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Who is Tom Hanks and why it matters

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:16 pm
by Phil Dragoo
KenThe Ryan schtick was actually PR. Was the Hanks Ryan movie to trivialize the most dramatic day in the greatest war America has yet fought?Hanks heaps scorn on America's racism in the video I linked. I lost a family member at Little Anna River May 25, 1864. We talk about ballistics here all the time--can we contemplate getting one of those lead Minie Balls "in an arm"--hey, hey, that was my arm, now it's over there and I'm over here.Hanks is something we would scrape off our shoes.To actually punk yourself for the pukes who took out Kennedy so they could sell helicopters and build ports and import drugs--because they didn't fight the Vietnam War to beat the North Vietnamese Communists.Here's yet another proof I offer that LBJ had no intention of winning that war so starting it with the phony Tonkin Gulf "incident" and killing the thousands of our good and decent was a crime: was no more "WWIII" that kept LBJ from granting the JCS their permission, any more than it was "WWIII" that made LBJ push the lone-nut theory--it was unspeakable corruption.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:10 pm
by kenmurray
Phil, Jesse Ventura mentioned the Gulf Of Tonkin farce on BOR. He said he was on that program "The View" the other day and those women asked him what about the 3,000 people that died on 9/11. He replied by saying what about the 58,000 that died and the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that never happened. They had no response because they were so ignorance of the facts and never did any research on it.

Framing the debate

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:38 am
by Phil Dragoo
Ken, the Vietnam War was predicated on a contrived provocation. In my view the principled approach would have been to say we in the United States support a government selected by the people of Vietnam not forced on them by either the armies of Ho Chi Minh or the repression of any Saigon regime. Elections can be conducted in dangerous times--in the U.S. we held them during two world wars.I find it hilarious--and I wonder it wasn't more widely reported--that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sternly objected that the government of Vietnam had not allowed its democracy advocates more freedom of speech as they'd promised her.Oh, Hillary, Hillary--did you not notice Tiananmen Square; had you not observed the repression of these "peoples republics"--Much is said of the farce of the two-party system--yet no one calls out the so-called progressives when they fail to protect the people they pretend to prefer.I posit that we who insist on truth in the murder of Kennedy and the contrivance of that war are such a minority--look at Democratic Underground, Huffington Post, and any purportedly progressive organ--it's Warren wall-to-wall.Just as one finds on the right.We who insist on truth and justice can't seem to mount a mass movement--no, mass movements are by their Hofferian nature unthinking.True revolutionaries insist that every person think, and thinking persons insist on justice. Therein is the critics' manifesto and declaration of independence. Dulles railed that Kennedy "thought he was a god"--and what did Dulles and the national security state elite think they are--chopped liver?Let us rededicate ourselves to truth--which is the basis for our objection to Hanks and the ranks of Warren, Posner, Bugliosi, Dunkel and the rest.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:31 pm
by kenmurray
Phil have you heard of the book "Biting the Elephant" by Rodger Remington? Jim D bought the book and recommends it: ... biting+the

Jim DiEugenio reading recommendation

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:18 pm
by Phil Dragoo
I will be following Jim's advice on three books treating the medical evidence:Gary Aguilar and David Mantik essay in Murder in Dealey Plaza.Gary Aguilar and Cyril Wecht essay in reissue of Trauma Room One.In The Eye of History by William Matson Law.It occurs that Hanks et al are planning on 2013 as it will be the fiftieth anniversary of the coup d'etat.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:39 pm
by Charles Rinehart
I am sorry to hear Tom Hanks, with his power, would actually back the warren Commission.It's time to show what really happened and not fear those that would silence the truth.What is the truth? Probably closer to JFK than most people would be comfortable with. Unfortunately, our country is run by corporations that thrive on ignorance, and the "latest thing".When you think about it, if the truth would come out, you'd have chaos. Myself, I'd welcome such a thing.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:07 pm
by Charles Rinehart
I think we know that were the truth become known, the "American Way" would be exposed for what it is-a dream that doesn't happen unless you're dreaming.Vietnam was a farce-created explicitly to further the MIC. Unfortunately, some people call this "kook thinking".So was Iraq-so was 9/11-there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the Pentagon wasn't hit by a plane at all-some key explosives.The horror of it was over 3000 people died for the MIC-for profit, and to get the US to blindly strike out at something. BS.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:12 pm
by Charles Rinehart
I wouldn't call Hanks a punk...but then again, if he's going to make a film about the Kennedy Tragedy from the point of the Warren Commission he does a disservice to people who know better.I liked Band of Brothers, and Saving Private Ryan-good movies. But that doesn't mean I'll give him a pass on JFK. Not if he does it according to the Warren Commission. No way.

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:24 pm
by Kirk
Bob,Spaghetti western are all based on shakespeare.I am still working on my letter to Hanks. I keep thinking that he pulling a prank on everybody.KirkMoe was epic with his slapping ability. He was also pretty good with the two finger poke. But Kirk's example was even better. WOW! What a bad ass! [/quote]

Re: Tom Hanks is going ahead with his JFK assassination project

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:24 pm
by Kirk
Welcome Charles