yeah right.If you click on one of the parts of the Robert Groden interview that I posted, he talks about how Lee Bowers knew much more than he told. I seem to remember Groden or the interviewer saying that Bowers saw a couple of men running across the tracks after the shooting. I THINK Groden is putting it in his new book that hasn't come out yet.Groden said something about Lee Bowers NOT telling what he knew to the Warren Commission because it was apparent that they didn't want to know about it. Whenever his answers began to lead to places they didn't want them to, they would either interrupt him or change the subject. That's very apparent if you look at Bowers' testimony to the Warren Commission.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by tpfleming »

Bowers did admit to seeing a flash of light or a puff of smoke behind the fence as the motorcade passed. Being in a glass-enclosed tower, he probably did not hear the report of a shot. But he testified to suspicious activity before and after the shots. Before--three separate automobiles drove slowly around the parking lot as if they were searching the area...After--he saw three tramps climb onto a railroad car.Tim
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

tpfleming wrote:Bowers did admit to seeing a flash of light or a puff of smoke behind the fence as the motorcade passed. Being in a glass-enclosed tower, he probably did not hear the report of a shot. But he testified to suspicious activity before and after the shots. Before--three separate automobiles drove slowly around the parking lot as if they were searching the area...After--he saw three tramps climb onto a railroad car.Tim Fleming ... bTV.comTim, you are right. Bower may have been the most important witness of them all when all is said and done regarding the JFK assassination.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by JDB4JFK »

I really think that Lansdale or someone else with a suit on that day was the other shooter behind the fence just as the deaf witness stated. Sorry I've forgot his name. I beleive it was the first shot that hit Kennedy in the throat then Lansdale tossed the gun to the pretend rail worker who broke down the gun and put it in his case heading off accross the tracks. Then seconds after that Files shoots the fatal shot and everybody pauses for a few seconds in disbelief, given Files time to break down his gun and put it in the case, and as he walks away from the scene people start rushing the knoll, and Lansdale runs out to greet them with phony SS badges. Why Files is leaving this part out I don"t know but I do beleive the deaf guy and Bowers version of two men behind the fence because they have no reason to lie. Are any of the witnesses still alive that rush the knoll and were greeted by the phony SS guy? If so can we show them pictures of Lansdale and see if he was the guy with the phony SS badges?Also next time you talk to Files ask him if he was ever druged by the CIA! Because how else can a young blooded American boy, who enlisted in the army to fight for his country be "Brainwashed" into shooting The President and act like it was just like taking out the garbage. That's COLD BLOODED!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

JDB4JFK wrote:I really think that Lansdale or someone else with a suit on that day was the other shooter behind the fence just as the deaf witness stated. Sorry I've forgot his name. I beleive it was the first shot that hit Kennedy in the throat then Lansdale tossed the gun to the pretend rail worker who broke down the gun and put it in his case heading off accross the tracks. Then seconds after that Files shoots the fatal shot and everybody pauses for a few seconds in disbelief, given Files time to break down his gun and put it in the case, and as he walks away from the scene people start rushing the knoll, and Lansdale runs out to greet them with phony SS badges. Why Files is leaving this part out I don"t know but I do beleive the deaf guy and Bowers version of two men behind the fence because they have no reason to lie. Are any of the witnesses still alive that rush the knoll and were greeted by the phony SS guy? If so can we show them pictures of Lansdale and see if he was the guy with the phony SS badges?Also next time you talk to Files ask him if he was ever druged by the CIA! Because how else can a young blooded American boy, who enlisted in the army to fight for his country be "Brainwashed" into shooting The President and act like it was just like taking out the garbage. That's COLD BLOODED!The possible drugging-of-Files issue is a good question, but I don't think that was necessary. If people like Files already thought that JFK was basically committing treason with his policies, they would gladly have killed him thinking that they were doing something GOOD. Also, look at what they told Danial Marvin when he was in Special Forces. A CIA man asked him to kill one of the witnesses to the JFK assassination, Pitzer, and he was told something about Pitzer being a spy or selling secrets to the enemy. A young special forces soldier would have been GLAD to eliminate someone like that, but the reality was that Pitzer was really only a witness to JFK's body and its wounds. Regarding Bowers, I believe he was in the PERFECT spot to have witnessed a lot. If I could go back in time to just OBSERVE the assassination, that's exactly where I'd want to a tall tower BEHIND the picket fence to see what happened there.