JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob:This week many bullet points have been collected in President Obama's negative column. Far more than I ever envisioned.Obama is providing more, and ever escalating wars for the Military Industrial Complex.You have just noted more "Ruling Elites" as recipients of "Obama Bucks."And today,Obama was in Copenhagen pushing The Global Warming Climate Control nonsense, ala Jesse Ventura, Volume 03.Where will Obama be by February, 2010 ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 1056
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Post by ChristophMessner »

Obama will still run around the globe from summit to summit cause there is so much to eat for free ...
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
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Post by tom jeffers »

get ready for a bumpy ride. gold and silver are going down and will be a good time to buy for the long term. the stock market is headed south probably to meet up with the jobs that were lost in the last few years. there is no straight up or down, there will be good and bad days but from here on count on mostly bad days unless you invest for the dow or others to go down. pm me and i will give you the names of a few etf funds that will benefit greatly on a bust economy.cheerstom
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I don't enjoy being negative howerver feeling we as a family here I wantto say something in a positive way.IN CASE OF a major failure please have a good supply, at least a 3 month, of non perisable food and waterand ammunition, i prefer 22 cal because of the weight if you need to carry it.also a good quality wrist rocket (sling shot). and anything else you might need.Food in a freezer is no good, don't get caught having all this stuff and not being able to protect it. The main thing to remember is personal up with 2 or 3 other people you trust and pick the safest easiest place to protect.If it is known you have anything like food, cigaretts ect the havenot's will come after yours.I certainly hope it never comes to this but you better be ready for it. should it happen, there will not be time then.
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Post by andries »

Short off what ?As long as i can have my minestronesup there,s nothingwrong with me
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
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Post by tom jeffers »

boys and ladies,today was the day. this was the start of the next big downturn in the economy, it will be worst than last time. if i could have predicted when, i would be rich today. the technicals were in line for it to happen. i have said my warnings earlier. i hope you all have covered yourself. it may take a few months for this to unfold but it looks like a definate before the years end.namaste'
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Tomi respect you judgement and professionalism.I stocked up on food before last years end.A question, how do you factor in that we have a false economy long as they can print paper and it be accepted as paymentwhy do you think it would fold up unless they want it to?Back in 1979 several of us thought it was over on the market rise to over 1000there were articles posted about the "Upright Spike of 79"that was considered the summit and the market would just fall back on itself and collapse?of course that simple observation did not come true but a lot of other things happened?your thoughts?
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
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Post by tom jeffers »

joe,the goal is to break the dollar. the dollar is one of the things standing in the way of a new world order or new world government. if you lose everything to your rich banker he is richer. these guys ultimately want us to fight each other and kill off a majority of the world so they can have it all. it gets pretty deep. if you got food and supplies and at least a little silver bullion to trade for other items you will be ok. we will be getting into hyperinflation from all the dollars being printed and as soon as china decides it is time, they will dump our debt on the open market and then our dollar will be worthless.namaste
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Tom - I met with Jimmy today, he said to say Hi ! Tom - I was watching MSNBC about the U.S. Economy, and the bp Oil Tsunami when your above Post of 06.30.2010 appeared under your Headline entitled ECONOMY, originally Posted 09.04.2009.You appear to be deadly accurate.Tom, and those interested in the ECONOMY please re-evaluate my 09.20.2007 Headline Post, The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger With Mexico And Canada, by Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Dealey Joe »

Well I am sorry to inform you all that with the passing of new LEGISLATIONlast night in the US congress, our future financial problems are solved.Now you will have nothing to debate.They stayed up all night to accomplish this feat